Getting Comfortable with Discomfort

Jaime Ciecalone
1 min readApr 15, 2020


I can do this!

Photo by 30daysreplay (PR & Marketing) on Unsplash

There is a sticky sweat under my armpits, a nervous sweat. I’m scared right now, worried about being judged. I’ve been a member of Medium since July 2019, an avid reader, but I don’t want to only be a consumer. I want to create, to be a writer. In my Google drive I have seven incomplete articles that I hope to one day publish on this platform. I shared that desire with my partner, and he challenged me to write this piece. Told me he’d call me in ten minutes, asked me to send him the link to verify. Thanks accountability partner! I have a textbook case of perfectionism and impostor syndrome. Who am I to write an article? What sort of knowledge and perspective can I share that would be worth reading? Is what I wrote good enough? Am I good enough? So this is me, pushing myself out of my comfort zone. Writing this piece as a way to get started, rip the band-aid, and grow as a writer from here. This is my first step. You best believe I’m going to celebrate the crap out of this with an awkward, happy dance.

