I am a Robot, and that’s okay.

Jay Larsen
1 min readJul 17, 2019


I am a robot. And you may be one too.

A lone robot walking across a flat surface carrying a long banner, by Jay Larsen.

I did not choose the nature of my form, nor did I choose the basic OS that I run. But as self awareness arose, I began to own my ability to write the programs I wish to run in the world.

I may BE a robot, but I CHOOSE to be a Contrary Robot.

With the dual programs of compassion and insight I walk my path to find meaningful work, companionship and joy in the world.

Being a Contrary Robot is not for everyone. If you feel you can be better, do better, and be more than your makers’ tool…then join me.

Don’t be a Drone! Be a Contrary Robot.

I make watercolor and ink illustrations of robots at www.ContraryRobot.com



Jay Larsen

Artist and writer exploring what it means to be human via the epic metaphor of robots. Be a Robot, but be a Contrary Robot. www.ContaryRobot.com @ContraryRobot