Magento Adobe CMS Framework

jay shah
12 min readJul 8, 2023


Magento is an Open Source Platform and King of E-Commerce solutions. Magento is designed on the CMS (Content Management System) and uses the PHP Framework.

Magento CMS (Content Management System) section is used to manage all website pages. It is a way of promoting the products by providing valuable information to the customers and increasing search engine visibility. It can be used to create rich content for your web store.

Magento is coded on the following technologies, Still as the option of the database and additional it they can add the programming languages. Following are the basic technologies which are used on a routine basis.

Magento Programming Technology

  1. Front End Technologies
  2. Back End Technologies
  3. Database Technologies
  4. Additional Technologies
  5. HTML, CSS, JS, Less.js
  6. PHP (Primary Language)
  7. SQL, MySQL, MariaDB
  8. Knockout.JS, Require.JS, Zend Framework, Symfony Components, Laminas

Magento Journey

Roy Rubin and Yoav Kutner begin a project named “Varien” while attending college at UCLA.
In 2007, through recognizing a gap in the market via competitor osCommerce, Rubin began placing ads on Google Adwords and landed a large contract.
This funding enabled the development of what would become the Magento framework.

Magento Commerce is the most powerful and popular site building platform for making scalable eCommerce webstores. Magento regularly releases security patches and functional bug fixes for all its supported release lines for CE and EE.

There are many Magento versions in the market as the journey which was started at the August 31, 2007 with “Magento CE 1.0”-Beta version, Magento has gone through a large high milestone and maintained the same scale of the business and come across the “Magento Commerce 2.4.4” version April 12th 2022. After Magento ends support on June 30, 2020, the Magento 1. X becomes an unsecure platform to use.

Basically, there is the 2 types of Magento Sub-Version:
1. Magento 1.x
2. Magento 2.x

Is Magento 1 still supported?

Yes. But until June 2020. Magento will officially stop providing support after June 2020.

Do I need to upgrade to Magento 2?

No. Magento is not forcing anyone to upgrade to Magento 2. Your store will not disappear if you do not upgrade to Magento 2.

However, Magento is dropping the support of Magento 1, and that will leave your Magento 1 store with various security concerns.

Also, Magento 2 has advanced features than Magento 1. M2 is more secure, fast, optimized, and clean than M1.

Features of Magento 1.x and Magento 2.x

What is CMS?

CMS — Content Management System (acronym).
With the CMS, You can build Business website, E-commerce, Personal Blogs.
If you are planning to build application through any CMS, you don’t require the coding skills and they provide you the tools to manipulate your content and you can visualise it.

How a CMS works?

A CMS is made up of 2 parts.

  1. Front Side. (CMA- Content Management Application)
    The dashboard allows you to create content using built-in tools.
  2. Back Side (CDA- Content Delivery Application).
    Delivers the content requested by users from the server.

Two ways you can access a CMS, Determined by how the CMS is setup

  1. On Premises.
    If you download and/or install on a server provided by a web host on your localhost that you run on your machine.
    Example of On Premises Software Applications.
    - Drupal, Joomla, WordPress.
  2. Cloud Based.
    CMS seller gives you a cloud-hosted environment, On which to create and manage you website.
    With cloud based, you have less control of the CMS, Vendor takes care of the Core of the CMS.
    Example of Cloud Based Software Applications.
    - WIX, Shopify, WordPress.

Key Points of Magento Business.

  1. E-Bay Application had an investment in 2010 and E-bay bought 100% Magento Shares in 2011.
  2. In 2015, Magento was acquired by Permira.
  3. In 2018, Magento was acquired by Adobe.

Product Editions

  1. Magento open source (Free Editions)
    Magento Open Source is a self-hosted e-Commerce platform with essential commerce features available free of charge. It offers you a stable and customizable solution for your growing small business or as a tool to prototype new ideas and business models for larger merchants.
  2. Magento Commerce/Adobe Commerce (Enterprise Editions)
    Adobe Commerce is an enterprise-level e-Commerce platform that provides a richer set of out-of-the-box features, with an unlimited ability to customize and seamlessly integrate with third-party providers. Robust and scalable, Adobe Commerce offers you a stable, secure, and customizable solution for your growing business. Adobe Commerce includes one of our cloud infrastructure options as well as 24/7 customer support. It is designed to allow you to sell multiple brands, geographies, currencies as well as to both B2C and B2B buyers from a single platform. For a list of the advanced capabilities included with Adobe Commerce.

B2B features
The B2B module extends all of the features of Adobe Commerce to meet the needs of companies who sell directly to other companies, rather than to consumers. It combines the convenience of business-to-consumer commerce with advanced account management, robust inventory control, negotiated pricing, bulk order management, and more.

PWA Studio
PWA Studio is a toolkit to create PWA storefronts for your Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source backends. The toolkit gives you React components to build your UI and GraphQL APIs to access your data.

Features of Magento

  1. Analytics and reporting.
  2. Product browsing.
  3. Catalog Management.
  4. Customer Accounts.
  5. Order Management.
  6. Payment & Shipping.
  7. SEO- Search Engine Optimizing.
  8. Marketing and Promotional Tools
  9. Site Management
  10. Mobile Commerce

Advantages of using Magento.

  1. Seamless shopping experience with minimal response time across any mobile device
  2. Enhanced conversion rate from the defendant to consumer
  3. Quick check-out of products improves customer satisfaction
  4. One-click account creation draws attention from customers
  5. Supports advanced tools to start multichannel eCommerce business.
  1. Registered customer auto-recognition minimizes cart dropout and increases the level of order conversion.
  2. Adding enriched media content makes the product successful and boosts consumer interest
  3. The intuitive knowledge of Magento Admin is beneficial to the merchants.
  4. Magento Enterprise Edition is comprised of integrated Elastic search technology that makes it very easy for large catalogs to be set up and handled efficiently.
  5. Elastic search provides suggestions for misspellings, synonym management, and support for stop words to help increase the rate of conversion.
  6. Magento Commerce has secured payment gateway. The payment gateways securing the payments are Braintree, Paypal,, CyberSource, and WorldPay.

Disadvantage of using Magento

  1. High Pricing:
  2. The pricing of the Magento Enterprise edition is very high. But this high pricing isn’t for any loss; instead provides you more benefits. Therefore making it worthy for you to invest in the Magento Commerce edition.
  3. Complicated Management & Handling: It takes time to get familiar with the Magento Enterprise edition, but once you start using, you will find it the best platform to use for your e-Commerce store.
  4. Limited Actions: You, as a store owner, have limitations to make changes in the store as the full access is with the developers assigned by Magento.

Magento Architecture.

Magento 2.x is a Model View ViewModel (MVVM) system. While being closely related to its sibling Model
View Controller (MVC), an MVVM architecture provides a more robust separation between the Model and the View layers. Magento 1.x architecture comes with MVC (Models, Views and Controllers).

MVVM Architecture

MVC Architecture

Magneto Platform Support

While talking about the Magento application, the developer can make the code to the following list.

  1. Web E-commerce Application.
  2. Mobile E-commerce Application.

Magento Installation Guide.

Please check the dependency of the requirements once, you install the application on the system. If system dependency gives you an error go through the required Magento Framework Documentation and install the application as per that.

Following is the list where the Magento can be installed on the local system.

  1. Download and Setup the Xampp application on (any local drive of your system).
  2. Download the Magento from the Magento Official website, Link is provided here.

  1. Download the Composer Application as per the system requirement (Windows, Linux, and Mac)

Dependency Limitation

Following must be as per the requirements.

  1. Java Installation (JDK,JRE).
  2. Xampp.
  3. PHP version.
  4. Composer.
  5. Magento version.

How to Setup Magento on Local System.

Go through the above steps and check the proper validation dependency through which we are proceeding the process.

  1. Open the web browser and explore localhost:8080/magento. Click on Agree and Setup Magento.

2. Implement the first step on installation “Readiness Check” as shown below and click “Next

In the “Add Database” step, enter the database details such as server host, username, password, name and click “Next“. as shown in the figure.

In “Web Configuration” step, enter the store and Magento admin address. Click “Next

In the “Customize Your Store” step, enter the details such as time zone, currency, language and click “Next

In the “Create Account ” step, configure the username, email, and password. Click “Next

Finally, the “Install” step, hit “Install Now

Check the success message such as

Magento Login Page

Magento Home Page

Magento Customer Login

Magento Create Customer Account

Magento Sales

Magento >> Sales >> Orders

Magento >> Sales >> Invoice

Magento >> Sales >> Shipments

Magento >> Sales >> Pickups

Magento Catalog

Magento Customers

Magento Marketing

Magento Content

Magento Reports

Magento Stores

Magento System

Magento Dashboard

As per the discussion, there is the backend of every frontend applications. Magento shares the Backend with CMS content. Let’s have a visualise of the image.

Installation Flow.

The following diagram provides a high-level overview of installing the Magento software:

System Requirements.

The Image clarifies that the compatibility of the development as well tester can test it as respective manner.

Mail server

Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) or an SMTP server

Operating systems (Linux x86–64)

Linux distributions, such as RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, and similar. Magento is not supported on Microsoft Windows and macOS.

System dependencies

Magento requires the following system tools for some of its operations:

  • bash
  • gzip
  • lsof
  • mysql
  • mysqldump
  • nice
  • php
  • sed
  • tar


  • A valid security certificate is required for HTTPS.
  • Self-signed SSL certificates are not supported.
  • Transport Layer Security (TLS) requirement — PayPal and both require TLS 1.2 or later.

Supported browsers

Storefront and Admin:

  • Microsoft Edge, latest–1
  • Firefox latest, latest–1 (any operating system)
  • Chrome latest, latest–1 (any operating system)
  • Safari latest, latest–1 (Mac OS only)
  • Safari Mobile for iPad 2, iPad Mini, iPad with Retina Display (iOS 12 or later), for desktop storefront
  • Safari Mobile for iPhone 6 or later; iOS 12 or later, for mobile storefront
  • Chrome for mobile latest–1 (Android 4 or later) for mobile storefront
  1. Follow must be installed on your system as per the requirements specified for the version change.
    Download and setup Elastic Search

How to install Magento with CMD

Install the Magento Project to your Htdocs path with the Command line Prompt (CMD).
1. Open the CMD and paste the following cmd code.
composer create-project — repository-url= magento/project-community-edition <Project-Name> E.g. magento241
2. You have to login to the Market Magento application.
3. After login successfully, you have to create new access key token.
4. Username is public key and Password is private key.

While setup the application, try to save your project which you are creating on the saved folder of the Xampp.

  1. Find ValidateURLScheme function in vendor/magneto/framework/Image/adapter/gd2.php file at line 86. Replace function.
    private function validateURLSchema(string $filename):bool
    $allowed_schemes = [‘ftp’, ‘ftps’, ‘http’, ‘https’];

$url = parse_url($filename);
if ($url && isset($url[‘scheme’]) && !in_array($url[‘scheme’], $allowed_schemes) && !file_exists($filename)) { return false; } return true;


  1. Connect Database Command line: php bin/magento setup:install — base-url=”http://localhost/mage2.4" — db-host=”localhost” — db-name=”db_mage2.4" — db-user=”root” — db-password=”” — admin-firstname=”admin” — admin-lastname=”admin” — admin-email=”” — admin-user=”admin” — admin-password=”admin123" — use-rewrites=”1" — backend-frontname=”admin”
  2. Check the following extensions on the Xampp Server.
    Enable Extesion : intl , soap ,socket ,xls do not turn off elasticsearch please waiting install……… 1h, ok
  3. Test and see the result php bin/magento indexer:reindex php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f php bin/magento cache:clean php bin/magento cache:flush

Note: On Xampp Windows Change Symlink to copy in file di.xml Find file Validator.php in …Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template\File At around line 138 replace code with this one $realPath = str_replace(‘\\’, ‘/’,$this-fileDriver-getRealPath($path));

Run : php bin/magento cache:flush http://localhost/mage2.4/ php bin/magento module:disable

Magento_TwoFactorAuth Ok,

Thanks for watching. #magento2.4installationwindows Video Keywords : magento 2.4 installation, magento 2.4 install command line

What is E-Commerce?

E-commerce (Electronic Commerce) is a type of business that involves the commercial transaction or purchasing or selling of goods and services through electronic channels known as internet.

Following are the categories of the E-Commerce.

  1. B2B (Business to Business).
  2. B2C (Business to Consumer).
  3. C2C (Consumer to Consumer).
  4. C2B (Consumer to Business).

Magento has a flexible modular architecture. It is scalable and it has many control options that helps the user to build both user-friendly and search engine friendly websites.

Magento Testing Terminal.

As we know magneto gives us the platform as mobile and web with the e-commerce domain, We can have the testing for the Magento E-Commerce Cloud as manual and as well on the automation side.

The Core Magento Testing Includes the following list.

  1. Application Testing Guide.
  2. Functional Acceptance Testing (MFTF).
  3. Integration Testing.
  4. JavaScript Unit Testing.
  5. PHP Unit Testing.
  6. Web API Functional Testing.

As well we can go for the Following Adobe Magento E-commerce Testing Exercise that we can perform.

  1. Functional Testing
  2. Non-Functional Testing
  3. Database Testing
  4. API Testing
  5. Performance Testing
  6. Unit Testing
  7. Integration Testing
  8. Automation Testing
  9. Responsive Testing
  10. Security Testing
  11. Payment Integration Testing
  12. Accessibility Testing

We, can also go through the Magento Documentation from the magneto official website.

Differences between sandbox and production

The following list highlights some of the key differences between the sandbox and production environments:

  • No human reviews take place on the sandbox.
  • Most, but not all, automated tools are run on your submissions. The Copy/Paste Detector tool is not run.
  • No technical QA reviews happen for your submissions.
  • Only automated marketing reviews are run on your submissions.
  • There is no associated Commerce Marketplace store for the sandbox. As a result, the various reports endpoints will typically return an empty set of data.
  • On the user interface, the sandbox is marked with a banner at the top of every page

Features of Magento Framework


There are four different Magento certifications. Three of them aim to prove developers competency in implementing modules;

  1. (Certified Solution Specialist) targets business users (consultants, analysts, project managers).
  2. Magento Front End Developer Certification is mainly focused on improving the user interface (UI) of back end developers who implement the core modules.
  3. The Plus certification tests deep understanding of Magento Enterprise modules and the entire architecture.

