What Are The Official Liars In Washington Really Up To?

J Brian Smith, PhD
3 min readMar 1, 2017


Opinions vs. Facts vs. Lies

Daniel Patrick Moynihan once said: ‘You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.’ These days, the President of the United States, and his supporting minions, all, frequently traffic in their own opinions-made-facts.

Trump & Co. flog alternative facts, observations, conclusions, turning outright lies into their own alternative reality, and market them to Trump’s “poorly educated” supporters [Trump’s own words]! What’s wrong with this picture? What are we to make of this? Why would Trump purposely lie? or more to the point, purposefully lie? There is, after all, still an objective reality in the cosmos — known or to be known.

What we must figure out is: what are our official liars in the White House, and in the greater Trump government, really up to?

Are Trump & Co. merely trying to deceive, or are they just bent on trying to establish an alternative reality that fits their own dark purposes?

Perhaps, most scary, such lying can indicate mental illness. Pathological lying: habitual or compulsive lying, wherein Trump knows that he is lying, or he may even have come to actually believe he is telling the truth. The fact remains, the lies are the facts of reality he is attempting to create.

I personally think Trump knows exactly what he is up to, for he is not a stupid man, although certainly he is a duplicitous and deceitful one. In all likelihood, there is a dark purpose to his habitual lying: a lie told often enough, without adequate challenges, becomes a reality of sorts — a so-called alternative fact.

It is increasingly clear that a Congressional Independent Counsel will have to be appointed to investigate allegations of Trump’s connections to Vladimir Putin and the influence Russia played in the last election. Many people from all sides in government and in society at large are now convinced that there is really something there to be uncovered, and that it’s serious stuff.

Trump is going to need a lot of help from alternative reality, because some dark times are certainly coming up for him once the investigations are completed.

Just last week it became known that pressure was placed on an FBI official, as well as on the Chairs of two Congressional Investigative Committees, to put out the word to the greater public that in fact there is no there there with respect to Russian influence: but, dear reader, we must not forget a lesson from Hamlet: …”the lady doth protest too much, methinks.…”

Why ever does Trump keep trying to turn the subject away from Russia, if in fact there is nothing there?

We’ll have an answer to this question sooner than later, and if by then, Trump has largely destroyed the credibility of objective reality, through his alternative facts, and fake news, he may be able to lessen the blow on how the American public, and certainly on how his “poorly educated” supporters, [Trump’s own words] react to the inevitable, almost certainly damaging revelations to come.

This week I urge you to contact your Senator and Congresspeople to support the establishment of an Independent Counsel to investigate Russian influence in the last election. Such an investigation is critical to the well being of our republic! ( United States Office of the Independent Counsel is an independent prosecutor — distinct from the Attorney General of the United States Department of Justice — that provides researched reports to the United States Congress under 28 U.S.C. § 595.)



J Brian Smith, PhD

Maine Educator: Teacher; Principal; Superintendent; University Outreach Specialist.