Restoring Balance In Power. Condominium Coin

Jay The Prodigy
2 min readJun 15, 2018

People around the world are tired of an economic system that is dominated by entities that are too big to fail and have wiped out our wealth many times and brought our economy to the brink of collapse. The internet, however, was supposed to help shift the power from the big men to the people, but instead, its become a clash between titans fighting for who has the monopoly of access to our data. This is the real threat to our privacy. Companies like Facebook make majority of their profits off of selling our information to 3rd party companies such as advertising agencies or analytical companies.

Condominium aims to fix this problem by becoming a universal currency that allows you to do things like book flights, vacations, hotels, ETC without your data being collected and sold to the highest bidder. Almost all websites use things called “cookies”. cookies are used to essentially track where you've been on the internet, mostly to personalize advertisements you see.You might not realize it but pretty much every website tries its best to collect data on you, whether it’s for targeted advertising, or whatever it may be. This is why if you search for shoes on amazon, then you go to Facebook, you might see an ad for the same shoes on Facebook, or if you're looking for a new car, you'll start seeing ads for a new car. Condominium is proof of steak only after block 600 which saves the coin from a price drop from dumpers.

Condominium plans to get listed on Cryptopia in July of 2018 and plans to add a web, raspberry pi, and mobile wallet in September and in Q4 they plan to prepare their travel site and launch it in Q1 of 2019. I’m interested to see what the travel site is like and how it works, its a first for a cryptocurrency from what I’ve seen and it could definitely revolutionize the travel industry. If it does well enough, i could see actual travel companies hopping into the crypto world aswell, but im sure they would design a blockchain to collect data anyways, because thats just how they roll.

