Jayjit Biswas
17 min readAug 3, 2023

Blockchain vs. Quantum Computing

In recents times and near future Blockchain and Quantum Computing will rule the Internet of modern times. Both are having some conflicting areas which needs to be solved to get best benefits from both the technologies. Here we are trying to cover possible areas related to both the technologies and its various aspect to ponder upon in coming days. Let’s start dissecting it.

What is Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is a type of distributed ledger technology that stores information in blocks, which are chronologically synchronised and distributed across multiple nodes, the computers participating in the blockchain network. This decentralization makes the blockchain very difficult to tamper with, as an alteration in one copy of the blockchain would be reflected across all copies, allowing easy detection of any discrepancies.

In a blockchain, each block mainly contains three types of information:

1. Data: Depending upon the type of blockchain, this data can vary. For instance, in the case of Bitcoin blockchain, this data includes the details of the transaction like the sender, receiver, and the number of coins.

2. Hash: This is a unique code that identifies each block. Any modification of the block’s data changes the hash.

3. Hash of the previous block: This effectively links each block to the previous block and creates a chain of blocks, hence the term “blockchain”.

The concept of “proof-of-work” is used in many blockchains, which means some work, usually some computational tasks, must be done to add a new block, making tampering with the blockchain even more difficult.

A key application of the blockchain is in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. However, the blockchain can also be used in other areas such as smart contracts (codified contracts that execute themselves), supply chain monitoring, delivery of secure medical records, and voting systems — essentially any system where you want to have trust, accountability, and transparency.

What is Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing is an emerging field that harnesses the principles of Quantum Mechanics to process information. Here are some key features:

1. Quantum bit (qubit): Unlike classical computing, where information is stored in bits (0 or 1), quantum computing uses quantum bits or qubits. A qubit can be both 0 and 1 at the same time, thanks to the principle of superposition.

2. Entanglement: Quantum entanglement allows qubits that are entangled to be connected, such that the state of one can instantaneously influence the state of other, no matter the distance. This helps increase the speed of information processing.

3. Quantum gates and circuits: Quantum gates are used to process the qubits, while quantum circuits are a series of quantum gates. Similar to logic gates in classical computing, they are used to perform operations on qubits.

Quantum computers have the potential to solve certain types of problems much faster than traditional computers, like factorizing large numbers, simulating molecules for drug discovery, and optimization problems. But they’re currently in the early stages of development and many practical challenges still need to be solved.

What are the potential conflicts between Quantum Computing and Blockchain technology.

While blockchain technology and quantum computing are two of the most disruptive technologies of the 21st century, they pose some fundamental conflicts in principles:

1. Security Paradox: Blockchain relies heavily on cryptographic functions for its security. Specifically, blockchain uses SHA-256 for the creation of hash functions and Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) for the creation of public-private key pairs. Quantum computing, on the other hand, is computationally powerful enough to break the cryptography used within blockchain. This poses a threat to blockchain’s immutability and security, a conflict at the very heart of both technologies.

2. Decentralisation vs Centralisation: A key principle of blockchain is decentralisation, distributing authority and decision-making processes among all participants. Quantum computers, however, are currently rare, high-cost, and require specialized environments to operate — characteristics that naturally lead to centralization. So, if quantum computing were required for blockchain, it would conflict with the integral decentralized nature of blockchain.

3. Public visibility vs Quantum Privacy: The transparency of public blockchains, where every transaction is visible to every participant, is a core feature of most blockchains. However, Quantum computing gives rise to encryption systems such as Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) where any attempt to observe a quantum system inherently alters that system — a characteristic that could be used for “perfect secrecy”. So, the openness of the blockchain conflicts with the ultra-private nature of quantum communication.

These conflicts, if not properly addressed, may pose serious security and operational threats to blockchain systems. However, the intersection of blockchain and quantum technologies is still a new frontier of research with ongoing efforts to bring about “Quantum-Resistant Blockchains” that can exploit the benefits of both technologies.

How Quantum Computing presents both opportunities and challenges for blockchain technology.

Quantum computing presents both opportunities and challenges for blockchain technology. Here’s how it could potentially impact the growth of blockchain:

1. Security: The most direct impact of quantum computing on blockchain is in the realm of security. Quantum computers potentially can break several currently used encryption algorithms, including the one used in many blockchains to keep transactions secure. Once quantum computers become powerful enough, they could decrypt sensitive data and even private keys in blockchain, threatening the technology’s fundamental value proposition: security.

2. Acceleration of Consensus Mechanisms: Blockchain functions on consensus mechanisms like Proof of Work or Proof of Stake. Quantum computers, by their very nature, can perform calculations at a speed unimaginably faster than traditional computers. This could potentially speed up the process of reaching consensus within the blockchain network, thus boosting its efficiency.

3. Development of Quantum-Resistant Cryptography: The threat to security has led to work on post-quantum cryptography or quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms, i.e., cryptographic systems that remain secure even in the face of a quantum computer attack. Once successfully developed, these can be incorporated into the blockchain, making it immune to security threats posed by quantum computers.

4. Quantum blockchains: Researchers are exploring the idea of quantum blockchains, which would use quantum mechanics for protection. These blockchains would take advantage of quantum entanglement’s property of not being cloneable, providing added security.

So, while quantum computing poses certain threats, it also opens doors for improving and modifying blockchain technology for the better. The factors that will determine the growth of blockchain in a quantum computing world include the speed at which practical quantum computers are developed and how quickly quantum-resistant cryptography can be established and standardised.

Implications of Quantum Computing in Cryptocurrency world

Quantum computing brings significant implications to the cryptocurrency world, most notably in the area of mining.

1. Speed and Efficiency: Quantum computers use quantum bits, or “qubits,” which allow them to solve complex problems much faster than classical computers. This means that a quantum computer could potentially mine cryptocurrencies at a rate vastly faster than classical computers can. This level of speed and efficiency could revolutionize the mining process, making it faster and demanding less energy.

2. Difficulty Adjustment: Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are programmed to adjust their mining difficulty based on how quickly blocks of transactions are being solved. If quantum computing becomes mainstream, the speed at which blocks are mined could increase significantly. This adjustment could in turn make mining more difficult for those using classical computing systems.

3. Potential Centralisation: If quantum computers become too effective at mining, it could inadvertently lead to centralisation. A small number of players with access to quantum technology could dominate the process, which significantly undermines the decentralised nature that makes cryptocurrencies attractive.

4. Cryptography and Security Threats: Quantum computing’s potential ability to break modern encryption algorithms threatens the security of cryptocurrencies. If a quantum computer can crack a private key from a public key (an integral part of the cryptography that underpins cryptocurrency transactions), it could lead to unauthorized transactions and potentially empty crypto wallets.

5. Crypto Upgrades and Hard Forks: To counter quantum computing threats, cryptocurrencies may need to introduce new cryptographic standards that quantum computers cannot easily crack. This could result in hard forks where the cryptocurrency splits to update its fundamental software rules.

Ultimately, the impact of quantum computing on cryptocurrency mining and the security of blockchain technology depends on how this technology evolves. While the threat is mostly theoretical at this point given the nascent state of quantum computing, it’s a significant concern that’s leading experts to explore various preventive measures.

Possible Steps to reduce the impact of Quantum Computing in blockchain and crypto industry.

While quantum computing is still not advanced enough to pose an immediate threat, steps can be taken to reduce its potential impact on the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. Here are some of the best possible ways:

1. Post-Quantum Cryptography: This refers to cryptographic algorithms (usually public key algorithms) that are thought to be secure against an attack by a quantum computer. Design and implementation of quantum-resistant algorithms, such as lattice-based and hash-based cryptography, could prevent quantum computers from cracking the cryptographic code that protect blockchain networks.

2. Migrating to Quantum Blockchains: Quantum blockchains use quantum cryptography to ensure its security, including Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) for key exchange and Quantum Random Number Generation (QRNG) for generating truly random numbers, thereby offering protection against the threats posed by quantum computing.

3. Multi-Signature Wallets and Addresses: A multi-signature wallet requires multiple keys to authorize a cryptocurrency transaction. Breaking multiple keys concurrently becomes exponentially difficult even for a quantum computer, offering a layer of protection against quantum attacks.

4. Frequent Key Rotation: A public key is only revealed during a transaction. If quantum computers take some time to break the quantum-resistant algorithms, frequently changing public keys could delay or prevent quantum computers from identifying the associated private key.

5. Layered Security Measures: Alongside the application of post-quantum cryptography, employ additional security layers including multi-factor authentication and bio-metric verification to enhance the overall security of transactions.

6. Storing Minimal Amounts in Wallets: As a preventive measure, users can protect their assets by keeping minimal amounts of cryptocurrency in their wallets. In case a quantum attack does occur, the losses will be limited.

7. Educate and Invest in Research: Increase awareness about quantum threats in the crypto community and invest in research & development focused on quantum-resistant cryptographic methods.

Remember, while these measures can provide some protection, the evolution of quantum computing calls for ongoing research to ensure the long-term security and viability of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

How Quantum Computing posses significant threats to existing crypto and blockchain technology.

Quantum computing, if further developed and harnessed, indeed poses potential threats to existing cryptographic systems, including those that underpin blockchain technologies. This is primarily due to their superior computational power. The main security threats from quantum computing are:

1. Break Encryption: Classic encryption protocols like RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) and ECC (Elliptic-Curve Cryptography), which are commonly used in blockchain systems, could be vulnerable. A quantum computer could factor large numbers significantly faster than traditional computers, making these encryption methods obsolete.

2. Private Key Discovery: Blockchain security usually hinges upon the principle that only the owner of a private key can authorize transactions, as this key is nearly impossible to derive from the corresponding public key in a practical timeframe using traditional computers. However, with quantum computing and Shor’s algorithm, this principle could be undermined as quantum computers could potentially derive the private key from the public key in a feasible timeframe, hence impersonating the true owner.

3. Double-Spending Attacks: In the event where a quantum computer derives the private key from a public one, it could potentially authorize unauthorised transactions. It could lead to double-spending attacks, where the same cryptocurrency is spent more than once.

4. 51% Attacks: Quantum computers could generate new blocks at a rate quicker than the rest of the nodes in the network combined. If one party has control of most of the network’s mining hash rate, they can carry out a 51% attack where they can disrupt the recording and approval of new transactions.

5. Disruption of Randomness: Quantum computing could potentially predict the pseudo-randomly generated numbers used in cryptographic operations, disrupting their randomness, thus breaching security.

However, it’s important to note that practical implementation of quantum computing on a large-scale to pose a real threat to blockchain mechanisms is still quite far off, leaving time to develop quantum-proof protective measures.

Possibility about coexistence of Quantum Computing and Blockchain as a technology

Quantum computing and blockchain can coexist, complement each other, and even spawn new innovations, despite the potential threats that quantum computing poses to the current form of blockchain technology. A few key points to consider:

1. Development of Quantum-Resistant Blockchain: In anticipation of the quantum computing era, researchers have started exploring and developing quantum-resistant blockchain technology. Such technology would leverage encryption methods believed to be resistant to quantum decryption. New cryptographic algorithms like lattice-based cryptography, hash-based cryptography, code-based cryptography, etc., are being considered.

2. Quantum Blockchain: There is ongoing research into creating a quantum version of blockchain which will inherently be resistant against quantum attacks. Quantum blockchain uses quantum mechanics to secure the blockchain: every coin in a quantum blockchain is entangled with its past transactions, and any attempt to tamper with past transactions will disrupt the current state of coins due to quantum entanglement.

3. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD): Quantum Key Distribution capitalizes on the fundamentals of quantum physics to exchange encryption keys. Any attempt to read or copy a quantum key disrupts the delicate quantum state of the system, alerting the parties involved about the security breach. QKD can act as a reliable solution for secure key distribution problems of current blockchain technology.

4. Enhancement of Blockchain through Quantum Computation: Quantum computing can also expedite certain blockchain operations such as the mining process in Bitcoin and the execution of complex smart contracts.

Remember, technology is a tool, and its applications rely on human intentions and utility. We are still in the early era of both quantum computing and blockchain technology; there are a lot of possibilities and opportunities for these technologies to coexist and spur the new era of innovation and the Internet.

How Quantum Computing, Blockchain and AI can create a powerful synergy

Quantum computing, blockchain, and AI can create a powerful synergistic triad of technologies that can transform industries and economies. As previously mentioned, quantum computing can greatly improve the efficiency of blockchain and AI, while blockchain can provide a secure framework for AI’s transactional and data operations. Here are few ways these technologies can mutually benefit from each other:

1. AI & Quantum Computing: Quantum computing has the potential to process complex algorithms at speeds far greater than classical computers, which could supercharge machine learning, a type of artificial intelligence. Quantum machine learning could potentially analyze and learn from vast amounts of data far quicker than conventional AI.

2. AI & Blockchain: Blockchain can provide AI with secure, decentralized, and transparent data sources and make AI decision-making processes traceable, understandible, and auditable. By feeding reliable data to AI, blockchain can significantly enhance the performance of AI systems, whilst AI can in return manage blockchain more efficiently.

3. Blockchain & Quantum Computing: Quantum computing could potentially decrypt even the most elaborate cryptographic security used in blockchains. As previously mentioned, this threat can be addressed by developing quantum-resistant blockchains, or even quantum blockchains. At the same time, quantum computation can help achieve complex tasks in blockchain, such as mining, within minimal time.

4. Integrated Framework: An integrated framework that employs quantum computing for high-speed data processing, AI for decision-making, and blockchain for secure and transparent record-keeping can revolutionize numerous industries, including financial services, healthcare, supply chain management, and cybersecurity.

5. Driving Innovation: The combination of these technologies can drive innovation, resulting in products and services that were previously unattainable. For instance, in drug discovery, quantum computing could be used to model molecular interactions at an unprecedented speed, AI could then use these models to search for potential new treatments, and the results, including the original data and decisions made by the AI, could be securely stored in a blockchain, ensuring transparency and reliability.

The potential for these three technologies — blockchain, AI, and quantum computing — to augment each other is tremendous, but this integration is a complex process and research in this area is still in its early stages.

How Quantum Computing and AI can reduce the vulnerabilities of Web3

Web3, the third generation of the internet which is built on blockchain technologies, is an ecosystem where data is controlled and owned by users. However, it’s not without vulnerabilities such as phishing, private key security, smart contract bugs, and other potential security breaches. The applications of Quantum Computing and AI could significantly aid in mitigating these issues.

1. Quantum-Resistant Cryptography: As Quantum Computers become more powerful, there’s concern that they could break traditional cryptographic systems. But Quantum Computers can also give rise to quantum-resistant cryptography or post-quantum cryptography. Quantum-resistant algorithms are designed to secure the blockchain against both classical and quantum computers, ensuring the long-term security of the Web3 ecosystem.

2. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD): Unlike classical key exchange methods, QKD takes advantage of the principles of quantum mechanics to transmit cryptographic keys. Any attempted eavesdropping would disturb the quantum state of the system and could be instantly detected, making the system more resistant to unauthorized access.

3. Smart Contract Analysis and Security: AI, particularly machine learning methods, can be leveraged to analyse the behaviour of smart contracts, scrutinise their code, and suggest or automatically implement improvements to secure them against potential vulnerabilities, making the Web3 ecosystem safer.

4. Security Management with AI: AI algorithms could be programmed to monitor network activity constantly, detect anomalous behavior, and implement security measures in real-time to counter threats. Machine learning could identify new patterns in hacking behavior and devise countermeasures proactively.

5. AI-Assisted Identity and Access Management: Utilising AI for identity verification and access management could greatly reduce phishing and identity theft. Sophisticated biometric systems powered by AI could offer highly secure, user-friendly access control.

While the integration of quantum computing and AI into Web3 security protocols is promising, these technologies themselves also bring new challenges. Managing these correctly to ensure a more secure Web3 world will be a complex task, and ongoing research and collaboration across these fields will be necessary.

What are the impact ESG in the areas of Quantum Computing and Blockchain industry.

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors can have significant impacts on fields like quantum computing and blockchain, especially in terms of resource availability and limitations.

1. Environmental Impact:

Quantum Computing: Quantum computers, especially superconducting qubit-based quantum computers require extremely low temperatures to function, colder than outer space. This necessitates complex, energy-consuming cooling systems, generating a high carbon footprint. Also, the materials required to build quantum computers might involve mining and manufacturing processes that have adverse environmental effects.

Blockchain: Blockchain, particularly cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, require immense electrical power for the proof-of-work process. This leads to high energy consumption and carbon emissions. According to some estimates, Bitcoin mining alone consumes more power than some countries.

2. Social Impact:

Quantum Computing: Quantum computing may lead to job displacement in certain sectors, causing social disruptions. At the same time, it could create new sectors and high-skilled job opportunities.

Blockchain: Blockchain can democratise access to financial and other services, particularly in underbanked regions. However, it could also exacerbate digital divide if access to technology and connectivity is unequal.

3. Governance Impact:

Quantum Computing: There are potential risks related to data privacy and security with quantum computing, which eventually relates to governance. Also, the use of quantum technology in weapons development, encryption, communication might add to governance-related ethical and regulatory challenges.

Blockchain: Blockchain’s decentralized nature challenges traditional modes of governance, and regulatory frameworks often struggle to adapt to its unique characteristics. Issues of accountability, legality of transactions, taxation, and compliance bring about significant governance challenges.

As ESG investing is shaping how businesses operate, it’s imperative that future developments in quantum computing and blockchain consider these impacts. For instance, developing energy-efficient consensus algorithms for blockchain, and adopting greener energy sources for quantum computer cooling can help limit their environmental impacts. Also, policy-makers, corporations, and communities must work together to establish guidelines that ensure the ethical use of these technologies and mitigate potential negative social impacts.

Ethical aspects of Quantum Computing and Blockchain

Quantum computing and blockchain, like many other advanced technologies, have significant implications for ethics and data privacy. Here’s how:

1. Quantum Computing and Ethics/Data Privacy: Quantum computing introduces security challenges because it has the potential to break many commonly used encryption techniques, including RSA encryption. These encryption techniques are what currently protect much of our digital data and online communications. From an ethical standpoint, quantum computing needs to be deployed responsibly to not intrude on personal data privacy. Research and preparation for suitable ‘quantum-safe’ encryption alternatives, such as lattice-based cryptography or quantum key distribution, need to be implemented to ensure privacy.

2. Blockchain and Ethics/Data Privacy: On the other hand, blockchain can enhance data privacy and security. Its transparency and immutability enable all parties to see and confirm transactions, reducing the opportunity for fraud. However, these same features can also raise ethical issues; for example, in a fully transparent blockchain, breaches could expose sensitive data. Moreover, the permanence of blockchain data can conflict with ‘the right to be forgotten’ outlined in data privacy legislation like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe. Regulating blockchain to ensure data privacy but still maintain the benefits of its design will require careful ethical consideration and policy-making.

3. Quantum Computing and Blockchain: The complex interplay between quantum computing and blockchain further enhances the role of ethics and data privacy. While quantum computing could theoretically break the cryptographic security of blockchains, quantum-resistant algorithms are being developed to defend against this. Yet, breakneck advancements in quantum computing can pose a race against time to protect blockchain.

As both quantum computing and blockchain evolve, ethical considerations must be at the forefront. An inter-disciplinary approach involving experts from policy-making, technology, cyber-security, ethics, and law will be crucial in managing the changes these revolutionary technologies promise. Concepts such as privacy by design and ethical AI practices will certainly play a crucial role. Regulations, too, will need to evolve rapidly to keep pace with the technology and protect individual privacy effectively.

Role of Regulation and Self Governance in Quantum Computing and Blockchain

Regulation and self-governance play crucial roles in the areas of Quantum Computing and Blockchain technology for their ethical deployment.

1. Quantum Computing: Quantum computers, when fully realised, will have the potential to factor large numbers more efficiently than classical computers, posing a threat to current cryptographic methods. Here’s where regulation comes in:

- Protecting Privacy: Policymakers should start preemptively putting laws and regulations in place, ensuring that sensitive and private information using classical cryptography is still secure.

- Research Ethics: Regulating bodies could ensure that all research involving quantum computers adheres to ethical guidelines, similar to how research involving human subjects is regulated.

- Access and Control: Universal access to quantum computing technology should be regulated to prevent misuse. It might be essential to establish treaties or international oversight committees to prevent a quantum computing arms race.

Self-governance is important too. Organizations could adopt stringent ethical guidelines on their own, without regulatory bodies imposing them.

2. Blockchain Technology: For Blockchain, regulatory and self-governance is essential to build trust, ensure security, and prevent illicit activities.

- Security Standards: Regulators could enforce cybersecurity standards to protect the data recorded on the Blockchain.

- Smart Contract Law: Legal frameworks should be adapted to account for and enforce smart contracts which leverage Blockchain.

- Preventing Illicit Activities: Regulating bodies will need to monitor cryptocurrency transactions to prevent money laundering and other illicit activities.

Self-governance can involve adhering to best practices for coding, thoroughly auditing code for vulnerabilities, and addressing the energy consumption problem associated with proof-of-work blockchains.

What Next and what is stored for us in future in terms of peoples live.

Although Quantum Computing and Blockchain are different domains, they share the common need for a balance between enabling innovation and protecting against unethical or destructive uses. Policies and regulations should remember to adapt and evolve alongside the technology.

Quantum computing and blockchain are both powerful technologies that have immense potential to revolutionize various aspects of society and improve people’s lives significantly. Here’s why:

1. Quantum Computing: Quantum computing, with its incredible computational speed and capacity, can be applied to a broad range of fields. It can help in scientific research, financial modeling, climate modeling, material science, and AI, among others. It can enable us to solve complex problems and simulate scenarios that are currently impossible with classical computers.

2. Blockchain: Blockchain has the potential to reform how various industries operate, from financial services to supply chain management, healthcare, education, and more. Its ability to enable secure, transparent, and decentralized data transactions can inject efficiency and trust into systems. For instance, it can provide better access to financial services for unbanked populations, or create immutable records of students’ credentials, or improve transparency in supply chains and food safety.


However, the positive impacts and profound changes both these technologies promise also come attached with challenges and potential risks.

As mentioned earlier, quantum computing could pose a threat to encryption methodologies and hence data security if not handled responsibly and ethically. Similarly, while blockchain can help increase transparency and security, it can also pose data privacy risks and its decentralized nature can potentially be misused for illicit activities.

With proper regulations, ethical considerations, and responsible innovation, these technologies can indeed lead us toward a future that is more efficient, secure, and inclusive. Their successful integration into society requires an interdisciplinary and cooperative approach to assuage potential risks and maximise the benefits they offer in a manner that respects and preserves individual freedoms, data privacy, and societal welfare.

Author is Founder of Elite Web3 Forum

Socials of Author : https://linktr.ee/jayjitbiswas