Interview with Jeremy Klein, Founder at HyperionX

4 min readOct 10, 2018


A blockchain evangelist with 5+ years of experience in the space, Jeremy has invested in a numerous amount of successful projects and built a large network of skilled, like-minded individuals. In his view, blockchain technology has created a new era, in which each individual can be a part to restore a balance in this world, with more freedom.

JC: Why do you want to found HyperionX?

Jeremy: I want to develop a ecosystem that is supported by the people, for the people. A platform where the entire world can connect, have a say in what goes on inside of the ecosystem and earn profits from supporting the ecosystem that normally would funnel up to the centralized entities.

From my personal experience, I see a lot wrong with the current systems. Here at HyperionX, we are looking to disrupt and change those systems for the better, by giving the power and control back to the people.

We want to save people from systems with heavy fees and strict bias rules that are dictated by a single centralized entity.

In comes blockchain + consensus algorithms with machine learning. This will eliminate the need for 3rd parties who are taking all of the profit for themselves.

Our main vision is to develop this decentralized platform, tokenize it, distribute it to the people, then work on only establishing non-profit funds in order to create jobs all around the world. Hence our focus on why we are working on building strong communities around our project.

We will be working on redistributing the wealth back to the individuals, away from the current 1% that runs the world. In order for that to happen, people have to be willing to take the 1st step. So that is what we are doing, taking that 1st step…

JC: HyperionX is a community-driven space, and to form a community, the members in community share common attitudes, interests, or goals. Does HyperionX have some preferred themes for communities?

Jeremy: It doesn’t matter where you are from or what you are passionate about, our only preferred theme for our communities are people who want to take control of their lives. We are entering a new age, an age where technology is allowing us to have more freedom than ever before. As individuals, we all have to do our part to restore a balance in this world. Blockchain technology is allowing us to do that, and anyone who wants to be a part of the revolution, should join our movement.

JC: Since HyperionX establishes in 2018, would you please share which part you think would be the most difficult to run a newly-established company from a business perspective? Is it a product, marketing, human resource, R&D, finance, or anything else?

Jeremy: There has been a lot of negative publicity in correlation to blockchain and cryptocurrencies within the last year or so because of scammers. It takes a lot more effort these days to legitimize yourself within the blockchain/crypto communities. Our main focus before we try to convince the public that we are in fact legitimate is our product development. We are pushing a development first approach, and instead of trying to have people believe in us, we are going to believe in them. We will believe that if we develop an ecosystem truly designed for the people, they will indeed utilize it as a tool to take control of their lives.


HyperionX provides an autonomous, free market, self-sustaining ecosystem via blockchain technology. The protocol is designed to be a decentralized, community-driven space, which acts as a bridge to connect people all around the world.

HyperionX includes a decentralized marketplace with rewards for watching ads and completing surveys, as well as a foolproof tipping tool, designed to inspire goodwill and stimulate content and transactions.

Each user has a customizable and interactive interface; which includes a feed of friends or “Buds” who provide content, products, and services. As a user progresses through their stages, they unlock an array of dApps, tools, and interactive features.

JC Lin

Columnist & Interviewer: JC Lin,

JC has experience with consulting technology, management and strategy planning. JC specializes in Blockchain applications, Financial management and Cloud app and mobile development.

He helps 30+ companies that want to carry out different projects through blockchain from its earliest phase to the completion of the project. He providing marketing, design, development, Smart contract develop, auditor and other services for ICOs. Set up the online service of individual digital assets blockchain that are decentralized, safe and persistently operational.

