Here Comes The May Writing Challenge

You can do it! Or Don’t…But it’s Here If You Need It!

Jennifer Burke Grehan
Bacon and Beach Days
2 min readApr 24, 2023


The Only Rule is There Are None.

Photo Created by Author

Now, don’t be upset if you didn’t get to contribute to April’s challenge or you didn’t get to contribute the way you wanted to. There’s a new one for May!

Starting May 1st there is a new writing challenge! For every weekday in May, I have posted a prompt. The idea is to look at the prompt and chew on it for a while before writing. Then, respond to the post for at least one hour. Post your response to the Bacon and Beach Day Publication where like-minded writers can respond to your work and you can respond to others. I have suggested that we use the rose, thorn, bud style of peer review. This means we comment on one thing we love or appreciate about the work, one thing we think needs work, and one thing that you think the author can develop either in that piece or another.

Now, let me tell you how I have prepared myself for next month’s challenge which is only a few days away. First, I have taken each prompt and created a draft. My title is the prompt, the subtitle is the date, and then I chose an image that relates to my gut reaction to the quote.

Below please find all past challenges. This is a great place to look for a prompt when you need one. I could not…



Jennifer Burke Grehan
Bacon and Beach Days

As a professional who teaches writing, I find that my writing often lands in the margins of others’ papers. I need a place for my thoughts to land.