Context Culture

Justin Bolognino
2 min readJan 24, 2022


Thinking Through Holons

8.12.2020 Instapoem

What if we sought Context as opposed to rightness?

My favorite idea “in” context is Arthur Koestler’s word “Holon” from his seminal work Ghost in the Machine.

A Holon is the makeup of the entire Universe, from the quivering strings of the quantum field to the ever-expanding edge of our toroidal universe, it’s all Holons, baby.

A Holon is a whole-part, or a part-whole. Really, there are no “wholes” and there are no “parts” there are only Holons. A letter is a “whole” letter yet simultaneously part of a word. Word to sentence. Sentence to Paragraph to book… there are no “wholes” or “parts”, just Holons.

When this realization hits, perceivable reality suddenly expands like a kaleidoscope, as the Inter-relationship of All Things becomes the most appear-ant quality, as opposed to separate objects. Time unfolds from Now, as past and future dissolve into the Nothingness they Are.

Using Holons as the basis for context opens up a Network of doors, all wired up in parallel, with the ability to be fired “within” simultaneity as opposed to “from” linearity. Holons are “nested” like Russian dolls, unfolding in the Now if the right lens is used within the Human Biocomputer.

A “Holograph” is defined as the whole is contained in every part. Isolate any element of a hologram, and the totality is within. Holo can you go?

[ [C][o][n][t][e][x][t] ]

With Holons, we see that We the Person; while I am indeed an individual, singular human, I am simultaneously part of a greater web of humans, and that web is a part of a great web of Nature that is dependent on a greater web of planets, and solar systems, and galaxies, forces, chemicals, and most of all the Light of Consciousness photons beaming through Human Instruments:

Holons allow us to think beyond the “either/or” dynamic we are so dependent upon, and allows us to think with a both/and to what degree framework, allowing for inter-dependent, inter-personal, inter-natural dialogue. The only way out of our current mess is through more contextual meta-language that seeks to integrate and evolve rather than divide and reduce.

What if instead of “Cancel Culture” we instead had “Context Culture”, where the end goal wasn’t punishment, banishment and guilt without a trial, and instead we sought Context, Clarity and Empathy?

The Holon is a Simplex place to start.



Justin Bolognino

Founder + CEO of META® / Synchronicity Architect / Consciousness Farmer @ Silent G Farms / Jazz Student / Dad x 3