Ecuador: The Country Closest to the Moon and a World of Wonders

JCF Medical College
3 min readSep 26, 2023


Photo by James Wheeler on Unsplash

Ecuador is a country full of adventure, natural beauty, and intriguing physics that will leave you astonished.

While you may think the closest point to the Moon is somewhere in space, it's right here on Earth, and it's not on Mount Everest.

This remarkable place can be found in Ecuador, a country that offers much more than just stunning landscapes.

In the year 2024, Nas Travels is offering trips to Ecuador, allowing you to experience this incredible country for yourself.

Now, let's dive into why Ecuador is such a fascinating place and why it's as close to the Moon as you can get on Earth.

Photo by malith d karunarathne on Unsplash

Ecuador, located in South America, boasts a mix of adventure, nature, and vibrant culture.

But what sets it apart are the intriguing physics experiments you can witness here.

Tourists visit this country and try to walk on a line, only to find themselves tumbling.

Water poured down a sink doesn't spin in the usual direction. Leaves don't create the typical vortex when they fall.

And at noon, if you stand on a specific spot, your shadow vanishes completely.

Ecuador is a place where the laws of physics seem to be a bit different.

All these phenomena can be attributed to the equator, a line that divides the Earth into two equal halves – North and South.

Ecuador gets its name from "equator" in Spanish, and it's the country where this fascinating line runs.

As the Earth spins, there's a strong outward force at the equator, which makes gravity slightly weaker here.

This is why you can get closer to the Moon at Mount Chimboraso, even though it’s not the tallest mountain on Earth.

Photo by Ales Krivec on Unsplash

Due to the Earth’s bulge at the equator, Chimboraso is the closest point to space.

Living at high altitudes in Ecuador, such as the second-highest capital city in the world, can be challenging.

The thinner air means less oxygen, leading to slower cars, shorter battery life, and increased difficulty in breathing. Sunburns are also common due to proximity to the Sun.

Ecuador isn't just about mountains; it's also home to the Galapagos Islands, one of the most pristine places on Earth.

These islands, with over 9,000 unique animal species, are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Here, you can encounter giant tortoises, wild marine iguanas, penguins, and sea lions that casually mingle with humans.

The Galapagos Islands are a natural wonder, where animals found nowhere else in the world thrive.

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Ecuador's people are just as fascinating as its natural beauty. Meet the man who turned his life around at 52, quitting drinking, learning to read, and adopting a healthy lifestyle.

He also played a vital role in cleaning up the Galapagos Islands by collecting a million discarded cigarette butts and transforming them into art.

Then, there's a woman living sustainably on one of the Galapagos Islands, collecting rainwater and salt from the beach, showcasing how eco-friendly living is possible.

Ecuador is a country of mind-blowing experiences, from its people to its unique nature and intriguing physics.

If you're seeking a place where science, animals, and physics come together in a way textbooks can't capture, Ecuador is waiting to amaze you.

So, pack your bags and head to Ecuador to witness a world of wonders you won't find anywhere else on Earth.

Thank you for Reading!

