Freedom: Philosophy of Pablo Escobar, TP3

Jose Borroel
3 min readFeb 27, 2019



Money brought Escobar power, the ability to have control over most things in columbia gave him freedom. Pablo Escobar was a man who grew in the poor and grew out of the poor. Pablo Escobar had a mind set to if he were to not be rich before 21 he would kill himself, which fortunately he became rich. There is a quote in which Pablo Escobar said, “Everyone has a price, the important thing is to find out what it is.” Pablo Escobar is saying that bribery gets him what he wants, even though he died, he died because he did terrorist attacks. If he were to never do terrorism attacks he could have found his way into bribery. Which he was doing until the US found out that Pablo Escobar was transporting cocaine into the US.

But, how did Escobar transport good without officials knowing? The answer to that is bribery, Escobars go to was, Plata o Plomo? Which means accept the money or accept the bullets. Since Escobar was so notorious many officials was afraid so they so they accepted his money. An example would be El Chapo, El Chapo bribed officials to help him escape. El Chapo escaped twice through bribery, money gives freedom to anyone if you have the money for it. Money brought happiness to his family, he grew out of the poor. Money is a priority for everyone, nothing in life is free. To be born it costs money and to die it costs money. To have dollar bills turn into hundreds and hundreds turn into thousands and thousands turn into millions and millions into billions. Money

According to Steve Murphy and Javier Pena (Two DEA agents that helped capture escobar), escobar was a man of business, a man that has a skill in business brings in money. The two DEA agents also said that Pablo Escobar built his own prison. Escobar called the president to tell him that he is willing to turn himself in, although if he turned himself in it would have to be under his way of imprisonment. He built his own prison, inside of the prison was like a resort. There was casino games, pool tables, his own office, and he had the biggest bed, bigger than king size. With money Escobar got what he wanted. His prison time was only 5 years, and he everything he wanted through those 5 years. With money brings happiness, Escobar always chose his family before anything. His family loved money as well, he bought anything his kids wanted and the same for his wife and mother.

He bought his protection, so many people would work for Escobar due the amount of money he would pay. No one turns back on money, money is a huge priority to almost everyone. Escobar didn’t die until he turned 44 years old, he died because US officials were tired of Pablo Escobar, other than that, Escobar had everything he wanted. Not just anyone could have a phone call with the president, Pablo Escobar physically called the presidents. Which comes to show that Escobar has so much power due to his money. Without money there is no power, no power means that there is no money. Escobar had a reputation to where he wanted unlimited money, where he doesn’t have to worry about going poor. He even helped the poor to get out of poverty.

To conclude, Pablo Escobar form of freedom is money. With money you can do and get almost anything you want. At least for himself, he got what he wanted, even his death. With money, there is everything he wants. Everything has a price on it, in order to do the things that Escobar wanted to do was to let money go. Being one of the richest man, that is what he did.

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