Does your company need a Design System?

Josh Christopher
1 min readApr 18, 2017


By Josh Christopher, Senior Experience Director at projekt202

Here is a little guide to help you assess if your team is ready for a system.

One caveat above, if you have little to no design in your organization but have a lot of dev teams, I am not saying you wouldn’t benefit from a system. But a system will never be a substitute for the proper ratio of design embeded in your software developement process. A system will only help your teams work more effectively and enable them to focus on the experience rather than reinvention of established premises. If you want to learn more about design systems check out this quick video.

Please feel free to comment if you disagree with anything written above, I am always eager to hear another perspective. Also don’t forget to hit the 💙 if you enjoyed the article. It lets me know I shouldn’t give up, despite my atrocious spelling and grammar.

Please reach out to me or projekt202 if you are curious about how we might assist you in this process.



Josh Christopher

Blatant tomfoolery, complex problems, thoughts on design and old-man sounding rants.