I’m (finally) taking the leap and
getting out of my comfort zone.
I’m building an app for IH in public.

3 min read4 days ago


Hey fellows!

I put myself out of my comfort zone, I dared, and I decided to build something I’m passionate about.

Before diving in, few words about me

I’m not comfortable speaking in public, showing myself, and being out there on social media. I’ve loved Lego from the youngest age I can remember, which led me to coding and building. Also, from my teenage years, I was passionate about founders’ stories. They are so inspiring to me — building amazing things from nothing.

Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

Today, I’m an iOS developer with 14+ years of experience, and I’ve been in multiple startups. In January 2024, I decided to build side projects and push myself to show up every day on social media. I quickly discovered the #buildinpublic community on 𝕩.

It has been almost 6 months, and this is the result:
→ Poor growth (~400 followers)
→ 1 project I dropped in early development
→ 1 project released and launched on Microlaunch: no traction, so I dropped it
→ 3 personal branding changes

However, I see the bright side:
→ I met amazing people building and sweating to reach their goals
→ I learned a lot. It’s one of my addictions and my best quality: I’m a quick learner. I consumed so much content about business, solopreneurship, indie hacking, marketing, and more…

What’s next?

I’ve been accepted into BuildSpace season 5, and I’m taking this opportunity to be consistent and go until the end this time. Be fully committed. Market research, build fast, ship fast, get feedback, and launch my app on product platforms.
I want this win to consolidate my self-confidence, to go out of my comfort zone by coding a website, doing marketing, showing myself, etc. So I’m going for it until the end.

Photo by Nathan Shipps on Unsplash

What’s the idea?

When I started in January 2024, I was totally lost: I’m good at coding, but that’s all.

Building a business is not just coding — it’s like what, 20%?

There is so much content to read and watch: it can be tedious and, most of all, it takes a lot of time!

I took this pain point, got a solution — an idea — and this is my project for the next 6 weeks (BuildSpace season 5 time).

I want a website where my 6-months-ago self can be there for a few hours and learn the basics from the best. Connect with people like him, subscribe to curated content and not clickbait newsletters. A place to learn and grow without interrupting/slowing what matters: building and shipping products.

Final words

I’m just beginning the building right now. I’m sharing my journey in a transparent way on social media: 𝕩, Instagram, and TikTok (recently). If you are interested in my journey, my idea, or just want to support and connect, don’t hesitate.

𝕩: https://x.com/jaypy_build
My Bento for all the links: https://bento.me/jaypy

Last few words…
If you are also building products or in the BuildSpace program, I wish you all the best. Don’t quit; go for what you want. The journey is hard, made of failures and disappointments, but be resilient and consistent, and you will see there are wins. Celebrate them, even the smallest ones. One step at a time, don’t stop moving forward, and each step gets you closer to success.




+14 years developer, 5 months building side hustles. Passionate by business stories, reading and learning. Dedicated to helping and supporting indie hackers.