The Ultimate Collection of Journal Prompts

James Mattison
13 min readApr 3, 2020

A whole year’s worth of questions to help you get your inner-most thoughts and feelings down on paper

This collection of journal prompts is organised in a way that will help you answer a really wide variety of questions about yourself, your relationships, your strengths, weaknesses, hopes and dreams.

Some of them are very specific and some are intentionally open-ended and open to interpretation. Answer them any way you please.

Answer them one a day, in the order listed below, or just jump in and answer them in any order you like.


  1. Things to do today, this week, this month
  2. List three things you would like to have accomplished by this time next year.
  3. Three celebrity crushes
  4. Write a letter to someone you need to forgive
  5. What are your financial goals for the year?
  6. Keep a food journal for one-day (continue if you enjoy it)
  7. What do you like about your job?
  8. Write about a teacher or mentor who you’re grateful for
  9. Write about a movie character you identify with
  10. Your ten favourite quotes
  11. What was the worst movie you ever saw?
  12. You are an extrovert/introvert because…
  13. Things I always did with my dad when I was small…
  14. Describe your first boyfriend/girlfriend in detail
  15. Would you rather lose the ability to read or lose the ability to speak?
  16. What’s a possession that makes your life easier?
  17. A few words of advice to someone younger
  18. Your life story in five sentences
  19. One thing you say you think, but really don’t
  20. How do you spend a rainy day?
  21. What is truly worth focusing on today? What is NOT?
  22. A goal you reached
  23. A story that captures your imagination
  24. What are your thoughts on a current news story
  25. Write about your first job
  26. Who was your favourite teacher?
  27. If you could have dinner with anyone currently alive, who would it be?
  28. How do you deal with anger?
  29. What made you feel good this week?
  30. Write the first page of your biography
  31. Write about three things you’re grateful for this month


  1. Things to do today, this week, this month
  2. If you could change one thing about your present life, what would it be?
  3. Three things you’d do if you weren’t so afraid
  4. Look through your photographs and choose a few to write about
  5. Write a letter to someone who believed in you even when you didn’t believe in yourself
  6. What would you do if you could live a day without consequences?
  7. How do you indulge yourself? Do you need to indulge yourself more often?
  8. Do you prefer to think, or do?
  9. Do you have any famous or high profile family members? If so, write about them.
  10. Ten songs you love (explain why, or tell a story about what it means to you)
  11. How do you define art?
  12. Describe your ideal 80-year-old self
  13. What habits do you want to form, to make yourself a better person
  14. Draw something!
  15. Would you rather be covered in fur or covered in scales?
  16. What book did you read over and over again as a child?
  17. The best dessert to share with friends
  18. The best gift you could receive
  19. What keeps you up at night worrying
  20. What are your views on drugs and alcohol
  21. From waking to sleeping, how would you spend your last day
  22. The most fun I’ve ever had…
  23. What’s your secret desire?
  24. What is the dominant emotion in your life right now?
  25. What was your favourite cartoon?
  26. Which country’s government seems to be helping its citizens the most?
  27. What places would you plan a road trip to
  28. Write about three things you’re grateful for this month


  1. Things to do today, this week, this month
  2. What was the best day of your life so far
  3. Three favourite things to wear
  4. What personality traits would you trade with your partner?
  5. What did you accomplish today?
  6. Who was the last new friend you made?
  7. Describe kindness
  8. Your company would be so much better if…
  9. What things does fear hold you back from doing
  10. Ten pieces of art you love
  11. If you could choose a mentor, it would be…
  12. Who are you proud of
  13. What’s the biggest problem you’re facing right now
  14. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  15. Would you rather be in jail for a year or lose a year off your life?
  16. My saddest memory is . . .
  17. What did you do this week that moved you closer to reaching your goals?
  18. Write a fan letter to your favourite actor/actress
  19. Write about the first apartment you ever rented
  20. Is it more important to be loyal or honest?
  21. What makes you unique?
  22. What are the top ten qualities a friend should have?
  23. When did you last read a book, why did you read it, and what it was about
  24. Do you believe in soul mates?
  25. Are you superstitious about anything
  26. What would you do if money were no object?
  27. Write down everything happening around you at this moment
  28. Something you buy often
  29. One thing you wish you could do
  30. How important is fame?
  31. Write about three things you’re grateful for this month


  1. Things to do today, this week, this month
  2. Your last important decision
  3. Three things you can’t go without
  4. The biggest lie I’ve ever told is . . .
  5. What was your favourite subject at school?
  6. How do you respond in a crisis
  7. Who are the people you have in your life who support you
  8. A favourite song lyric
  9. What’s the best thing in your life right now?
  10. Ten activities you love
  11. What would you ask for if a genie granted you three wishes?
  12. What’s a secret habit/thing you enjoy
  13. Do you believe in ghosts? Why/why not? What happens when we die?
  14. What political party do you consider yourself a part of
  15. Would you rather have one real get out of jail free card or a key that opens any door?
  16. What’s the most upsetting thing that’s ever happened to you
  17. One thing you need to start doing
  18. Is the world a fair place?
  19. What you’d really like to do tomorrow
  20. What specifically do you need to forgive yourself for?
  21. What’s something you often take too personally even though, logically, you know better?
  22. How will you embody ‘love’ today?
  23. What scares you?
  24. Write a letter to be read by each of your loved ones after you’ve passed away
  25. How would your best friend describe you?
  26. What’s the angriest you’ve ever been
  27. The thing you always forget to pack
  28. Something you love about spring
  29. A quote that inspires you
  30. Write about three things you’re grateful for this month


  1. Things to do today, this week, this month
  2. Describe a moment you remember with your mother
  3. Three favourite book characters
  4. What’s the most outrageous thing you’ve ever done?
  5. What was your favourite childhood toy?
  6. An app on your phone you use too much
  7. What’s the most afraid you’ve ever been
  8. A typical grocery list
  9. What’s something you’ve let go that once meant the world to you?
  10. Ten restaurants you love
  11. Close your eyes and imagine the kind of world you would like to see. What is it like?
  12. The things in your life that are most important to you, in order
  13. Is morality relative?
  14. Are you heavily influenced by music
  15. Would you rather have all traffic lights you approach be green or never have to stand in line again?
  16. What’s something about your body or health that you’re grateful for?
  17. A place you have never visited
  18. The time of day you prefer
  19. A good idea
  20. What have your error(s) in judgment taught you?
  21. What’s one good, recent example of someone with a bad attitude completely misjudging you?
  22. What kind of drama do you sometimes get caught up in?
  23. Things you’ve done that you previously thought you could never do
  24. Write about your first dance
  25. How do you think others see you when they meet you for the first time?
  26. Write a letter to someone you love, but can’t express
  27. A fictional character you’d like to switch places with
  28. Advice to ignore
  29. Three words that describe your style
  30. How did the universe come into being
  31. Write about three things you’re grateful for this month


  1. Things to do today, this week, this month
  2. A recent compliment you gave
  3. Three favourite things to eat
  4. Nobody knows that I . . .
  5. As a child, did you ever get lost?
  6. Your top 5 short-term goals
  7. What are the flaws and strengths of your physical appearance
  8. An idea that seems great, but actually isn’t
  9. What’s the next step you’ve been thinking about taking, for far too long?
  10. Ten favourite lines from books/movies
  11. How would you describe yourself?
  12. Write a food/movie review
  13. Are you an optimist or pessimist
  14. Your personal motto
  15. Would you rather be able to see 10 minutes into your own future or 10 minutes into the future of anyone but yourself?
  16. What’s an accomplishment you’re proud of?
  17. The word that you overuse
  18. Your summer playlist
  19. What’s one thought that has been getting the best of you lately?
  20. What’s something true about you that you need to embrace more openly and lovingly?
  21. What’s the hardest thing you’re trying to accomplish or cope with right now?
  22. Your top five long term goals
  23. Write about your first week in college or school
  24. How can you best share your gifts with the world?
  25. You’re going to/never going to move away because…
  26. People watch, and make up a story for people you see
  27. Something to let go of
  28. How do you spend time resting?
  29. Thoughts about today’s (or yesterday’s) events
  30. Write about three things you’re grateful for this month


  1. Things to do today, this week, this month
  2. A song from your childhood
  3. Three things you want in a relationship
  4. Is there anything you feel ashamed of?
  5. Did you ever run away from home?
  6. The man/woman you want to marry is…
  7. Write about a happy memory
  8. What are you good at?
  9. What is one privilege you have that you often take for granted?
  10. Ten movies you love
  11. What are some of your idiosyncrasies?
  12. Plan out, in detail, how to build something
  13. Would you ever consider minimalism
  14. Your personal values
  15. Would you rather have an easy job working for someone else or work for yourself but work incredibly hard?
  16. What have you been given that you’re grateful for?
  17. Organized or messy?
  18. A reason to celebrate
  19. What do you appreciate most about your life right now? Why?
  20. Something a heartbreak prompted you to change
  21. The most disappointed I’ve ever been…
  22. What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
  23. What would make you feel spiritually fulfilled?
  24. Is time-travel possible?
  25. Document an ‘experiment’
  26. What do you want more of?
  27. A recent compliment you received
  28. The best part of summer
  29. One thing you will always do
  30. What’s something or someone that makes you feel safe?
  31. Write about three things you’re grateful for this month


  1. Things to do today, this week, this month
  2. A tiny step towards your dreams
  3. If you had to evacuate your home because of a natural disaster, what three things would you take with you?
  4. Is there anything you need to be forgiven for?
  5. What’s your first memory?
  6. What are your awesome, inventive ideas
  7. What artist, author, or musician are you grateful for?
  8. A way to relax
  9. Describe a time you decided not to buy something you thought you couldn’t live without
  10. Ten books you love
  11. What qualities do you want in a romantic partner?
  12. Things you’d tell yourself as a teenager if you could go back in time
  13. If someone wrote your biography, what would the ‘blurb’ be
  14. What person has been the strongest influence on you
  15. Would you rather be the first person to explore a planet or be the inventor of a drug that cures a deadly disease?
  16. Write about a family member who you’re grateful for.
  17. Your preferred method of communication
  18. Is where you are right now, where you want to be?
  19. What are you offering the world?
  20. What is one reality you need to come to peace with? Why?
  21. What’s something from your past that you are thankful you gave up on?
  22. The Holiday traditions I most look forward to…
  23. What was the last thing you drew?
  24. Are you religious? Why or why not?
  25. If someone told you to mentally go to your ‘happy place’, where would you go
  26. Rewrite an old journal entry now
  27. What does it take to make a friend?
  28. Something that worries you
  29. Who is your “cheerleader?”
  30. What are you waiting for?
  31. Write about three things you’re grateful for this month


  1. Things to do today, this week, this month
  2. What really matters
  3. Three pet peeves
  4. The most surprised I’ve ever been . . .
  5. What is your most vivid memory of the kitchen in your childhood?
  6. Your eulogy
  7. Write about a friend who you’re grateful for
  8. Is your life what you imagined?
  9. How has your past heartbreak made you stronger, wiser, and more loving?
  10. Ten websites you visit regularly
  11. What famous world festivals would you like to attend?
  12. What you love about where you live
  13. What habits do you want to give up, to make yourself a better person
  14. What assumptions would a stranger make about you from your appearance
  15. Would you rather go back to age 5 with everything you know now or know now everything your future self will learn?
  16. A fact you don’t usually tell people
  17. A movie that makes you happy
  18. An evening ritual
  19. What’s something you love today that you never even knew you needed in your life?
  20. What has your inner voice been trying to tell you lately?
  21. If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be?
  22. What’s your wildest dream?
  23. When do you feel the most like ‘you’
  24. Open your phone or photo album and find a photo that you like. Why are you grateful for this photo?
  25. Everyone needs…
  26. Something that is always easy for you
  27. The goal you are working towards now
  28. A time of transition
  29. The best restaurant in your town
  30. Write about three things you’re grateful for this month


  1. Things to do today, this week, this month
  2. Where you want to be
  3. Three bad habits
  4. My favourite weekend ritual . . .
  5. As a child, who was your favourite relative?
  6. What circumstance has altered your path the most
  7. What’s the personality trait that you’re grateful for?
  8. The best idea you’ve had this week
  9. What’s something that you are thankful you didn’t give up on?
  10. Ten favourite foods
  11. Was there anything noteworthy about your mother’s upbringing?
  12. When have you been courageous
  13. What things make you angry the fastest
  14. What was your biggest mistake this week
  15. Would you rather be an average person in the present or a king of a large country 2500 years ago?
  16. Five books everyone should read
  17. A movie that makes you cry
  18. The best parts of fall (autumn)
  19. Over the past month, what have your actions been silently saying about your priorities?
  20. What do you wish you could change about your job?
  21. Is there anything you feel guilty about?
  22. What’s one old pattern of behaviour that sometimes still sneaks up on you?
  23. As a child, what did you think the future would be like?
  24. What grand adventure do you wish you could go on?
  25. What are the pros and cons of having children
  26. How are you able to help others?
  27. What is the most important thing in life?
  28. Pick a movie character you identify with
  29. An important song from your childhood
  30. What don’t you share?
  31. Write about three things you’re grateful for this month


  1. Things to do today, this week, this month
  2. A thing your life has in excess
  3. Three friends you’ve lost touch with
  4. If you could live anywhere you wanted, where would you live?
  5. When did you feel truly independent for the first time?
  6. How many jobs have you held, and what you did you learn from each
  7. What skill(s) do you have that you’re grateful for?
  8. The best type of surprise
  9. What’s something that’s worth working on today, regardless of what other people think?
  10. Ten musical artists you love
  11. Write down three of your father’s favourites
  12. Do humans decide to be good?
  13. If 10-year-old you saw yourself now, what would he think
  14. How can you manage time better
  15. Would you rather move to a new city or town every week or never be able to leave the city or town you were born in?
  16. Three things you learned today
  17. What year has been your best so far?
  18. Memories beside a fireplace
  19. Who have you spent the most time with over the past month, and how have these people affected your life?
  20. What’s something that used to drive you crazy, but no longer bothers you?
  21. Who made you feel good this week?
  22. What would your perfect day be like?
  23. Your 5-year plan
  24. List some favourite jokes
  25. What book(s) have taught you a powerful lesson?
  26. What place do you consider your home?
  27. Three things you and your best friend have in common
  28. What you wore today
  29. The people who make your life better
  30. Write about three things you’re grateful for this month


  1. Things to do today, this week, this month
  2. How easy is it for you to forgive those who have caused you pain?
  3. Three places you want to travel to
  4. What’s your favourite memory of your father
  5. If you went into a bar and pretended to be someone else, you’d be…
  6. Things in the next year you’re looking forward to
  7. Open the door or window and look outside. What’s something you’re grateful for outside?
  8. The person you’re always happy to see
  9. Thoughts about today’s events
  10. Ten favourite memories of the past year
  11. What’s a hobby you want to pursue
  12. What’s your favourite memory of your mother
  13. What really inspires you to write, create, or succeed
  14. What was your biggest mistake this year
  15. Would you rather travel the world for a year on a shoestring budget or stay in only one country for a year but live in luxury?
  16. How are you creative?
  17. An event that turned out differently than planned
  18. What was the best gift you ever gave?
  19. What kinds of physical clutter have been complicating your life and diverting you from meaningful life experiences?
  20. What can you easily do to be a little kinder than usual today?
  21. What does a new beginning mean to you right now?
  22. What did you do this year that moved you closer to achieving your dream?
  23. What’s the biggest challenge you have with members of the opposite sex?
  24. Your go-to karaoke song
  25. What are you thankful for?
  26. Something you know a lot about
  27. How you procrastinate
  28. Favourite winter traditions
  29. A book you want to read
  30. A word to describe the past year
  31. Write about three things you’re grateful for this month



James Mattison

Creative director with over 20 years of experience. Reading and writing articles about the space where productivity and creativity collide at home and work.