Beto is the person America needs to elect as President in 2020!

Jay Prophet
2 min readJun 8, 2019


My name is Jeremiah Prophet and as a published journalist who has severe Cerebral Palsy, I am endorsing Beto O’Rourke as our next Vice President. Beto’s compassionate vision for America is exactly what our country needs at this crucial moment in time. Whether it is installing civility in our nation’s broken immigration system or taking care of people with special needs, Beto is the perfect candidate to put America back together. Beto’s policy on controlling skyrocketing prescription drug prices would be allowing the government to negotiate with companies hereby creating competition in the marketplace helping people like me. Beto’s fighting stance against Education Secretary Betsy Devos’s unethical position on cutting funding for public schools is an another reason I am supporting Beto. I would not be here writing this column if Devos was in charge of our Department of Education when I went to school. My family could not have afforded the technological equipment I needed to succeed in my education under Devos’s leadership. Beto’s spokesman Chris Evans was quoted in the Texas Tribune as saying, “He has made it clear that our focus should be on, and our taxpayer dollars should go towards, public school classrooms where the majority of American students attend. “ An another argument why I am supporting Beto is he endorses an expansion of Medicaid for families who have children with disabilities. In a July 2018 Facebook post, Beto wrote, “Working families with disabled children can get help from the Medicaid buy-in program, but they can’t qualify for it if they earned more than 150% of the fed poverty level ($36,750) for a family of 4 living in Tx. This leaves those who most need care without it. Many families register on first — come first — served basis for aid, equipment, home care, and other services. But these lists can stretch more than 10 years. And because Texas declined to expand Medicaid, supportng Beto is his view on how Climate Change provides a vital threat to America’s national security. Beto correctly inserts our world has only twelve years to fix the dastardly effects of Climate Change. Beto points to the analysis of the U. N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which states the world must make sharp deductions in carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 to keep global temperatures under 2 degrees C (3.6 degrees F) to have any plausible chance to averting catastrophic Climate Change. I am supporting Beto due to the fact he is the mirror image of RFK. Beto’s charismatic sense of fighting for what is right was exactly why America fell in love with RFK. I certainly hope our nation chooses to bring an another Camelot to Washington in November 2020!



Jay Prophet

My name is Jeremiah Prophet and I am a journalist who has severe Cerebral Palsy ! I have written 19 articles fighting the Trump presidency