Chinatown Get Down: The New Gallery District

Come explore Chinatown’s burgeoning art gallery scene with Jaz Arts!

Jazia Hammoudi
2 min readApr 29, 2022

Chinatown is caught between cultural identity and economic development. How does art fit into the picture?

New York City’s Chinatown has been self-sustaining since the mid-19th century. Its strong governing associations have always provided economic aid, social service, and protection to local residents. Yet the community has been hit hard by the Coronavirus pandemic, economic downturn, and violence. In the midst of all this turbulence, a new crop of art galleries have moved in.

Facing rising rents and narrowing margins, galleries dedicated to emerging artists have been edged out of almost every neighborhood in Manhattan. So now they’ve set their sights on Chinatown.

What does it mean when art moves into spaces once occupied by merchants and families? How does the community feel about these new neighbors? What kinds of new artistic and economic opportunities does this move present?

We’ll explore these questions (and more) on the Chinatown Get Down Tour!

We’ll visit seven new art galleries that have opened in the Chinatown and Two Bridges neighborhoods of Lower Manhattan. Along the way, we’ll explore what makes the area so attractive to artists & art galleries, as well as the political dynamics of this new cohabitation. | +1 (732) - 347- 6990




Jazia Hammoudi

Jaz Arts is a culture platform bringing you weekly art & culture events in NYC, with a focus on African & African American Art.