Mental Illness Is A Death Sentence

Our genocide is in progress.

Jeff Thomas Black
5 min readOct 24, 2019

Lane Martin was our neighbor. He suffered from mental illness and was summarily executed by “law enforcement officers” while suffering a mental health crisis in our community. Portland Police again demonstrated their total lack of regard for human life in his gruesome legalized police murder.

“Lane Martin was the fourth person killed by Portland police this year. In many ways he’s typical of who dies in police shootings in this city: He was armed with a small folding knife. He wasn’t following orders. And, his mom, Cristi, said, he had a mental illness.”

The Portland Police Bureau continually perpetrates genocide upon community members suffering from mental health crisis. Cops are hired and trained to be cowards — fearful and overreactive, and the PPB is a particularly trigger-happy chapter of the Gang In Blue. Under corrupt Mayor Ted Wheeler, who doubles as Portland’s Police Commissioner— anything goes on our streets. Any crime of a PPB officer will be defended by the City, with the awesome power of the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office —equalling the full power of The State.

“Two officers who witnessed the shooting said Lane had reached to his waistband. A third witness officer said she saw a knife in is hand.”

PPB cops are hired killers who leave no survivors when they hunt.

“Officer Gary Doran fired his gun 11 times, according to police detectives — 12 times, according to the family’s attorney. There aren’t any statements from Doran in the documents the Portland Police Bureau has made public. Officers found a 3-inch folding knife attached to a set of keys underneath Lane’s body.

Here’s how Portland Police Bureau Officer Gary Doran did HIS JOB.

“Bullets hit Martin on the right side of his chest and abdomen, both shoulders, right lower back, both arms, right wrist and left hand. The back wound entered through his back, the deputy medical examiner found.”

“The back wound entered through his back.” Read it again. How long does it take a cop to fire 12 shots at an unarmed man, hitting him 9 times? Also a “back wound?” Was there any other possible goal for gun-firing Officer Doran beyond the immediate extrajudicial execution of Lane Martin?

No. Twelve shots clearly constituted a conscious chain of lethal action. Yet the headline of The Oregonian was as follows: “Autopsy shows Lane Martin, 31, was shot 9 times by Portland police and had METH in his system.” Every move of the fixed-game of police murder is part of a greater police state LIE — somehow, “the victim deserved it!”

“‘Our family is heartbroken by Lane’s unnecessary death,’ said Cristi Martin, Lane’s mother. ‘And our personal tragedy is further proof that the city has not changed the pattern of police conduct since it was sued by the U.S. Department of Justice. We don’t want another family to suffer like this. The DA won’t charge the officer and the city won’t discipline him. How will we stop this from happening again?’”

“The family said Lane Martin loved life and had ‘infectious joy.’ He was working on a bachelor’s degree at Portland State University and was loved in the community there.”

Finding meth in the system of a man murdered by psychopaths isn’t really headline material — but in cases of police murder and state crime, blaming the victim is a well-practiced part of the drill. Every time, the victim and the victim’s family are put through hell, as every possible excuse for their “deserved” murder is publicly examined. The police regularly wait hours or even more than a full day before telling the loved ones of their family member’s state execution.

It’s ALL ABOUT the cover-up. “On what would have been Lane Martin’s 32nd birthday, Cristi Martin learned her youngest son was dead. He’d been shot and killed by Portland police in Southeast Portland the day before.” The police knew Lane Martin’s identity immediately upon his death, but made no effort to inform his family with humane urgency, in a timely and appropriate manner.

Police are modern day Nazi soldiers — above the law — executing undesirables on the street. Their crimes against humanity are actively covered-up by officers and their own investigators, disingenuously justified by farcical “grand juries” and fiercely defended by the state — every time.

America is lost. We’re occupied residents of a police state, where the state troops are a danger to every one of us. The justice system doesn’t exist for us in our present day life, or in our death. Cops operate completely outside the realm of any other armed force — even in active war zones, our soldiers have “rules of engagement.”

Not so, with cops. Every individual officer holds his own THINKING, FEELINGS and FEARS — which allow him the unflinching support of his Police Union and The State, no matter how absurdly abusive or murderous his behaviors and crimes might be.

Thus, an abusive cop’s brutal assault, or even murder is legally justified by his own irrational biases, paranoia and fears. Do you see the shockingly obvious mortal issue at hand? Under our American Law Enforcement System and based upon Police Union contracts — a cop can’t be wrong. Virtually anything a cop has done, can and will be justified by that cop’s own retelling of their personal thoughts and feelings from that past moment in their line of duty.

In fatal deference to our police state justice system, special rights granted to law enforcement officers and arbitration-bound police union contracts, such individual officer thoughts and feelings are treated as unimpeachable by the justice system. Hence, We The People can’t and won’t have safety and freedom from tyranny without fundamental and revolutionary change.

How much more of this can you take? What will change in system where police operate with special rights and immunity — outside the reach of any potential societal and criminal justice oversight? When? How? What more do the American people need to know to demand an end to our genocide by police?



Jeff Thomas Black

🎧 Audiobook & Podcast, 📕Book, "Full Dashclosure, Awakening from the human exploitation of DoorDash Singularity;" Economics, Civil Rights, #AI, Duke MBA, Human