Interview with Cameron Wall, CEO & Co Founder at Cameron Wall

3 min readOct 19, 2018


Cameron Wall

A mobile, Cloud & Blockchain (DLT) technologist with focus on the Stellar Protocol, Cameron Wall not only possesses skills, but also has peering into the future and building what’s missing using the latest technology available. Cameron shares really his experiences from his entrepreneurship, solving “pain-killer” problems and timing is important.

JC: RainCheck indeed sees and bridges the gap between online and offline shopping. And the main industry RainCheck focuses at the moment is the clothing industry. Does RainCheck want to stay focused in this industry? Or can we expect more other industries?

Cameron: The apparel (clothing) sector was used for the initial pilot, we are now focused on all retail sectors and also Travel.

JC: With 25+ years experience running development & design teams building web & mobile platform solutions for global enterprise clients and 23 years in founding six tech startups, would you please advise on those who want to found a startup? What would be a great timing to start a business and what an entrepreneur should prepare?

Cameron: This could be a long answer but I guess the main advice is to solve a real problem, there are “vitamin” problems which means they solve a problem but they are no big deal if you don’t take them so whenever is fine. And there is “pain-killer” problems where you will do what it takes to solve the issue, these are the customers you want, so make sure you are solving a big problem. The other advice is timing. We had a cool mobile image recognition solution before the iPhone even was released in 2007, and when we showed people the product it was like showing fire to cavemen for the first time, but people were not ready for it and we couldn’t scale. Timing is very important.

JC: RainCheck is an international company with headquarter in Sydney, with branches in UK and USA, and it looks there are less than 10 employees at RainCheck, how do you create such an efficient team?

Cameron: We work really hard and also have a great network of contract people around the world. It’s all about running as lean as you can in the beginning.


RainCheck is a Contextual Commerce Platform that bridges the gap between online and offline shopping, allowing users to save things they discover online and be notified at a contextual and relevant time when shopping near stores that stock those items.

With 85% of people shopping online and discovering things, yet 90% of transactions still happening in physical stores there is a huge disconnect and an estimated $16Trillion in digitally influenced sales. Using RainCheck, for the first time retailers can now measure the online-to-offline conversion of sales and can also make targeting online offers that can be tracked to actual in-store activity and transactions.

JC Lin

Columnist & Interviewer: JC Lin,

JC has experience with consulting technology, management and strategy planning. JC specializes in Blockchain applications, Financial management and Cloud app and mobile development.

He helps 30+ companies that want to carry out different projects through blockchain from its earliest phase to the completion of the project. He providing marketing, design, development, Smart contract develop, auditor and other services for ICOs. Set up the online service of individual digital assets blockchain that are decentralized, safe and persistently operational.

