A Bold Plan to Win the Covid-19 War — Test Every American

Jonathan Geach, M.D.
2 min readApr 4, 2020


So far, the only effective weapon to slow the spread of Covid-19 in the US has been lockdown. There is another way. We can build on the success of South Korea and expand it. Early mass testing allowed South Korea to isolate and quarantine those with the virus and those exposed as well. Now, that the virus is so wide spread here in the US, we have to go even farther.

We need to commit to test every American before April 30, 2020!

With so many asymptomatic carriers this is the only way to stop the virus. We now have an IgG test to see if someone has already had the virus and is now immune. Every American must get both the Covid-19 test and the IgG test. This will allow us to risk stratify everyone and keep the virus at bay.

The following table shows how we could risk stratify people based up their testing results. The color coding would allow everyone to know the risk to themselves and other.

We can return to work by color status.

This is the country that won WW2 by mobilizing our industry. Our biotech industry can manufacture 350 million tests in two weeks and get everyone tested in four. We need to commit as a country to purchasing this level of testing and we should commit to paying for it.

Ideally these tests should be self-administered. The easiest and most convenient way to deliver the tests would be the US post office. Everyone could get a test in the mail and the post office could pick them up the next day. We could also enlist and the federal Census workers to help those unable to self administer. They know where everyone in their area lives and could be trained to assist people as needed.

This is just one possible way to implement this plan. Drive through testing, hospitals, health departments and doctors offices are also good options. However, the most important part is that the United States commits to testing everyone and paying for it. As soon as the testing is done, we should be able to restart our economy and end the dreaded lockdowns.

Jonathan Geach, MD



Jonathan Geach, M.D.

I am a simple country Anesthesiologist with big ideas. For media requests, please email drgeach@gmail.com