Star Trek: The Next Generation Episode Guide: What Should You Watch, What Can You Skip?

Jared Townsend
38 min read5 days ago


Here’s my episode guide to Star Trek the Next Generation. I admit, this is a work in progress. There are some episodes I need to rewatch and re-asses, while there are some here and there I might have missed seeing entirely; as I go about making sure this list is completely thorough, I will be ensuring I watch every TNG episode possible. I’ve divided each episode into one of three categories:

  • Watch!
  • Definitely Watch!
  • Skippable

I’ve also included IMDb ratings for each episode just to provide a sense of how each has been critically received.

For a thorough list of my must watch episodes, see below — because if you’re looking for a more expedited journey through the world of TNG, it should be helpful. After that, you can find a guide detailing each episode and labeling each with one of the aforementioned three labels. I will also note this guide is completely subjective — so feel free to let me know if there's anything you driagree with!


Season 1:

  • Eps 1 & 2: Encounter at Farpoint
  • Ep 6: Where No One Has Gone Before
  • Ep 13: Datalore
  • Ep 21: The Arsenel of Freedom
  • Ep 23: Skin of Evil
  • Ep 25: Conspiracy

Season 2:

  • Ep 2: Where Silence Has Lease
  • Ep 9: The Measure of a Man
  • Ep 11: Contagion
  • Ep 16: Q Who
  • Ep 21: Peak Performance

Season 3:

  • Ep 10: The Defector
  • Ep 13: Deja Q
  • Ep 15: Yesterday’s Enterprise
  • Ep 16: The Offspring
  • Ep 17: Sins of the Father
  • Ep 26: Best of Both Worlds Pt 1

Season 4:

  • Ep 1: Best of Both Worlds Pt 2
  • Ep 2: Family
  • Ep 3: Brothers
  • Ep 5: Remember Me
  • Ep 7: Reunion
  • Ep 11: Data’s Day
  • Ep 12: The Wounded
  • Ep 14: Clues
  • Ep 21: The Drumhead
  • Ep 26: Redemption

Season 5:

  • Ep 1: Redemption Pt 2
  • Ep 2: Darmok
  • Ep 3: Ensign Ro
  • Ep 5: Disaster
  • Ep 15: Conundrum
  • Ep 18: Cause & Effect
  • Ep 19: The First Duty
  • Ep 23: I, Borg
  • Ep 24: The Next Phase
  • Ep 25: The Inner Light
  • Ep 26: Time’s Arrow Pt 1

Season 6:

  • Ep 1: Time’s Arrow Pt 2
  • Ep 2: Realm of Fear
  • Ep 4: Relics
  • Ep 5: Schisms
  • Ep 10: Chain of Command Pt 1
  • Ep 11: Chain of Command Pt 2
  • Ep 12: Ship In a Bottle
  • Ep 15: Tapestry
  • Ep 20: The Chase
  • Ep 21: Frame of Mind
  • Ep 25: Timescape
  • Ep 26: Descent Pt 1

Season 7:

  • Ep 1: Descent Pt 2
  • Ep 11: Parallels
  • Ep 12: The Pegasus
  • Ep 15: Lower Decks
  • Ep 16: Thine Own Self
  • Ep 24: Preemptive Strike
  • Ep 25: All Good Things

Season 1

Season 1, Ep 1 & 2: Encounter at Farpoint — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 6.9/10

I mean it’s the show’s opener, so it’s definitely essential as it sets up everything and you have to see Picard and Riker meet for the first time! But it’s also a Q episode — which are among the series’ best, so definitely watch.

Season 1, Ep 3: The Naked Now — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 6.5/10

It’s as silly as TNG gets and a call back to some of the episodes from the original series. It’s by no means great, but tune in for a silly time and to learn more about Data’s ummm, functionality as an android!

Season 1, Ep 4: Code of Honor — SKIPPABLE

IMDb rating: 5.1/10

Arguably one of the worst Trek episodes ever; this episode contains racial stereotypes and is definitely skippable.

Season 1, Ep 5: The Last Outpost — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 6.3/10

The Enterprise chases down a Ferengi starship which has stolen Federation property, but then the real trouble starts when a phenomenen not only confuses both sides, but places them in peril. This episode has a slow build with solid payoff, plus it’s the first peak at the Ferengi we have in he franchise. A bit cheesy at times, but decent overall.

Season 1, Ep 6: Where No One Has Gone Before — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.5/10

The crew is hopping around the cosmos like crazy (very cool), plus it’s quintessential viewing for the character of Wesley Crusher — although the conclusion to his story arch later in the series is mehhh in comparison.

Season 1, Ep 7: Lonely Among Us — SKIPPABLE

IMDb rating: 6.3/10

The usual random anomaly in space has weird effects on the Enterprise and its crew; this plotline is more successful in later seasons when TNG comes together a tad better. Meanwhile the Enterprise is transporting adversaries to a conference. This episode is worth a BIG yawn.

Season 1, Ep 8: Justice — SKIPPABLE

IMDb rating: 6/10

Enterprise comes across a cringy planet full of half naked fit horny blonde white people, and they decide it’s a good idea to take Wesley down to the surface for a visit. A mishap occurs because the planet has really bizarre capital punishment. It’s also pretty clear they use this set location for future episodes showcasing Starfleet Academy, so I have trouble seeing this planet as anything but.

Season 1, Ep 9: The Battle — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 6.8/10

Tune into this one for the Ferengi and a bit on Picard’s background as previously being captain of the Stargazer. Not a great episode, but good!

Season 1, Ep 10: Hide & Q — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 6.9/10

One of Q’s weaker episodes, but nonetheless — it’s still Q, so good overall and exciting, because it’s an adventure on another planet (albeit per usual, the atmosphere is easily breathable).

Season 1, Ep 11: Haven — ?

IMDb rating: 6.2/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 1, Ep 12: The Big Goodbye — ?

IMDb rating: 7.2/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 1, Ep 13: Datalore — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.4/10

Essential viewing for Data and his menacing twin brother, Lore — who of course comes back to haunt the crew!

Season 1, Ep 14: Angel One — SKIPPABLE

IMDb rating: 5.7/10

Season 1, Ep 15: 11001001 — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.4/10

An odd alien species arrives aboard the Enterprise to help upgrade the starship’s computers, but are they actually up to something more sinister? A solid episode in an otherwise uneven first season.

Season 1, Ep 16: Too Short a Season — ?

IMDb rating: 6.1/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 1, Ep 17: When the Bough Breaks — ?

IMDb rating: 6.4/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 1, Ep 18: Home Soil — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 6.8/10

Really underrated episode, in my opinion. Eerily reminiscent of some of the best original series episodes, too. Engage!

Season 1, Ep 19: Coming Of Age — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.1/10

I really enjoyed this episode — and to me, Wesley isn’t the annoying character sometimes he’s maligned to be in the memes, although I do wonder if this is more so a humorous take than most people’s actual feelings? Anyways, it’s cool to see the dynamic between Wesley and Picard in this episode as Picard increasingly becomes a father figure.

Season 1, Ep 20: Heart of Glory — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.2/10

Where do early Worf’s loyalties lie — with his new Enterprise crew mates, or with Klingons with whom he shares a common heritage?

Season 1, Ep 21: The Arsenal of Freedom — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.1/10

This is just a super fun action-focused episode that makes this series such a blast — and I say that quite literally!

Season 1, Ep 22: Symbiosis — ?

IMDb rating: 6.9/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 1, Ep 23: Skin of Evil — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 6.8/10

This is an infamous episode of TNG that marks a definite moment for one TNG character in particular. Despite it being maligned by some, I personally find that they pulled it off quite masterfully.

Season 1, Episode 24: We’ll Always Have Paris — ?

IMDb rating: 6.5/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 1, Ep 25: Conspiracy — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8/10

It’s not the greatest episode and in hindsight, it’s not particularly consistent with how Picard and Riker treat other life forms in the series’ future, but HECK, it sure is fun and unusually gory for TNG!

Season 1, Ep 26: The Neutral Zone — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.4/10

Solid finale to cap off TNG’s first and in my opinion, underrated, season. Trek always gets interesting when it plays off of a blast from the past, like a derelict 20th century Earth satellite.

Season 2

Season 2, Episode 1: The Child — SKIPPABLE

IMDb score: 5.8/10

Counselor Troi has a baby and it’s just as bad a story idea as it sounds.

Season 2, Episode 2: Where Silence Has Lease — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7/10

One of the first times where TNG truly pulls off creepiness in a successful way — paving the way for other eery episodes hereafter. Lots of confusion and trippy stuff to see here and almost nothing is out of the question. Cool episode all around.

Season 2, Episode 3: Elementary Dear Data — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.9/10

A holodeck episode — yet there’s another component that makes it more compelling than just your average holodeck adventure — and perhaps it’ll throw you for a loop.

Season 2, Episode 4: The Outrageous Okana — SKIPPABLE

IMDb rating: 6.2/10

A Han Solo-esque character shows up on the Enterprise, but this isn't Star Wars and it doesn’t work here.

Season 2, Episode 5: Loud as a Whisper — ?

IMDb rating: 6.5/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 2, Episode 6: The Schizoid Man — SKIPPABLE

IMDb rating: 6.9/10

Another Data goes awry episode, but this time it’s nothing to do with his evil twin Lore, albeit Lore certainly comes to mind here. W. Morgan Sheppard is quite masterful guest starring as Dr Ira Graves, but his time on the episode is quite limited. There are some laughs to be had here, but unfortunately, the episode is a bit too dark and doesn’t quite come to fruition in order to pull the concept off.

Season 2, Episode 7: Unnatural Selection — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 6.5/10

The Enterprise comes upon a smaller Federation ship whose entire crew is mysteriously dead. The cause? The crew appears to have died of natural causes that make them rapidly age. Of course the Enterprise must fight to contain this problem. Standout episode for Dr Katherine Pulaski! If there’s one thing holding this episode back from being great, it’s that it perhaps resolves too quickly.

Season 2, Episode 8: A Matter of Honor — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8/10

I mean who doesn’t want to see Riker serving on a ship full of Klingons? It’s Riker a bit out of his element and more confident than ever!

Season 2, Episode 9: The Measure of a Man — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 9.1/10

An android rights trial centered around Data. Should he be disassembled so that Starfleet might make others like him (putting his life at risk) or does he have the right to refuse? It’s scifi court drama and gets quite tense — in a way that makes this episode a must watch.

Season 2, Episode 10: The Dauphin — ?

IMDb rating: 6.2/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 2, Episode 11: Contagion — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.6/10

Contagion finds the Enterprise stuck in an interesting dilemma as it seeks to race against the clock of a mysterious computer virus which has programmed the ship to self-destruct. Also making an appearance, the Enterprise D’s short-lived sister ship, the USS Yamato. Add in the Romulans as well and you’ve got a great TNG episode!

Season 2, Episode 12: The Royale — ?

IMDb rating: 6.6/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 2, Episode 13: Time Squared — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.5/10

Solid episode with a Picard double and 6 hour time differential. Can the crew of the Enterprise sort out this mess??

Season 2, Episode 14: The Icarus Factor — ?

IMDb rating: 6.2/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 2, Episode 15: Pen Pals — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 6.8/10

Data weighs the prime directive as he considers saving an alien child from almost certain doom. It’s a good episode with some awwww moments. Nothing great, but still worth a viewing.

Season 2, Episode 16: Q Who — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.9/10

An eery first look at the Borg thanks to some focused mischievousness from Q, but is he serving a helpful warning to the Enterprise as to what their future might entail, or just placing them in unnecessary peril?

Season 2, Episode 17: Samaritan Snare — ?

IMDb rating: 6.5/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 2, Episode 18: Up the Long Ladder — ?

IMDb rating: 6.2/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 2, Episode 19: Manhunt — ?

IMDb rating: 6.1/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 2, Episode 20: The Emissary — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.5/10

Worf’s ex girlfriend (and father of his child) makes an appearance here, setting up an at first awkward situation between the two former lovers, as they must work to stop a war between the Federation & Klingon Empire.

Season 2, Episode 21: Peak Performance — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.7/10

This is just a fantastically fun episode that begins as a game, but turns much more sinister — as of course it would!

Season 2, Episode 22: Shades of Grey — SKIPPABLE

IMDb rating: 3.3/10

Riker goes into a coma after being struck by a thorn on an away mission — and this is one of the worst TNG episodes of all so feel free to skip.

Season 3

Season 3, Episode 1: Evolution — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 6.5/10

Something goes wrong with the Enterprise as the crew observes as beautiful starburst. Making a guest appearance here is Ken Jenkins, who plays Dr. Paul Stubbs. But what's the correlation between the ship outage and the burst, if anything? And who or what’s responsible?

Season 3, Episode 2: The Ensigns of Command — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.4/10

A people refuse to evacuate their planet per Picard’s order and it’s up to Data to save the day. They’re at risk of total annihilation from an alien race who seek to colonize it and per an old treaty, they have the right do remove these humans who landed there many years ago. A worthwhile episode and interestingly, there's a spark one one-sided (?) romantic interest in Data from one of the human settlers, as TNG continues to explore Data’s Android ness.

Season 3, Episode 3: The Survivors — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.7/10

Oddly enough a man and wife have survived a devastating event affecting their colony, and refuse to leave. The Enterprise crew has to figure out this weird situation — and the plot is indeed unique.

Season 3, Episode 4: Who Watches the Watchers — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8/10

I need to re-watch this one!

Season 3, Episode 5: The Bonding — ?

IMDb rating: 6.7/10

Season 3, Episode 6: Booby Trap — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.4/10

A mysteriously abandoned battlecruiser floats in space, but something more is amiss as the Enterprise gets caught in the danger of it all. Meanwhile, this is a great episode for Geordi.

Season 3, Episode 7: The Enemy — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.8/10

Are sworn enemies really evil — or when fate puts two opposites together, can they find common ground to survive? Here that’s explored between Starfleet and the Romulans and this episode has a specific focus on Geordi.

Season 3, Episode 8: The Price — ?

IMDb rating: 6.3/10

I need to re-watch his one.

Season 3, Episode 9: The Vengeance Factor — ?

IMDb rating: 6.5/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 3, Episode 10: The Defector — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.4/10

A Defector from the Romulans mysteriously shows up, but per usual, something more sinister is at play. This episode is a worthwhile watch.

Season 3, Episode 11: The Hunted — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.5/10

Is this man’s murderous spree his fault, or has his government let him down? Should they turn him over? Can he even be caught?

Season 3, Episode 12: The High Ground — ?

IMDb rating: 6.8/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 3, Episode 13: Deja Q — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.5/10

What happens when the usually omnipotent Q loses his powers and tries to fit in with the Enterprise’s crew? Some good comedic moments here and one of the best episodes featuring John de Lancie.

Season 3, Episode 14: A Matter of Perspective — ?

IMDb rating: 6.7/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 3, Episode 15: Yesterday’s Enterprise — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 9.2/10

Yesterday’s Enterprise marks the return of Tasha Yar. Did she have to die to get the best episodes? This one proves it and is arguably TNG at its best, plus who doesn’t love seeing the old red unis from the Shatner movies?

Season Episode 16: The Offspring — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.5/10

Data builds an Android daughter, to the consternation of Picard and other crewmembers. Can they make the situation work — or will Starfleet put their foot down on Data’s new experiment/child?

Season 3, Episode 17: Sins of the Father — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.2/10

How far is Worf willing to go to secure peace in the Klingon Empire — and his endeavor notably takes place with the backing of his federation captain, Picard.

Season 3, Episode 18: Allegience — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.4/10

Captain Picard’s a bit out of his element, even attempting to lead the crew in a drinking song! But he’s not actually Picard at all and something is seriously wrong. It’s up to the crew to sort out this mess in this fun episode!

Season 3, Episode 19: Captain’s Holiday — ?

IMDb rating: 7.2/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 3, Episode 20: Tin Man — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.2/10

Always fun to have a go at it with the Romulans, especially when there’s a mysterious spacecraft lurking about. Should the Enterprise protect it from the Romulans, who seek its destruction?

Season 3, Episode 21: Hollow Pursuits — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.7/10

Another episode featuring an almost mental breakdown by Lieutenant Reginald Barclay, as he continuously shirks his duties and ventures into a fantasy land made possible by the holodeck. Although some episodes featuring Barclay are awkward to me, this one is totally wortwhile — because who can’t relate to at least some of the anxiety this character carries?

Season 3, Episode 22: The Most Toys — WATCH!

Data’s quest to become more human hits a snag when an eccentric — even evil — collector values him as just a collector’s item. Kind of creepy episode, but totally worthwhile.

Season 3, Episode 23: Sarek — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.1/10

Season 3, Episode 24: Ménage à Troi — SKIPPABLE

IMDb rating: 6.5/10

Season 3, Episode 25: Transfigurations — SKIPPABLE

IMDb rating: 6.9/10

A mysteriously injured man is able to heal, as well has heal others — to the astonishment of the crew, but what’s actually behind it? Doctor Crusher takes somewhat of a romantic interest. The end is kind of cheesy, which is why I say skip.

Season 3, Episode 26: Best of Both Worlds Pt 1 — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 9.3/10

What can I say? This is the quintessential episode featuring the Borg and we of course get the infamous Locotus of Borg — which, albeit not permanent, goes on to shape many things, including Picard forever and even Sisko in Deep Space 9.

Season 4:

Season 4, Episode 1: Best of Both Worlds Pt 2 — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 9.2/10

See the previous episode comment, as this is just the second parter!

Season 4, Episode 2: Family — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.3/10

A different dive into Trek and an essential fill in the blanks on Picard’s background! You also get to meet his brother and learn about the sibling rivalry that was their upbringing.

Season 4, Episode 3: Brothers — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.7/10

Quintessential Data episode with an amazing plot twist that makes it among TNG’s best episodes!

Season 4, Episode 4: Suddenly Human — SKIPPABLE

IMDb rating: 6.4/10

Season 4, Episode 5: Remember Me — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.8/10

A memorable episode that places Doctor Crusher at its core — so definitely watch because it seems quintessential for her, and you’ll feel the tension rise as you place yourself in her shoes!

Season 4, Episode 6: Legacy — SKIPPABLE

IMDb rating: 6.7/10

Stay for an appearance by Tasha Yar’s sister, but leave because this just isn’t a very good episode overall.

Season 4, Episode 7: Reunion — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.3/10

A blast from Worf’s past comes back to make the always complicated Klingon issues more interesting than ever.

Season 4, Episode 8: Future Imperfect — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.7/10

Riker-focused episode that will surely throw you for a loop. Is it ultimately going to involve beating a sinister force or related to something more heartwarming?

Season 4, Episode 9: Final Mission — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 6.7/10

Final episode featuring Wesley Crusher as part of the regular cast. A fairly solid sendoff for the controversial character and emphasizes the beauty of his relationship with Picard. We see Wesley go on an away mission with Picard. Wesley would later return for a few other episodes during the final three seasons.

Season 4, Episode 10: The Loss — SKIPPABLE

IMDb rating: 6/10

Troi loses her empathic abilities, which sounds like it’d make for a worthwhile episode, but this one just doesn’t stick the landing.

Season 4, Episode 11: Data’s Day — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.1/10

Oh, this is just a fantastically fun episode and perhaps the quintessential Data episode. It’s a peak into the daily routine of everyone’s favorite android, Data, and it’s among the serie’s funniest.

Season 4, Episode 12: The Wounded — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.1/10

What happens when another Federation starship falls out of line and seeks retribution against a supposed enemy without definitive proof? It’s up to the Enterprise to decide the moral debate during this anxious moment that makes for a crazy good episode!

Season 4, Episode 13: Devil’s Due — ?

IMDb rating: 7.2/10

I need to go back and re-watch this one.

Season 4, Episode 14: Clues — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.2/10

Data-centered episode that involves the crew being knocked out and seemingly losing 30 seconds. Definitely clever plot that will keep you guessing up until the very end.

Season 4, Episode 15: First Contact — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.1/10

First Contact goes awry when Riker shows up in he alien race’s hospital with several injuries and they’re seemingly suspicious as to whether or not he’s also part of their native population.

Season 4, Episode 16: Galaxy’s Child — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7/10

Geordi finally gets to meet the subject of his affection, Dr. Leah Brahms, a woman whom he previously worked with — well technically only her hologram — in the episode Booby Trap (awkward?). Meanwhile, the crew encounters a unique space phenomenon — a space-faring calzone (well, its a floating life form, but in my opinion looks like a calzone). Solid episode overall, albeit not amazing — with some awkward moments.

Season 4, Episode 17: Night Terrors — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.1/10

Troi-centered episode that really emphasizes just how great 90s Trek is at making things scary. Like, there are some really creepy parts in Trek, not just in TNG, but Voyager as well.

Season 4, Episode 18: Identity Crisis — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 6.7/10

Just like the episode that preceded it, this episode features a creepiness factor involving parasites that try to evolve their victims into an entirely different species. Geordi and his old friend Lieutenant Commander Susanna Leitjen are the primary focus here.

Season 4, Episode 19: The Nth Degree — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.9/10

Big episode starring the always awkward, often anxious Lieutenant Reg Barclay. Not only is it just Barclay, this episode spotlights him going completely off the rails, but there’s something deeper at play, per usual.

Season 4, Episode 20: Qpid — ?

IMDb rating: 7.2/10

I need to re-watch this episode.

Season 4, Episode 21: The Drumhead — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.4/10

Solid Star Trek episode that plays out like a sci-fi legal drama when a Klingon guest onboard admits to spying, but is something larger at play?

Season 4, Episode 22: Half a Life — ?

IMDb rating: 7.2/10

I need to go back and re-watch this episode.

Season 4, Episode 23: The Host — SKIPPABLE

IMDb rating: 6.4/10

It’s a somewhat interesting episode because it introduces the Trill, most prominently seen in Star Trek Deep Space 9. I honestly need to re-watch this episode before I make an overall judgement.

Season 4, Episode 24: The Mind’s Eye — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.7/10

If you’re a Geordi LaForge fan (which I am), this is quintessential viewing for the character. Here we see the character kidnapped by Romulans.

Season 4, Episode 25: In Theory — ?

IMDb rating: 7.1/10

I need to go back and re-watch this episode.

Season 4, Episode 26: Redemption, Pt 1 — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.4/10

Another episode where Worf is pulled between his Klingon heritage and his devolution to starfleet. Picard attempts to keep he Federation above the fray when it seems like civil war will break lose in the Klingon Empire, but it’s a tough task.

Season 5

Season 5, Episode 1: Redemption, Pt 2 — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.4/10

See previous episode description, as this is simply the second part to it! Notably we do see another return of Denise Crosby who previously portrayed Tasha Yar in season 1.

Season 5, Episode 2: Darmok — DEFINITELY WATCH!

A fascinating episode with Picard as the focus — and a meaningful way in which an alien race communicates that also serves as somewhat of a tearjerker.

IMDb rating:

Season 5, Episode 3: Ensign Ro — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.8/10

A solid federation conspiracy episode featuring TNG’s most prominent ensign outside of Wesley, the always spicy Ensign Ro.

Season 5, Episode 4: Silicon Avatar — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.2/10

A powerful space-faring crystalline entity destroys entire civilizations, but does the Enterprise crew have an obligation to respect its existence as an intelligent being? Can they reason with it before it’s too late?

Season 5, Episode 5: Disaster — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.9/10

Troi as captain of the Enterprise? It’s a fascinating perspective and makes for a worthwhile watch with this episode as the ship is damaged by a bizarre phenomenon.

Season 5, Episode 6: The Game — WATCH!

Fun Wesley Crusher-focused episode that’s kind of reminiscent of society’s obsession with social media today. Also features a great guest star appearance from Ashley Judd.

IMDb rating:

Season 5, Episode 7: Unification Pt 1 — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.2/10

Leonard Nimoy is back as Spock, so you know you have to watch this two-parter. Here, Spock has gone rogue — headed to Romulus on a mission not authorized by the Federation. Of course high stakes abound!

Season 5, Episode 8: Unification Pt 2 — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.3/10

See the previous episode description, as this is part 2!

Season 5, Episode 9: A Matter of Time — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.2/10

A time traveling historian arrives aboard the Enterprise at a momentous time as the crew observes a giant dust crowd that could wreak ecological havoc. From here, things get increasingly weirder as suspicions arise around this unusual visitor. Worthwhile episode.

Season 5, Episode 10: New Ground — ?

IMDb rating: 6.5/10

I need to re-watch this episode.

Season 5, Episode 11: Hero Worship — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 6.6/10

This is a truly underrated episode, in my opinion. Here the Enterprise rescues a boy from a crashed spaceship. Traumatized by the event, the kid is drawn to Data, who becomes is idol in a way and the boy emulates him. Meanwhile, the crew attempts to discover what caused he ship to crash. An episode with some heartwarming moments!

Season 5, Episode 12: Violations — ?

IMDb rating: 6.2/10

I need to go back and re-watch his one.

Season 5, Episode 13: The Masterpiece Society — SKIPPABLE

IMDb rating: 6.7/10

Enterprise attempts an evacuation of a society under threat of destruction, but the population is hesitant — as they claim it would destroy the perfection of a society that’s been genetically engineered. Someone bland episode and in my opinion, skippable.

Season 5, Episode 14: Conundrum — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.2/10

What happens when the entire crew’s memories erased? Can they somehow piece things together to take back control and even more importantly, recover their former selves? Interesting episode.

Season 5, Episode 15: Power Play — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.3/10

Troi, Miles, and Data’s personalities change after a mysterious event and they attempt to take over the ship as the rest of the crew fights back and seeks to solve the mystery of exactly what has happened. Fun episode all around!

Season 5, Episode 16: Ethics — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.2/10

Is Worf so beholden to his Klingon ideology that he’s willing to commit suicide after a mishap which paralyzes him from the waist down? The crew must weigh their own feelings as Worf appears determined to follow this ancient Klingon ritual.

Season 5, Episode 17: Outcast — SKIPPABLE

IMDb rating: 6.8/10

I need to go back and re-watch this one.

Season 5, Episode 18: Cause and Effect — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.9/10

This episode is like the movie Groundhog’s Day except in space and with much more dire consequences. The ship keeps being destroyed and in each differing scenario the crew must figure out how to save theirselves!

Season 5, Episode 19: The First Duty — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.8/10

This is simply the best Wesley Crusher episode and centers around a controversy surrounding Wesley and his fellow students’ participation in a training exercise cover-up that claims one life. It plays out like a court drama and Wesley must wrestle with his conscience as Picard advises here and there.

Season 5, Episode 20: Cost of Living — SKIPPABLE

IMDb rating: 6.1/10

Troi plays a motherly role to Worf’s son Alexander and Troi’s mother arrives aboard the Enterprise to get married. Meh episode overall but not terrible.

Season 5, Episode 21: The Perfect Mate — ?

IMDb rating: 7.3/10

Season 5, Episode 22: Imaginary Friend — SKIPPABLE

IMDb rating: 6/10

A young girl’s imaginary friend proves almost catastrophic to the Enterprise as the crew explores a nebula. Just not the greatest episode.

Season 5, Episode 23: I, Borg — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.8/10

When the Enterprise crew comes across a Borg survivor, they must wrestle with saving this one borg’s individuality VS the change to destroy the Borg threat once and for all.

Season 5, Episode 24: The Next Phase — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.3/10

LaForge and Ro have good chemistry in this episode when what appears to be a transporter mishap causes the rest of the crew to believe they’ve died and they must fight to ensure that their still living existence is known to the rest of the crew. Great episode overall!

Season 5, Episode 25: The Inner Light — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 9.4/10

I was hesitant about this episode as it takes place almost entirely off the Enterprise without the rest of the crew (aside from Picard), but the slow burn on it and the plot twist at the end make it among TNG’s best. It’s definitely emotional.

Season , Episode 26: Time’s Arrow Pt 1 — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating:

Season 6

Season 6, Episode 1: Time’s Arrow Pt 2 — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.3/10

Season 6, Episode 2: Realm of Fear — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.2/10

This just might be my favorite Reg Barclay episode in TNG (imo there are some better ones in Voyager). The always awkward officer is having a meltdown over having to use the transporter, but are his fears truly irrational — or is there a solid reason to be skeptical of the transporters?

Season 6, Episode 3: Man of the People — SKIPPABLE

IMDb rating: 5.7/10

Season 6, Episode 4: Relics — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.5/10

This episode is so freakin fun and yeah, maybe it stretches the limits of what sci-fi should typically entail, but it’s so worth it to see James Doohan’s Montgomery Scott back. Also, Google Dyson Sphere — very improbably yet fascinating concept.

Season 6, Episode 5: Schisms — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.5/10

This episode reminds me of UFO abductions and it’s entirely creepy — in a successful way; something that TNG succeeds so well at. A really great episode to tune into overall!

Season 6, Episode 6: True Q — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.4/10

One of the weaker Q episodes but still worthwhile — considering it’s Q. A young lady/student with special Q-like abilities aboard the Enterprise must decide if she wants to join the Q Continuum or stay with Starfleet. Q is especially annoying to her, so the choice is without a doubt not an easy one.

Season 6, Episode 7: Rascals — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.2/10

Mayhem insues when four people including Captain Picard are transformed into their younger childlike selves during a shuttle craft mishap. While Picard attemps to stay captain, nobody can take him seriously. Decent episode overall and interesting to see the characters as their younger selves.

Season 6, Episode 8: A Fistful of Datas — ?

IMDb rating: 7.4/10

Season 6, Episode 9: The Quality of Life — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.4/10

Are three mining robots actually sentient life forms? If so, Data is of course their natural advocate for how exactly they should be treated. Solid episode overall.

Season 6, Episode 10: Chain of Command Pt 1 — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.3/10

Picard is temporarily out as Enterprise Captain and must lead a secret and mysterious mission against the Cardassians. Episode with dramatic and amazing acting both from Stewart and guest actor John Durbin.

Season 6, Episode 11: Chain of Command Pt 2 — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.9/10

See he previous episode description, as this is part two of it.

Season 6, Episode 12: Ship in a Bottle — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.5/10

Professor Moriarty is determined to escape the holodeck, despite the crew telling him it’s absolutely not possible. Does the holodeck really have limitations and is Moriarty truly sentient? He’s ready to live his life without limits and unfortunately, it might mean peril for the crew. Great episode overall with some fun twists and turns.

Season 6, Episode 13: Aquiel — SKIPPABLE

IMDb rating: 6/10

Season 6, Episode 14: Face of the Enemy — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.9/10

Season 6, Episode 15: Tapestry — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.8/10

One of TNG’s best episodes. Features Q, but it’s more about Picard. A look back at his life and presents the question, is it really worth it to have regrets — especially if the faults we had made us into the better people we are today?

Season 6, Episode 16: Birthright Pt 1 — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.5/10

Two part Worf-centric episode that questions the ultimate fate of the Klingon’s father. Solid all around and interestingly enough, features an appearance from Deep Space 9 and the show’s character, Dr. Julian Bashir.

Season 6, Episode 17: Birthright Pt 2 — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.3/10

See previous episode comment, as this is simply part two of the episode.

Season 6, Episode 18: Starship Mine — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.9/10

Good episode all around featuring an appearance from Tim Russ, who of course went on to play Tuvok in Voyager. In Starship Mine, we see a plot to steal Enterprise’s fuel, as Picard is left alone to battle it out with the thieves.

Season 6, Episode 19: Lessons — ?

IMDb rating: 7.5/10

Season 6, Episode 20: The Chase — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8/10

An episode that gets to the core of one of Trek’s most obvious questions — which is why do so many life forms the universe look so, ummm, conveniently human?

Season 6, Episode 21: Frame of Mind — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8/10

Riker-centric episode with phenomenal acting from Jonathan Frakes. Here Riker questions is own sanity after unusual happenings during his participation in an onboard play.

Season 6, Episode 22: Suspicions — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7/10

Crusher’s starfleet career is on the line when she perhaps goes a bit too far in seeking to unearth the cause of the mysterious death of a Ferengi scientist. Surprises abound in this worthwhile episode.

Season 6, Episode 23: Rightful Heir — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.1/10

Big questions for the future of the Klingon Empire arise when the legendary warrior Kahless miraculously makes his return. Of course a Worf-centered episode and since it’s so pivotal, a worthwhile watch.

Season 6, Episode 24: Second Chances — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.5/10

A solid Riker-centered episode where the character comes into contact with a duplicated version of himself that was created during a mishap. Through this odd happening, Riker must confront his feelings (and jealousy) for his former lover, Deanna Troi.

Season 6, Episode 25: Timescape — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.5/10

Another episode where the a mysterious disturbance puts the entire crew of the Enterprise at risk. Add in some eeriness and Romulans, and you’ve got a winner of an episode.

Season 6, Episode 26: Descent Pt 1 — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.1/10

Well, it’s certainly not as Good as Best of Both Worlds, but it’s still decently solid and makes a worthwhile season finale leading into the serie’s last season. Here we see a focus on Data and some out of the ordinary things occurring with the Borg drones — i.e. they're obtaining their own individuality. But why?

Season 7

Season 7, Episode 1: Descent Pt 2 — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.7/10

See previous comment, as this is simply the second part of a two-part episode!

Season 7, Episode 2: Liaisons — ?

IMDb rating: 6.6/10

Season 7, Episode 3: Interface — ?

IMDb rating: 6.2/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 7, Episode 4: Gambit Pt 1 — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.8/10

Picard is dead (okay, we know that’s not really true); he’s at least missing and the Enterprise crew is determined to track him down. Somehow he was at a dingy bar, a fight broke out over some artifacts, and he was vaporized — but was he really? Pretty solid episode that takes Trek off its usual course in a refreshing way.

Season 7, Episode 5: Gambit Pt 2 — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.9/10

See the previous episode description, as this is just part two of it.

Season 7, Episode 6: Phantasms — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.5/10

Data an android is having nightmares and it begins to wreak havoc on the crew, but especially one person in particular — Troi. Some trippy things in this one and a worthwhile early episode in the final season.

Season 7, Episode 7: Dark Page — SKIP!

IMDb rating: 6.4/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 7, Episode 8: Attached — ?

IMDb rating: 7.5/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 7, Episode 9: Force of Nature — ?

IMDb rating: 6.3/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 7, Episode 10: Inheritance — ?

IMDb rating: 7.5/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 7, Episode 11: Parallels — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.8/10

Episode with a focus on Worf, but high stakes for the entire crew. Crazy appearance from an alternative version of Riker that you won’t forget.

Season 7, Episode 12: The Pegasus — DEFINITELY WATCH!

Finally we get more insight into Riker’s backstory and it’s a reveal that even Picard doesn’t know about. It’s one of the serie’s best and features a guest appearance from Terry O’Quinn (LOST). Episode is also notable for having been directed by LeVar Burton.

Season 7, Episode 13: Homeward — WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7/10

Worf’s adopted brother makes an appearance in this episode as the Prime Directive is questioned as the Enterprise crew weighs the risk of an entire alien race being at risk of total annihilation.

Season 7, Episode 14: Sub Rosa — SKIPPABLE

IMDb rating: 4.8/10

Beverly Crusher meets a ghost lover after her grandmother dies. This lover has courted women in her family for hundreds of years. This episode was mocked by Michael Dorn (Worf) as being like an Anne Rice novel. Not that there’s anything wrong with Anne Rice, but it doesn’t really work in Trek.

Season 7, Episode 15: Lower Decks — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 8.7/10

A peak at characters outside the main cast. Here we see a return appearance from Sito Jaxa, a character we previously saw in another amazing episode, The First Duty. This one is about the lower ranked crew members, but is notable for the onus is places on Picard.

Season 7, Episode 16: Thine Own Self — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.8/10

Data shows up in a random village with no memory carrying only a case of radioactive material and the mystery must be unraveled. The episode also covers Troi’s desire to become a bridge officer. A solid episode all around.

Season 7, Episode 17: Masks — SKIPPABLE

IMDb rating: 5.8/10

A comet begins to transform the Enterprise into an ancient society featuring masks — and this episode is just one that doesn’t work well overall.

Season 7, Episode 18: Eye of the Beholder — ?

IMDb rating: 6.6/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 7, Episode 19: Genesis — ?

IMDb rating: 7/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 7, Episode 20: Journey’s End — SKIP!

IMDb rating: 6.2/10

This is the final episode for Wesley Crusher — after he left TNG full time in the early part of season 3. And it’s just not very good, but if you want to understand the full circle of his journey as a travelor, perhaps worth tuning in. Notable Wesley also makes a brief appearance in season 2 of Star Trek Picard.

Season 7, Episode 21: Firstborn — ?

IMDb rating: 6.7/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 7, Episode 22: Bloodlines — ?

IMDb rating: 6.5/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 7, Episode 23: Emergence — ?

IMDb rating: 6.5/10

I need to re-watch this one.

Season 7, Episode 24: Preemptive Strike — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 7.9/10

On a special mission, Ensign Ro is tempted by the Maquis due to her hatred of the Cardassians. Interestingly enough, Ro was supposed to be in DS9, but Ro actress Michelle Forbes turned down the opportunity; to fill the void, Trek creators came up with the character Kira Nerys. This is a solid episode all around and you just get the vibe this series is nearing its end.

Season 7, Episode 25: All Good Things — DEFINITELY WATCH!

IMDb rating: 9.1/10

The quintessential season finale that cleverly recalls the series’ first episode Encounter at Fairpoint (of course featuring Q). Also gives us a glimpse into some of the characters’ possible futures (hey, so does the Voyager finale!) Some would say it’s a positive note amid some weaker episodes in the final season and without a doubt, a perfect way to wrap up this marvelous show!

