Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Jayti Shah
5 min readJan 27, 2023


Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss

An Indian nutrition plan for weight management can be confusing, and putting one together can be exhausting. This needs considerable research and tends to take a substantial amount of time. No one really wants to go through the hardships of trying to find the right diet.

Excessive rice consumption is associated with Indian cuisine (carbohydrates). This gives the impression that Indian cuisine is unhealthy.

But the fact of the matter is that we have simply forgotten our staple foods and have become overdependent on rice. In addition, we have begun to consume a variety of junk food.

Why is the Indian diet plan regarded as the best for weight loss?

If prepared with minimal oil and healthy cooking methods, the Indian diet is one of the healthiest diets, rich in taste, texture, and most importantly, satisfaction.

The majority of the food is prepared from scratch with fresh produce, resulting in fewer preservatives and more nutrients.

Lentils (contains vitamin A, B, C, and E, are rich in calcium, iron, potassium, and dietary fibers, help in controlling blood sugar, and blood cholesterol, and increases digestion), Grains (contains wheat, jowar, bajra, barley, these are rich in fiber, carbohydrate), fresh vegetables, and fruits comprise the basic north Indian diet.

Turmeric, which lowers cholesterol, and blood pressure, and prevents blood clotting, is used in Indian cooking. Chilly increases metabolism and burns fat. Garlic has antibacterial properties and lowers cholesterol and fat levels. Curry leaves cleanse the body of toxins, reduce fat, and prevent hair from greying. Black pepper is also high in healthy fats and fiber, which aid in weight loss.

Indian diet is one of the healthiest diets, rich in taste, texture, and most importantly, satisfaction provided it is consumed accurately (Image courtesy — iStock photo)

Balanced Diet Chart for Indian Weight Loss

It is necessary to make sure that your Indian diet chart for weight loss in 7 days is balanced in order to ensure that you get all of the necessary nutrients. The nutrients listed below, along with their details, should be included in your diet plan:


Carbohydrates are the body’s primary source of energy and should account for half of your daily calorie intake. However, the best carbohydrate variety must be chosen. Carbohydrates, such as bread, white rice, biscuits, and wheat flour, contain a lot of sugar, which is bad for you. Rather than simple carbs, choose complex carbs that are high in fiber and high in nutrients.

Complex carbohydrates — oats, whole wheat, jowar, and bajra (Image courtesy — iStock photo)


The vast majority of individuals do not meet their daily protein requirements. This is concerning because proteins are needed by the body to help it build and rebuild tissue, cartilage, muscles, and skin, as well as to pump blood. A high-protein diet can also help you lose weight because it strengthens muscle and burns more calories in your body than fat.

All kinds of dal and pulses for protein (Image courtesy — iStock photo)


Vitamins such as A, D,E,K, B vitamins are essential for the body because they help with metabolism, tissue and muscle function, and cell generation. Experts recommend consuming atleast one to two servings of fruits and three to five servings of green vegetables per day.

All colored fruits and vegetables contain fiber (Image courtesy — iStock photo)


The fat food group has a negative reputation, but the truth is that fats are essential for us because they integrate hormones, build vitamins, and produce energy. The most common way to use fats in the Indian diet chart for weight loss is to combine olive oil, mustard oil, soya bean, rice bran oil, sunflower, sesame, and groundnut oil with small amounts of butter and ghee. Trans fats, which are found in fried foods, should be avoided.

Groundnut and extracted groundnut oil in two bottles (Image courtesy — iStock photo)

Beginner Fat Loss Diet Plan Example

A sample weight loss diet plan is provided below.


  • In between meals, drink a glass or two of water boiled with cumin or fennel seeds.
  • Take a day off between 15–20 days and eat fresh fruits and drink vegetable juices for one day before returning to the same diet plan
  • Maintaining a healthy sleep cycle is also essential. Sleep has an effect on the hunger and fullness hormones ghrelin and leptin. As a result, it is critical that you get at least 7–8 hours of deep restful sleep per night.


In conclusion to everything that has been said thus far, you don’t have to give up your regular eating habits or drastically alter your diet to get in shape; all you need is the best balanced Indian diet plan!

Jayti Shah is a Clinical Nutritionist with a master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics. She is a member of the Indian Dietetic Association (IDA). Over the last 9 years, she has helped 400 clients in their clinical and weight loss journeys. She works with SocialBoat as a nutrition consultant. We hope this article helps you to understand why is an Indian diet the best for losing weight with minimal changes and the essential macronutrients required to perform daily activities by the body.

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Jayti Shah

Clinical Nutritionist at SocialBoat