Election 2016: My Decision to Disassociate with Clinton Enablers

J Buzz Webb
8 min readOct 29, 2016


Even as a non-voter who used to vote from the independent Left, I’ve thought long and hard about this election and until now I have been pretty patient with my friends and acquaintances who supported Obama twice. You can call this current election a choice of “lesser evils” if that’s what makes you feel better about it, but there truly is no lesser evil in this “contest”. Both mainstream candidates are equally evil in their own respects and there is no way around that fact. However, I’ve just about lost the last of my patience with people who enable evil as their proxy. [I’m using the word “you” in a general sense, but surely you know who you are.]

Simply put, you vote for your proxy and your proxy is your representative… someone you think best represents you, your position, your values and morals. It’s not a sporting event or a popularity contest. You are responsible for the actions of those you would delegate as your proxy, or at least, to hold them accountable. If your candidate, as your proxy, is pro-war, then you are pro-war. If they are an interventionist and you know this and yet still vote to elect them, then you are an interventionist no matter what you might say to the contrary. If they will shield and protect Wall Street, then you just approved of that, too. Your claims of peace and justice have to correspond to your actions to have any sort of validity. Otherwise, saying one thing and doing another is just that: a contradiction. It’s also a sellout of your supposed principles. You can’t claim to have respect for the law or believe in the Golden Rule if you perpetuate someone who embodies the exact opposite of that. Especially when you have the right to just walk away from enabling evil and corruption instead of participating in it. Yet no matter how much corruption or how many scandals or the several instances of breaking the law and international law are presented, it doesn’t seem to have any deterring effect on your support of HRC in the slightest. Your candidate is a complete package and when you vote for that person you are enabling ALL of their policies with your rubber stamp of approval, not just the policies you like. You can’t ignore or deny the bad and ugly parts when it’s not convenient. Knowing all of this, that “lesser evil” concept becomes bunk.

So, just as I wouldn’t associate with NeoConservatives, I will not associate with NeoLiberals either. And I may choose to no longer associate with people who enable and support either NeoLibs or NeoCons through their vote. Now granted, my disassociation will be no big deal to many and some may care less for all I know as my departure will be inconsequential and may even be a relief. I’m sure that those experiencing cognitive dissonance will be delighted not to have to hear my judge-y pontifications and daily reminders regarding their lack of accountability for their chosen proxy’s wrongdoings. Your deafening silence on these illegal wars of aggression, the war crimes, the prosecutions of govt whistleblowers, the protectionism of corporate misdeeds, the institutional injustice, the rise of the police state, the violations of civil liberties and human rights throughout Obama’s tenure have weighed on me heavily enough. I don’t intend to go through another 4 years of more of the same and continue to act like something isn’t seriously wrong here. I won’t waste my time attempting to convince you of anything anymore, especially the importance of being consistent with your words and deeds. I also know that if we interact IRL I won’t be able to contain the disappointment from my eyes for your actions that contribute to the death & destruction heaped upon others, the further usurpation of even more of our liberties, and the direct impact you are imparting on my personal life with my beloved in Moscow because of the regrettable choice you made. I think about her every second and the impact that this election will potentially have on our relationship and it troubles me deeply.

Further, if Hillary Clinton, who is a NeoLiberal with a NeoConservative foreign policy agenda, is elected as the next US President and I know that you willfully enabled her as your representative and chosen proxy, you need not worry about me making a random post asking you to “unfriend me”. I’ll just purge my FB list when the time comes. This isn’t the “most important election of our lifetime” as you repeatedly tend to say every four years. It is, however, the most DANGEROUS election in our lifetimes. Neo-Conservatism used to be anathema to those on the Left. Now the Neo-Liberals and HRC walk hand-in-hand with the NeoCons. How are you not getting this?? You make claims to be informed voters, so if that’s really the case I guess I can conclude that you are going along with it. I never thought I’d see the Left fall to such a miserable low in my lifetime, but now you’re just indistinguishable from the NeoConservatives. Neo-Libs are just pro-choice NeoCons.

Don’t try to justify the HRC vote with Supreme Court prospects either. I’m as pro-choice as it gets, but you say you believe in a woman’s right to choose? Not if you’re supporting her you don’t. You just condemned 10’s or 100’s of thousands of women to their DEATHS in Syria (and the greater Middle East and beyond) with your vote. You don’t even respect their right to LIVE, much less have any sort of choice in the matter. Because as Hillary told her Wall St. banker friends in one of her private speeches about her no-fly zone, stating the need to “take out” Syria’s “very sophisticated” air defenses, she said, “To have a no-fly zone you have to take out all of the air defenses, many of which are located in populated areas. So our missiles, even if they are standoff missiles so we’re not putting our pilots at risk — you’re going to kill a lot of Syrians.” You just voted for their deaths. Your vote has very real life or death consequences attached to it. Irony is watching HRC using that little Syrian boy with the bloody face in the ambulance as an emotional pawn when she was one of the main architects who started yet another illegal war and put that little boy in this very situation. Always have a private and public position, right? Funny that you’ll cry crocodile tears for Syrian refugees yet you’re voting for the very woman who says she’ll make their plight even worse. She has said it on stage and in her policy platform. What’s not clicking for you here? This death and destruction is what your proxy has promised. This is what you’re voting for.

Another weasel justification that’s not going to fly is this prospect of the “first woman president” and glass ceiling nonsense. If you are going to claim that this election is about empowering women, then why would you pick the absolute worst woman available? The darling of the military industrial complex who’s never seen a war she didn’t support. “Mama Warbucks”. A Wall St. lackey who will take a nickel from anyone. If you were really about empowering women, you would be protecting the most weak, poor, and vulnerable women in the world and not electing an elite, over-privileged, Establishment woman that has indiscriminately murdered countless other women, their children, and their families with drones and bombs and bullets. Shall I get started about her accepting money from Saudi Arabia and other M.E. countries that demean, punish, and kill women and gays? And then supplying them with guns and bombs? As Madeleine Albright said, “There is a special place in Hell for women who don’t help other women.” And I sincerely hope that both she and Hillary have first class tickets on the express train to Hell for what they have done.

Lastly, as an informed voter, you should know the following points. And as of now, I reserve the right to disassociate from her enablers as soon as any of the following happen under a Hillary Clinton tenure:

  • She fills her cabinet with NeoLiberal and NeoConservative warhawks.
  • She selects Victoria Nuland as Secretary of State, Susan Rice stays on as National Security Advisor, or Samantha Power continues her role as Ambassador to the United Nations.
  • She attacks the Syrian government and/or Russian troops in Syria in an attempt to create a No Fly Zone.
  • She continues to assault any of the 7 Middle Eastern countries the US is illegally engaged in militarily and there are civilian casualties, including ramping up drone attacks.
  • She engages in military actions towards Iran, covert or overt.
  • She increases hostilities with Russia through NATO military exercises on its border and increases NATO weapons & troop deployments.
  • She increases military hostilities with Russia on the Black Sea.
  • She increases military hostilities with Russia through covert or overt actions in Ukraine, Crimea, Georgia, or any other border country with Russia.
  • She engages in any sort of nuclear war threat.
  • She increases military hostilities with China in the South China Sea.
  • She applies or increases sanctions wherever, which is economic warfare on innocent civilians and do not affect governments. Generally, sanctions are a precursor for war.
  • She green lights any further coup d’états or covert CIA actions like Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Iran, or Honduras.

And lastly, on a personal note, if Hillary Clinton’s actions:

  • result in Putin responding to HRC’s proactive aggression by restricting the freedom of movement in Russia where my beloved (and our family/friends) cannot come and go across borders as they please.
  • result in a cyberwar with Russia where my daily communications with my beloved (and our family/friends) are disrupted, disabled, or destroyed.

You go right ahead and run your victory lap if HRC wins. Jump for joy, even. This “victory” will be short-lived, I suspect, once you see what you’ve enabled and unleashed on the world. And when this happens, I also predict those who voted for Hillary will return to their absolute silence and turn a blind, unaccountable eye to these situations like you did for the last 8 years with Obama. And just like you’re doing now with HRC’s high level of corruption, collusion, law-breaking, corporate elite & Establishment protectionism, saber-rattling, and warmongering, not to mention her previous history of participating in war crimes, destroying sovereign nations, and creating one of the largest humanitarian crisis’s in world history. Nary a peep of protest to be heard. And no calls to be held accountable or responsible for the actions and crimes of your chosen proxy. Not only that — if you vote for her, you are willfully participating in the advancement of it.

Don’t bother responding with anything about Trump because this isn’t about what you are voting against, as I have already dismissed him. (I don’t even know many Trump supporters, but I surely know a hell of a lot of Hillary enablers.) This screed is about what you, the Left, are voting FOR and what you are empowering. I’m not mad at anyone, but I certainly am heartbroken and disappointed. I just cannot tolerate this unacceptable double standard and hypocrisy anymore because a lot of innocent people are going to die as the result of your unfortunate choice if she wins. If you truly are an informed, conscientious voter, you should know full well the evil that you are getting yourself into. Your actions have very real consequences and you have to own that. I just can’t pretend anymore that this is okay.

[My explicit permission is granted to republish, repost, and share. That’s the whole point.]

