66 Days…

John Aulabaugh
2 min readNov 16, 2019


I’m going to try this.

I can write lyrics in the most stressful of times. My first recording session in LA, Rami Jaffee (Foo Fighters) cut half of the first two verses out of my song One More Down The Line. I pulled cohesive lyrics out of my ass to make a really interesting story — I just attributed it to modifying what I had written to what it should have been all along. Rami was just one of the teachers I had along this path that made me level-up.

That being said, I’m not sure I can write this kinda stuff to save my life. When I created my first solo album — Of Sins Present and Past — I purported to be authoring a book under the same name. Attempt after attempt to chapter and verse, I could never make something compelling about something I’m entirely not. Another one down the line.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained — huh? Well, I have 66 days left before I will be in the most devastating car wreck of my life.

I will be on a ventilator, catheter’d, heart-monitored and drugged out of my mind. Prior to the accident that left my spine in a last-resort procedure, the doctor advised that this risky operation came with a 25% risk factor. “What we need to do is drill a hole on either side of each vertebra and tap a hole — then we screw in an eyelet for each side of each vertebrae. Once that’s done, we’ll put a titanium rod down each side, straighten his spine and then weld the bitch in place.” My surgery on January 20th, 2020 is said to be like being in a really bad car wreck.

It’s fucking daunting man. I’m not one who can spend much time on the receiving end of empathy, but can you imagine having so much pain that it would drive you to a surgery that will cause you so much pain that Fentanyl is applied in a Slush Puppie machine?

Anyway — my surgery is in 66 days. I’m trying to release an album I just finished and get my business and affairs in order before I can’t do fuck for a while. I’m going to try to play as much music as possible before this all goes down — it will help keep my mind off of all of this.

If anyone else reads this, awesome! But if not, I’m just reflecting. I’ll try to write each day and record some cool ideas for YouTube maybe.


