When I’m 64

Justin Bolognino
3 min readMar 9, 2022


The Beatles Chose a Particularly Sacred Age to Be

The 64 Tetrahedron Grid

“The 64 tetrahedron grid is the first harmonic of the cuboctahedron geometry and what eventually becomes, with scalar octave growth, the infinite holofractographic vacuum structure of the entire universe” -Nassim Haramein

Today is my 64th consecutive day writing and publishing on Medium, as per my New Year’s Resolution. What better a topic to write about for this occasion than one of my all-time favorite numbers, in… 64?

I already wrote about my deep, Spirited love for the Beatles in my In Quotations post featuring my favorite Rick Rubin quote: “For me, The Beatles are proof of the existence of God.”

Why did the Beatles choose 64 as the age they look to as a vitally important future date? I’m certainly not proposing they wrote a song secretly about Sacred Geometry, but… how do we know? Could they have channeled something subconsciously that, like many of their songs, points to a much deeper reality than what exists before our eyes? It's quite the auspicious choice!

64 is wrought with meaning, much of it dating back to Sacred Geometry, the nature of Energy in the Universe, and last but certainly not least, some of the most advanced concepts of one of Spaceship Earth’s greatest thinkers, Buckminster Fuller.

The 64 Grid Tetrahedron

From Harmonic Frequencies:

The eight star tetrahedron makes up the 64 grid tetrahedron lattice—the seed space geometry, which is both fractal and holographic.

This shape bears the marks of huge pyramid structures. Also represents the concept of time which is the tetrahedron grid and when put against the flower of life, the spheres represents space. This is where time and space meet.

The four male-female pairs are star tetrahedron — two intersection tetrehedron made of four each. One upwards (male), one downwards (female).

In creation they rule as two opposite laws: the law of spirit and the law of matter.

Spirit is life: The law of the spirit is radiation, giving, selflessness.

Matter is resistance: The law of matter is drawing inward, cooling off, solidification.

Buckminster Fuller’s Vector Equilibrium

From Cometry.net

The Vector Equilibrium, as its name describes, is the only geometric form wherein all of the vectors are of equal length. This includes both from its center point out to its circumferential vertices, and the edges (vectors) connecting all of those vertices. Having the same form as a cuboctahedron, it was Buckminster Fuller who discovered the significance of the full vector symmetry in 1917 and called it the Vector Equilibrium in 1940. With all vectors being exactly the same length and angular relationship, from an energetic perspective, the VE represents the ultimate and perfect condition wherein the movement of energy comes to a state of absolute equilibrium, and therefore absolute stillness and nothingness. As Fuller states, because of this it is the zero-phase from which all other forms emerge (as well as all dynamic energy events, as will be described below). In Fuller’s own words…



Justin Bolognino

Founder + CEO of META® / Synchronicity Architect / Consciousness Farmer @ Silent G Farms / Jazz Student / Dad x 3