Parent of Football Player In Fort Collins? You Can Worry A Little Less Now and Here’s Why

Jayson Ortiz
3 min readSep 18, 2019


Image via The Coloradoan for Rocky Moutain High School Football vs Poudre

Safer than ever before

The game of football will forever be deemed as one of the most dangerous games to let your child play. However, there are doctors who are saying that they are even letting their kids pay because the game is safer than it has been in years.

Rule Changes

The first place that they wanted to start with cleaning up the play on the field was with rule changes to insure that acts that could possibly hurt someone get penalized and try to get players to avoid doing it. A couple of big things they are trying to get rid of this year is tripping and really emphasizing the horse collar tackle. These are big changes hoping to save the legs of these athletes and avoid having the defenders roll upon them which cause some of the most common injuries.

New Equipment

The biggest change in high school football is the new helmets that high schools are being required to get. Whether the ones they have are just old or they are cracked and broken these new helmets have the potential to be a lifesaver. One high schooler who already has one says,

“Usually when you hit you can feel it up top when you get up, It’s kind of shaky. With these, even if it’s not a clean hit, you don’t feel anything.”

Vicis is the newest and best helmet out there according to test the NFL has done and even from NFL players who personally are investing in the company.

“Vicis zero1” by ben collette, clement gallois is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

The helmet is the most key part for preventing the most common football injuries like concussions and neck issues. So this is one place that high schools are going to ensure that invest.

New Procedures and Protocol

A majority of high schools are onto new procedures and protocols for this current season. After talking with an old football coach from back home he said, “There are certain things you cant change for the love of the game, but ensuring our players safety is the most important part to us and if it takes changing drills and what days we hit then we will do it.” A lot of high school coaches are making it only one to two days a week where they are in full pads and doing full on hitting drills. This is trying to cut down on concussins or contusions in practice and keeping the body healthy for game days and a very long grueling season.

The new ways that everyone is trying to make the game safer for young adults is gaining more and more traction as the technology gets better and better every year. Fort Collins is a very small sample size but the nation is all conforming to one. This is the the way you want to see football going so that it doesnt go away forever.

