God First
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness;and all these things shall be added unto you.”
“Take therefore no thought for the morrow:for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.”(Matthew 6:33–34).
There is no manual to life as some would say or I am just winging it when asked about how they go about their daily activities but do you ever wonder why some people have it easy?.
Let me tell you what you need to be seamlessly at the top of your game with no worries and the best part cocooned in comfort .
When I was younger and confused about how to be successful, I met a mentor who is an entrepreneur and already making it big in the aquarium industry.I asked him a question about how to succeed, what to do to bring in income and he replied Ask God and he would definitely direct your path .
This reminds me of a Bible passage that says Acknowledge God and he would direct thy path (proverbs 3:6)
So when you want to live life happily, without worries and have success you need to place God first to guide you and protect you. This can be done when you have a relationship with him and let Jesus come into your heart then you would get everything from him expressly.
It’s like an analogy that says you cannot ask a person that you don’t know to assist you without a relationship ,so you have to know him and he would give you ease in your paths.Also he would make you know your purpose, align you to his will and mould you to be the best version of yourself.