Project 3 — Exercises

Joanne Chui
3 min readFeb 5, 2020


I liked this exercise because it forced me to analyze underlying stylistic qualities of fonts that I, for the most part, took for granted. Font is extremely important in emphasizing the message/content that you are trying to portray. This was very informative in how there are so many different methodologies in which font is constructed.

fonts from top to bottom: Acumin Variable Concept, Century Gothic, Futura PT, Calibri, Source Serif Variable

The word purity really inspired me to do an extremely simple but elegant design, that is more youthful and contemporary rather than traditional. Because of this, I was mainly looking for fonts without serifs. However, as you can see with my last font choice, I was convinced by the use of serifs in that case because there was still a youthful and playful use of thickness in the font. I also looked for fonts that were very slender and thin in nature, with consistent thicknesses. Once again, the last one contradicted this but still seemed very fitting to me. I also chose these fonts because they were very simplistic in how they were just the bare minimum of just the necessary strokes needed to represent each character.

Exercise 3



Horizontal Shift

Lineweight and Linespacing

Line Weights and Horizontal Shift

Horizontal Shift and Line Spacing

Font Size and Line Weighting and Horizontal Shift and Line Spacing

