Comprehensive Laravel Caching: Strategies for High-Performance Applications

Comprehensive Laravel Caching: Strategies for High-Performance Applications

Jayprakash Jangir
3 min readJul 2, 2024


Caching is a crucial aspect of web development that can significantly improve the performance and scalability of your Laravel applications. Laravel provides a comprehensive caching system with a variety of backend drivers to suit different needs. Here’s an in-depth look at Laravel caching, including its various aspects and how to use it effectively:

1. Caching Basics

Enabling Caching

Laravel’s caching system is configured in the config/cache.php file. By default, Laravel is configured to use the file cache driver, which stores cached objects in the filesystem. Other popular drivers include database, apc, memcached, redis, and dynamodb.

'driver' => env('CACHE_DRIVER', 'file'),

Available Cache Drivers

  • File: Stores cached data in the filesystem.
  • Database: Uses a relational database table to store cached data.
  • APC: Uses the APCu cache system.
  • Memcached: Uses the Memcached caching system.
  • Redis: Uses the Redis key-value store.
  • DynamoDB: Uses Amazon DynamoDB for caching.
  • Array: Stores cached data in a PHP array. Useful for testing.

2. Basic Cache Usage

Storing Items in the Cache

Cache::put('key', 'value', $seconds); // Store value for a specific time
Cache::put('key', 'value', now()->addMinutes(10)); // Store value for 10 minutes

Retrieving Items from the Cache

$value = Cache::get('key');

Retrieving and Storing a Default Value

$value = Cache::get('key', 'default');

Storing Items Forever

Cache::forever('key', 'value');

Removing Items from the Cache

Cache::forget('key'); // Remove a specific key
Cache::flush(); // Remove all items

3. Cache Tags

Cache tags allow you to tag related items and clear them all at once. This feature is not supported by all cache drivers, only those that support it, such as redis and memcached.

Cache::tags(['people', 'artists'])->put('John', $john, $minutes);
Cache::tags(['people', 'authors'])->put('Anne', $anne, $minutes);

// Accessing tagged cache
$john = Cache::tags(['people', 'artists'])->get('John');

// Flushing tagged cache
Cache::tags(['people', 'authors'])->flush();

4. Cache Helpers

Remembering Items

If the item does not exist in the cache, Laravel will execute the given Closure and cache its result:

$value = Cache::remember('users', $seconds, function () {
return DB::table('users')->get();

Remember Forever

$value = Cache::rememberForever('users', function () {
return DB::table('users')->get();

Retrieving and Deleting

Retrieve an item from the cache and then delete it:

$value = Cache::pull('key');

5. Cache Events

Laravel provides several events related to the cache, which you can listen to in your EventServiceProvider:

  • CacheHit
  • CacheMissed
  • KeyForgotten
  • KeyWritten

6. Advanced Caching Techniques

Atomic Locks

To prevent race conditions, you can use atomic locks provided by the Cache::lock method.

$lock = Cache::lock('foo', 10);

if ($lock->get()) {
// Perform some action...


// Alternatively, using the block method
Cache::lock('foo', 10)->block(5, function () {
// Perform some action...

Cache Configuration

Ensure your caching configuration is properly set up in config/cache.php to utilize different stores and to set default expiration times.

'default' => env('CACHE_DRIVER', 'file'),

'stores' => [
'file' => [
'driver' => 'file',
'path' => storage_path('framework/cache/data'),

'redis' => [
'driver' => 'redis',
'connection' => 'default',

7. Optimizing Cache Usage

Route Caching

Laravel’s route cache is a simple, fast way to speed up routes by caching the entire route configuration.

php artisan route:cache

Clear the route cache:

php artisan route:clear

Configuration Caching

Cache your configuration to speed up configuration loading.

php artisan config:cache

Clear the configuration cache:

php artisan config:clear

View Caching

Compile all of your Blade views into plain PHP code.

php artisan view:cache

Clear the compiled view files:

php artisan view:clear

8. Best Practices

  • Use the appropriate driver: Choose a cache driver that fits your application’s needs. Redis and Memcached are excellent choices for larger applications with heavy read/write operations.
  • Tag your caches: When possible, use tags to group related cache items for easier invalidation.
  • Expire caches appropriately: Set appropriate expiration times to ensure that stale data is not served to users.
  • Cache database queries: Use caching for frequently accessed database queries to reduce load on your database.
  • Monitor cache usage: Keep an eye on your cache usage to ensure it’s being used effectively and not growing uncontrollably.


Laravel’s caching system is powerful and flexible, allowing you to improve the performance and scalability of your applications significantly. By leveraging the various caching strategies and tools provided by Laravel, you can ensure your application runs efficiently, even under heavy load.

