The Awesome Ink-Stainer: How to Become Your Company’s SEO Expert

Jazelle Handoush⚡
3 min readJun 8, 2019

Want to be the very best (in SEO marketing)? Here are three steps to becoming your company’s SEO expert (like no one ever was).

Photo by Rob Hampson on Unsplash

“I want to be, the very best, like no one ever was…”

Kudos to all my fellow anime nerds who recognize that one (double points if you sang along). If you didn’t, let me save you the trouble. (With Detective Pikachu on the way, you might as well get used to it.)

When I graduated from college, I had no idea where my degree in English and a Marketing minor would take me. After a few different jobs on both tracks, I finally found the perfect pairing of the two: search engine optimized content creation.

Yeah, kind of a mouthful. Let’s just stick with “SEO.”

Combing creative technical writing with analytics and strategy is one of many ways companies can attract customers. As a low-cost strategy, it’s also perfect for improving your ROI.

Just like Ash wanted to become a Pokemon master, you can become an SEO master, too. Here are three steps to becoming your company’s SEO expert (like no one ever was).

6 SEO Advantages: Catch ’em All!



Jazelle Handoush⚡

A writer with an ink-stained soul, editor who wields a red pen as her sword, & marketing guru ready to take on the world. Subscribe today!