I Was Done, It Was Time to Fill the Pothole!

It Would be a Hole No More

Jeffrey Clos
3 min readNov 4, 2021


You read the title right; I did have a pothole that needed to be filled. To be more precise, it was several potholes throughout our new neighborhood. We had been traversing one such pothole for the last few months, and I was done! Somehow, someway I was going to fill these holes and get on with life. No longer would I forget about the holes and accidentally plow through them at 5 AM on my way to work.

Nasty Potholes

I live in a part of Michigan that suffers from a tremendous amount of potholes. As explained to me, if we situated 3 hours more North or 3 hours more South, the pothole issue would be less existent. We experience such a range of temperatures in Metro Detroit, the constant contraction and expansion wreak havoc on the roads around us. The barrage of salt trucks through the winter and the heavy snowplows certainly play their part.

My next step was to seek out a professional. I work with several customers and suppliers in the packaging industry. My friend Carl, and current customer, is in the roofing industry. He also has expertise in pothole repair. I won’t bore you with the details, but he supplied me with three bags of asphalt patch repair and a bonding prep & seal paint. As explained to me, it was going to be a messy process.



Jeffrey Clos

I am a lifetime inhabitant of Michigan, and compelled to share my various experiences. I have a lust for new technology and other improvements to ones life!