Silco: Arcane’s Beautiful Monster

J. J. Jones
3 min readJan 25, 2022

“Is there anything so undoing as a daughter?”

Arcane was a pleasant surprise after the disappointment of Cowboy Bebop. What elevated it from a good show to a great show was, for me, the villain, Silco. He is everything you expect in a villain and more. What makes him special is the startling human parts of him. Spoilers for the entire first season ahead.

When he appears in the third episode Arcane shows you who Silco is. He isn’t solely out for revenge against Vander, he is removing his greatest obstacle. He lays out his desire simply. He wants the people of Zaun to escape Piltover’s control. When he adopts Powder he shows the humanity that is so key to his character and that despite what he says, he is still the man that almost drowned in the slums years ago.

The writers were careful to never put Silco in a position where he didn’t have control unless it was necessary. When dealing with traitorous associates he takes control by showing them that the very air they now breathe is because of him. He meets with people who could kill him unguarded, a display of his confidence in his control over the situation. Obstacles that arise are met with calm judgment and quick decisions. Silco demonstrates that he is a threat with every action.

The moment I fell in love with the show.

Those few times that he isn’t in a position of power are important as a result of his overwhelming control. When Vi and Caitlyn escape capture we see him lose it. It drives home how dangerous Vi is to his plans as Vander’s successor. When Jinx (formerly Powder) is angry at his lies he accepts her anger showing just how deeply he cares for her. Even at the end when he desperately tries to kill Vi it’s because he has no control over the situation and is about to lose Jinx. These are the moments where the ruthless revolutionary becomes a simple man and it makes him so much more compelling.

Every action he takes has a reason and he isn’t one for casual cruelty. It makes his claims of simply wanting better for the people believable. He deals Shimmer, a harmful drug, only to gather money and men for his revolution. It was why he had no qualms about ceasing production when Jayce offered him what he wanted. He threatens Marcus’s daughter to keep his grip over law enforcement. He lets a traitor live once he disposes of the leader behind a would-be coup. He makes his home in Vander’s bar taking the former seat of power as his own. No action exists simply to make him eviler.

Silco was the first thing that elevated Arcane beyond an adaptation made to draw in new players. While there is amazing writing and visuals that elevate Aracane, Silco is the beautiful monster that stole the show.



J. J. Jones

Amateur writer and big nerd who will write about nerd things. Moving fiction writing to Simily.