ALERT: American business-owners are being attacked! How to protect your business…

Jay Rhyder
6 min readMay 19, 2020


Website owners are being targeted and sued for a law they are ignorant of . . .

It’s the American’s with Disabilities Act which requires businesses to make accommodations for people with disabilities in ALL their web content. Check out the following three short videos below from major news organizations:

These newly revised Accessibility laws require web content to be accessible to the blind, deaf and those who must navigate by voice, screen readers or other assistive technology. To see the value of choosing Road To Rule media group’s Web Accessibility services, visit and look at the left side of the screen. A small blue “handicap” symbol will appear. Click on it! Accessibility Settings — Get compliant now! RoadToRule media group can help!

Next, you will notice a big popup window appears showing every Accessibility option known to man! This is where you will find your available Accessibility Settings. From here, you can manipulate the website in various ways that will make it more accessible to men and women with disabilities.

Seriously, we went all out on this system and I assure you no one does Web Accessibility better than Road To Rule media group! Ready to get started?

The law provides no time for a company to take action before a lawsuit is filed, and it offers no real defense to a company after a lawsuit has been filed. Even billion-dollar corporations like Amazon, Target, Fedex and others have had to settle due to the fact that they have NO EXCUSE for not being in compliance with the law! They were sitting ducks and you are too if you own a business, have a website and are not compliant with the latest revisions in the law.

The Dept. of Justice is actively HUNTING for AMERICAN BUSINESSES who’s websites are NOT compliant! More and more business-owners are BEING SUED EVERYDAY and this OFFICIAL list proves it!

Beyonce news report lawsuit

Even Beyonce is not out of reach of the DOJ!

There were more than 1,500 legal cases related to non-accessibility compliance in New York alone in 2018, and more than 10,000 websites sued in 2019 for the website not being compliant with the latest revisions in the law. This number is expected to hit 100K by the end of this year (2020)!


Become Web Accessible!

It’s not all bad news…

It’s certainly a topic that carries a lot of bad news with it, but Web Accessibility doesn’t have to be ALL bad news. There are actually many good reasons why you should become compliant as soon as possible!

  1. To avoid costly lawsuits
  2. Start profiting from a $650 billion-dollar market
  3. Rank higher in Google (and other search engines)

If you believe that people who are blind, deaf, and/or physically challenged can’t or don’t use the Internet or shop online like you and me — think again!

Ensuring your website is Web Accessible gives you an easy foot-in-the-door into this multi-billion dollar disability market!

Google loves web accessible sites!

Aside from avoiding litigation and profiting from a $650 billion-dollar demographic, Google loves compliance! If you’re a business owner then you’ve no doubt coveted the idea of being at the top of page 1 search results on Google, right? So have I and millions of other business owners. Getting to page 1 takes time no matter if you do it organically or with paid ads. But, here’s some good news: When your website is Web Accessible, Google gives it more relevance that a website that is not Web Accessible. So, by not having an accessible website for disabled men and women means that you are potentially losing out on more revenue and more customers (or clients) to your business.

The question is…

HOW do you get your website to be Web Accessible?

It’s easier than it sounds… You’ll have to go through TONS and TONS of assets on your web servers hoping that you get every little piece of content compliant on your site. And, even if you take care of current items on your site, what about al the other pages, files, videos, audio files, and other pieces of content lurking on your web servers that you overlooked or forget about?

Let’s face it: Trying to sort through each and every graphic, icon, video, and any other piece of content on your web server could take weeks or even months! Not to mention that you also need to make sure that you:

  1. Have training
  2. Have a web accessible policy page
  3. Make a web accessibility statement
  4. Appoint an accessibility coordinator
  5. Hire an independent consultant (depending on how large your business is)
  6. Invite feedback

But, there IS a better way….

Sit back and let professionals make your website and all your web content compliant — FAST!

Unlike other web accessibility consultants or companies out there who WILL charge you an arm and a leg to get compliant, Road To Rule media group is serving American business owners during the COVID-19 crisis by offering FREE COMPLIANCE SERVICES for a limited time.

Road To Rule media group has helped businesses and site owners like you and saved so many others from imminent lawsuits! We have the pre-requisite certifications and skills to get the job done right! And, we offer the most competitive prices in the nation…if not the world!!! Guaranteed! And as of right now for a limited time you can get compliant FREE!

Become Accessible…

Becoming compliant simply means making your site more accessible . . .

Did you know that having a web accessible website is so important that Google gives it more relevance than one that isn’t accessible?

Think about it…. The disabled market is an UNTAPPED $6 billion-dollar market. And, by not having an accessible website for disabled people, you could be losing out on a ton of potential customers which means losing out on more potential revenue. Just another reason to get your web content to be compliant right now!

The bottomline….

The US Government is making their voice heard at the expense of American business-owners like you and me. You can either play it smart by getting your website compliant now or remain a sitting duck and hope the Dept. of Justice doesn’t “pick you” next!

Courtrooms are creepy, even if your not being sued… Be smart and get compliant for free NOW! Click here to get started with a free audit of your website. There is no obligation and no pressure. We’re here to help you.

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I know how busy life can get…. So, thank you for spending some time with me here today reading this article.

