5 Samitis (Jainism)

Jay Shah
2 min readMar 31, 2024


A person must be careful in walking, sitting, standing, and lying down. He must speak only gentle, sweet, and righteous speech. He must be careful in placing and removing articles of his use. He must keep every thing clean and should not make himself instrumental in the growth or death of germs and insects.

Five Rules of Conduct (Samitis):

  1. Iriya Samiti — Regulation of walking: One should walk carefully looking forward about six feet distance so as not to cause the pain or death of any living being. Rather than walking on the grass or insects one would take an alternate route in order to minimize the violence caused by him, even if the alternate route was longer.
  2. Bhasa Samiti — Regulation of speaking: One should avoid the eight faults of speech during conversation. The eight faults are anger, pride, deceit, greed, laughter, fear, gossip, and slander. Always use sinless and concise speech.
  3. Esnna Samiti — Regulation of begging: One should search and obtain pure foods and other articles necessary for use, and to use the same in a faultless manner.
  4. Adana Nikshepana Samiti — Regulation of taking or keeping: One should lay down or take up an article of use very carefully so as not to endanger the life of small creatures and insects.
  5. Utsarga Samiti — Regulation of disposal: One should dispose of waste things, such as mucus, urine, stools and other items in a solitary and out of the way place in a proper manner so as not to cause any inconvenience to anybody by becoming a source of nuisance, unsanitation, or contamination. This waste helps the growth of germs, and is also the indirect cause of their death.


  1. https://www.jaina.org/page/SamitisGuptis
  2. https://websites.umich.edu/~umjains/jainismsimplified/chapter15.html

