It’s time to be more like Justin

Jayson Van Der Walt
2 min readJan 8, 2018

I’m going to endeavour to…, scratch that- I WILL be more like Justin Jackson this year.

No, not Justin Jackson, the Sacramento Kings basketball player (don’t get me wrong, I’m sure he’s a cool dude, I’m just not a big sports guy)- I’m referring to Justin Jackson the product-dev marketing-writer-maker-podcaster extraordinaire.

I’ve been a fan of Mr. Jackson’s writing for a while now and have been on his mailing list for about 3 years.

His most recent email arrived in my inbox in the early morning on 1 January 2018.

It was just after midnight over in Canada and Justin was busy writing his year in review, as well as extending the special offer on one of his excellent courses,

It kind of blew my mind a little at the time that instead of lighting fireworks and scaring dogs, or doing shots of Jager, or sleeping- for that matter, Justin was working on something of value to put out into the world, and graciously extending a special deal on a valuable product.

What a champion, right?

This year, I’m adamant to really heed some of his advice that I keep reading and re-reading.

Starting today, I’m going to spend a lot more time listening, in an effort to then double down and focus exclusively on what my potential customers really want, not what I think they need- and not on building things that are only cool for geeks like me to use.

I also plan to re-focus on writing more.

Lastly, I’m making a concerted effort to only focus on my own shit. I for one am certainly familiar with the existential dread that sometimes overcomes one’s ability to remain steadfast in the strength of your own convictions.

It’s time for me to give up worrying. As Justin writes:

“Quit worrying about what everyone else is doing. Focus on how you’re helping people.”

“Agonizing over your competition doesn’t help you serve your customers better. Being jealous of your peers won’t improve your craft.”

So from now on, if someone launches a product that is similar to what I’m building at the time, I shall commend their efforts, both in spirit, and perhaps in writing too- but they had better be ready for some friendly competition!

Cheers for the insights Justin Jackson, always appreciated.

Thanks for reading .

Reach out if you’d like to chat about VR/AR for Education, Cultured meat or the Side Hustle.



Jayson Van Der Walt

@jaysonvdw, Vegan, INTJ, Business Analyst, Scrum Practitioner, Clean Meat supporter