10 Yati-dharma (Jainism)

Jay Shah
3 min readMar 31, 2024


What is Yati-dharma

Yati mean Jati and Jatni mean Jatna i.e. to do Jatan(Nurturing). Yati-dharma, in terms of jainism is Nurturing Soul’s true nature. Yati-dharma is Sadhu dharma means Duties of the Monk. Even though called as duties of monk but is to be followed by layman also.

10 types of Yati-dharma

  1. Khanti (Kṣmā — Forgiveness): One should always forgive other for any bad/wrong doings. Forgiving is also scoped to forgetting about bad/wrong doings. If the bad/wrong doings is not forgotten then you have not actuallly forgiven the person. Few ways to achieve this quality are:
    1] Develop patience in oneself.
    2] Think of the bad/wrong action from other person’s point of view.
    3] Important of all to always think what ever wrong the person has done to me is because of my bad karmas. The person who did wrong was only a nimit for giving the fruit of my bad karma.
    When this quality is developed you defeat Krodh(Anger).
  2. Muti (Nirlobhatā — NO Greediness): Nirlobhatā not only means to NOT have disproportionately large desire but also means to give away of what you have. One example is to give away something that you have in excess but a better example is to give away something that you have do not have in excess. When you think in this way where what you have is to be given away for other’s comfort that’s when you defeat Lobh(Greed).
  3. Ājave (Simplicity): Simple person always deal with less problematic situation. Whenever a person who is not simple and is manipulative has to deal with more problematic situation. Simplicity can be estimated how people around you respect you and agree to your words. This help us defeat Maaya(Cheat).
  4. Madave (Mrudulta —Humility) : There is nothing like it to subdue pride and arrogance. Arrogance deteriorates the mind and vitiates the right vision. An arrogant man cannot look into the real utility and necessity of things or discriminate between the right and the wrong whereas a humble man awakens active sympathy in those with whom he comes in contact to his own advantage and sees into the truth. Humility heps defeat Maan(Ego).
  5. Lagave (Inferiority): Always think of yourself as small. One way to achieve this is to always identify good qualities in everyone to think themselves as bigger than you.
  6. Sanjave (Saiyam — Control): Restraint, of the senses, the speech and the mind, is the primary conditions for every moral growth and intellectual expansion
  7. Saksham (Satya or Truthfulness): To always think, say, do true is not only Satya but what Tirthankar has showed, said is truth is also Satya.
  8. TapasAusterity. Cultivation of austerity as laid down in scriptures helps the jīva to have a control over his lower passions to chasten the mind and to soften the heart.
  9. Akinchan — Renunciation. Cultivation of the spirit of renunciation is a safeguard to the above moral requisites and raises a jīva from the lower level of groveling life.
  10. Vyavdaan : Technique of destroying karma without creating new karmas.


  1. Yati Dharma | Param Vaani | Param Shrutikaji MS | 5 Oct, 22: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNfROZQCxEI&t=3s
  2. Day 21 | 10 Yati Dharma | Param Samyaktaji MS & Param Jinvaraji Mahasatiji | Jainism Study Course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8X32UcmrzM
  3. https://www.wisdomlib.org/buddhism/essay/the-buddhist-path-to-enlightenment-study/d/doc1187829.html

