Jay Stern
2 min readMay 24, 2017


The Democratic Party has been a terrorist organization ever since the days of Andrew Jackson. It supported Jackson’s “Trail of Tears” endured by the Cherokee people as part of his “get rich scheme” whereby the people were driven from their land so he and his cronies could buy up the land cheap and resell to settlers. The party supported slavery which led DIRECTLY to the American Civil War and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The Dems developed the KKK and the associated terror. James K. Polk propounded “manifest destiny” — something that was occurring anyhow — as an excuse for war with Mexico and the long-simmering hostility between our two nations. There was Woodrow Wilson who only supported “universal suffrage” when it became clear he was the only person against it — and who was so racist that he refused to SEE any White House staffers who were black. How about FDR and his incarceration of Americans of Japanese ancestry? Or his turning away of the ship St. Louis bearing hundreds of Jewish refugees from Hitler’s subjugated territories — and who were eventually murdered? And even Truman who just did not explore ALL options before dropping the A-Bomb on Hiroshima. Don’t forget LBJ and his famous “…we’ll have all the niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years.” And JFK with his mangling of the “Bay of Pigs” invasion that has led to 50 years of boycotting Cuba. The obaman and the hildebeast are merely the latest manifestations of the evil that is the Democratic Party. It supports murder of police officers, it supports communists (which are socialists by their true name), and its leaders are largely criminals with “alternate agendas” — except for the ones who are just, plain stupid. It MUST BE ABOLISHED, its actions criminalized, its candidates disqualified and its current politicians made to be independent or to associate with other parties. There are PLENTY of 3rd parties to fill the void and which might actually BE the “loyal opposition.”

(PS — start with the California Democratic Party. Revoke its charter.)

