Soccer in the Station

Jazlyn Martin
2 min readSep 25, 2017


Soccer in the station has teamed up with the Andrew Young foundation in order to bring kids over from Africa and the west side of Atlanta and teach them to play soccer. These kids aren’t just playing on some regular field they built a soccer field in the MARTA station!! It’s completely unexpected and the first one of its kind but they are working to build more. Listen, I don’t know much about soccer at all. All my life I’ve played basketball which to me is the exact opposite of soccer. But when I went and watched these kids play you would be amazed of the connection these kids had with each other. These are kids who have never met each other or played soccer but they play as if they are a team. Throughout this whole experience they are learning about civil rights and different influential people. They are taught leadership, teamwork and other skills that will help them throughout life. It truly is an extraordinary experience.



Jazlyn Martin

Hi, I am a UX Designer with a background in Marketing with a passion for innovative and clean designs.