Join My Writing Cult. Learn How To Survive as a Writer. Monthly Newsletter.

Jay the author
3 min readFeb 10, 2023

I did it. I sold my soul to the devil and joined the substack cult. Substack is a platform for writers to expand their email list. A writer friend told me about the platform last week, said it was kicking ass, that his book was selling better than ever, so I joined yet another platform to see what the fuss was all about.

Just like every other artist, I wish I didn’t have to focus on the soul-sucking word called ‘Marketing’ … I wish life was simple and I could spend my days writing and reading novels all day, but life’s a bitch and you either let it dominate you or you stand up to the bully and dropkick it in the teeth. As a modern writer, if you want to keep your art raw and real, untouched by greedy hands, it is your duty to try and understand how the big wide world of publishing works. Because trust me, if you run around spilling ink without the care in the world for ‘business’ and you get ‘lucky,’ aka somebody finds your work and promises to make you a star, expect to be brutally raped. It happens too often.


Welcome aboard about the movement.

Every month you will receive ONE newsletter from me, full of madness and mayhem that’ll help demystify the publishing world and make a writing career feel less intimidating and more within your inspired reach. Each newsletter will follow a theme (an interview with an expert) alongside a brutal writing advice column, and a book recommendation by yours truly.

Themes may include Goodreads. Book Bub. Substack. Instagram. Medium. Ingram Spark. How to sell your book in book stores. I want to untangle various mythologies (platforms) to help you understand how these monster’s hearts beat. So you can optimise your talent to its true and whack-a-wham-potential.

Everything I share will be unfiltered. Bullshit-free. I’m here to help you so we can grow together. If my research truly helps you, you can donate a small amount of money if you want, or if you’re broke, which I know the feeling, feel free to browse at your leisure. I just want to share golden information to writers and readers who want to use it for the greater good of creating honest art.

Rock on, wild child xx

In terms of business and marketing, I will be posting via substack. For raw writing, I will use Medium, so you can have the best of both worlds between the two platforms. Also, if you are using the substack platform, I would LOVE to hear about your journey! Here is my subscription link.

Thank you for reading. If you want to keep up to date with the literary movement or my journey, feel free to follow me on Instagram at Jaytheauthor.

Rock on wild child xx

Let’s grow together.



Jay the author

Author of ‘There’s a Tale To This City’. This is a personal blog that allows me to share snippets of my life to invisible angels and demons.