How I made ~5$ per day — in Passive Income (with an android app)

José Paiva
11 min readNov 3, 2022

by José Paiva

TL;DR: In this article I talk about how I used my personal android phone to make around 5$ per day (without doing anything), using a single app.

What does Passive Income mean?

> It can be defined as: “money you collect from activities, where you have no active or direct involvement.”

For me, personally, it was always about taking advantage of my knowledge to think outside the box and make money. How could I, as a Software Engineer make money with what I had learned at the time (preferably without actually “having to do anything”).

I know, catchy right?

The Place

The year is 2019. I was still in university, crawling through my 3rd year of a Bachelors degree in Computer Science. At the same time, I was also doing an internship at a Marketing Automation Company, which means that I had fewer classes than all the other previous semesters, hence more time than usual to put my knowledge into practice.

I’ve used computers from a very young age (and too much, to be frank). Nonetheless, regarding software development, all the knowledge I had was related…

