[Notes] Trustworthy Online Controlled Experiments

20 min readNov 6, 2021

I recently came across this book written by Ron Kohavi, Diane Tang, and Ya Xu — Trustworthy Online Controlled Experiments and have found it helpful with my A/B testing studies. I’d like to share my notes from this book.


Chapter 1: Intro

Chapter 2: Running and Analyzing Experiments: An End-to-End Example

Chapter 3: Twyman’s Law and Experimentation Trustworthiness

Chapter 4: Experimentation Platform and Culture

Chapter 1: Intro

One accurate measurement is worth more than a thousand expert opinions. — Grace Hopper

1.1 Terminology

1.2 Why Experiment? Correlations, Causality, and Trustworthiness

1.3 Necessary Ingredients for Running Useful Controlled Experiments

1.1 Terminology

(1) Overall Evaluation Criterion (OEC): A quantitative measure of the experiment‘s objective.

  • For example, your OEC might be active days per user
  • The OEC must be measurable in the short term (the duration of an experiment) yet believed to causally drive long-term strategic objectives
  • In the case of a search engine, the OEC can be a combination of usage (e.g., sessions-per-user), relevance (e.g., successful sessions…




Data Product @ TikTok | Adjunct Professor of Data Science | Python, R, ML, DL