Bryce Zabel’s full length movie “Official Denial” is on YouTube.


Screenwriter/Producer Bryce Zabel is the co-host of the popular “Need to Know” YouTube Channel. He wrote the screenplay for the movie “Official Denial”, SyFy’s 1993 full-length dramatic film which is available on YouTube.

This movie made for TV is kind of like the film “ET’ except this one has an adult rather than a boy as the protagonist. Although “Official Denial” is low budget with unconvincing alien masks and by current standards poor special effects, it has something for everyone including romance, military action, abductions & government secrecy. Multiple Contact Modalities are portrayed including UAP contact, telepathy, ghosts, and time travel.

What I like the most is underlying theme of human-alien solidarity. It is a must see!

Joseph Burkes MD

Link without commercials.




Joseph Burkes MD

Dr. Burkes is a retired internal medicine physician having completed 30 years of service for the Southern California Permanente Medical Group.