The Mind of an Entrepreneur

Jay Gotra
5 min readJan 21, 2016


Whether you have are launching your own personal venture or expanding on an already existing business, one of the most pressing priorities you will need to do as a business leader is to develop and strengthen your entrepreneurial mindset. As an entrepreneur, building a business takes a large amount of time, work, and sacrifice. While draining as it can be, the end result is always worth it. But for this to be done you need to develop an attitude that embraces the overall risk and initiatives involved when becoming your own boss.

So who do you need to become? What do you have to change when running your own business?

In reality, that question changes on a daily basis depending on the situation. But the overall holistic characteristic and definition of an entrepreneur is an individual who is a visionary leader that believes in the impossible and is willing to risk, aggravate, or influence a market with a passion in creating a new and opportunistic change into an already stale system. Furthermore, entrepreneurs face an innate ability to survive. For them, any decision, any choice takes time. They not only see paths and avenues of how it can benefit them personally, but also their company and their employees financially and individually. Regardless of what the outcome is, entrepreneurs accept and adapt to these challenging decisions and take full responsibility for better or for worst.

This might sound like an ambitious persona, but that is what it takes to a true and successful business leader within your company. Below, you will find five habits that cultivate the overall mindset of a successful entrepreneur. If this sounds like you, great! If not, that is okay. To be at this level takes time. All you need to do is learn from yourself.

Learn from Failure and Move On

“I haven’t failed. I just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” ~ Thomas Edison

One of my favorites says is, “Do not look at failure as a disappointment, but as an opportunity for success.” While failure and disappointment can be difficult, see this as a positive. Instead of being ashamed of the problem and mishap that you have made, seek valuable lessons from those events. Use those times as a foundation for you to learn from your mistakes. Bare in mind, many successful entrepreneurs have made the same mistakes as you. The only difference is what you are able to do with them.

Stand Out

No, you do not have to be the verbose extrovert you see with Mark Cuban or Steve Jobs. While those personal skills are beneficial, true successful entrepreneurs stand out by embracing their uniqueness. Celebrate what makes you and your company different. Stand out from the crowd and differentiate from your competitors. Think about Steve Jobs’ journey to success. While Windows already saturated a popular and loyal market, Jobs continued to follow his dreams. He even pushed the limits with the music and entertainment industry. If he did not do that, we would not have the innovative technology that is accessible to the public today.

Embrace Life-Long Learning

“If you stop learning, you stop creating history. Eventually you become history.”

The quickest way to stagnation is to be unopened and close-minded to new modes of thinking. As an entrepreneur, you are defined by your ability to adapt to change. To adjust to change is not accepting and moving on. Instead it is learning the new expectations that can lead to success under the new conditions. This is important because at the end of the day, the public’s interest today will be incredibly different from a year from now (five years from now, ten years from now). To succeed with your business, you need to reinvent yourself and in order to do that you need to be in a constant state of learning. This type of education will allow you to grow both personally and professions as you continue to impact your company in a variety of ways.

Set Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

“If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.”

Goal setting is another way for you to both inspire and challenge yourself in the future. But remember, for this to be beneficial, you need to set quality and tangible goals for both you and your company. Do not settle for simple goals you know you can hit. As a business leader, settings various goals or projections can only be beneficial because there is absolutely no downside to doing so. Yes, it can be disappointing to not hit them, but to see the passion, drive, and push from your workers can be almost everything. In reality, long-term goals and set visions can innovate your products, inspire and drive your workers, and enhance consistency all across the board.

To learn more about creating long-term beneficial goals, take a look at this article here.

Follow Through with your Goals

“If something is important enough, you should try it even if the probable outcome is failure.” ~ Elon Musk

No matter what the goal or the dream is, make sure that you always follow through. For millions of Americans, many people veer away from entrepreneurial field because of the high amount of risk that goes in to owning your own business. If you have an idea or you want to change direction for your business, do it! Just make sure that it is purposeful and beneficial for your company. Yes, there will be some hesitation in the decision. But that is normal. Just accept it and see where it can take you.

Originally published at



Jay Gotra

Jay Gotra was born and raised in India but currently lives in East Greenwich, Rhode Island. Today, Jay is the CEO of Alliance Security.