America On Paper

JB Minton
4 min readJul 19, 2020


The United States Of America is genius on paper, with The Declaration Of Independence and The United States Constitution being two of the most important documents in the short history of Human Liberty.

The Revolution in the North American Colonies in the 1770s began over taxation without representation. How dare the King make us pay for the war we started with the French and Indians? The Revolution was fought over a few years filled with brutal sacrifices and when it was over, and the American Colonies were to transform into The United States, it became important to rechannel the flow of total power up through a Chief Executor of the Public’s Will (The King). This rechanneling of power was important because all Kings eventually go mad with it, even benevolent ones. And some of those not so benevolent Kings had gone mad long before they came to power. Those Kings were the worst and The People suffered greatly under their rule. So The People were to be protected from misuse of power in The United States of America on paper. They were to be protected by the Common Law for the Common Good.

And so the powers of the King to create Law and interpret the Law would be divided amongst the people, while the King’s role be remanded only to the execution of The Law. This Chief Executive’s role would become a transitory public service on a 4-year cycle, while The People’s Law became the abstracted ruler of Our lives.

This is America on a paper Constitution, the course originally set for a well-designed vessel with a meager engine that would need alterations, amendments, and repairs over the decades of progress and tyranny to come.


Half of those who would now create The Law would be promoted and elected from amongst The People in 2-year cycles. These individuals would suggest all kinds of Laws, from the practical to the crazy, some interesting to other Lawmakers, some without merit for even discussion. And some of the crazy shit these populist lawmakers suggested would be blended with the practical shit and this plebiscite would pass bills that then go to the gatekeepers of creating The Law.

The other Half of these Lawmakers, these gatekeepers, would work in 6-year cycles by applying their wisdom and experience to only allow crazy shit to get passed into Law that elevated the Common Good. Once passed, these bills would then go to the Chief Executive for a head nod as to the content and intent of the Law as it would affect the execution of its demands on the citizens living under the protection of these intentions towards The Common Good that, when compiled and applied, become the living body of The Law.


The Judges of The Law would be elected on regular cycles at the state and regional levels, but become lifetime appointees at the Federal level by the Chief Executive, another point of balance between the populist and professional approaches towards The Law. Judges were to analyze and apply the Law to retrospect circumstances and human behavior, in other words, the shit people have done to break the law and how the law may have been broken while it was enforced by the Executive Branch, this is a judge’s job to figure that mess out. Judges have the difficult task of understanding the spirit of the Law’s intent when it was passed as it impacted human beings when it was enforced in the field of action that is Our lives.


The Executive Branch is the most dangerous to the common citizen because it’s where the rifle of state power meets the rights of the Human Being. The Laws passed by The People should only be created and passed under the intent to evoke maximum luminosity of the Common Good, regardless of the identity of the human beings upon whose necks the weight of The Law settles.


This is how America was built to work on paper by a small group of Enlightened (18th-century Woke) Caucasian Males, some of them slave-owning, and most of them white-collar criminal tax evaders. The United States Of America was built to last beyond those men, rise above them, and push the whole species of Homo sapiens sapiens forward toward a Common Good for All, as this phrase gets redefined over human lifetimes.

America on paper is a gift passed down from generation to generation, from flawed human beings challenged by their times to their equally challenged children and grandchildren.

The question we must each ask and answer for ourselves and together is, What are we going to do next with this gift of America?



JB Minton

I write about film, fiction, and freedom. 📚 My Books: “Ey Up! An American Engages With This Is England” && “A Skeleton key To Twin Peaks.” 🎙Podcast Creator.