Cole Brand
2 min readAug 28, 2016


So .. your effort was to mansplain to her?

I am one of those men that do not hold the beliefs of the vast majority of other men. I do not laugh at fart or dick jokes, I don’t find it funny to watch someone get hit in the balls, and I don’t laugh about how feminists are ruining the world.

What I _do_ is I speak up when I see other men making the world a worse place. I hear a man saying that “feelings are for sissies” and I, as a 6' 215lb stocky white male, full of privilege, quickly point out to him that feelings are for people, we all have feelings, and that to suppress them is to refuse to be human.

I point out my size to reinforce the concept that I am of the ilk that people assume that I am one of those who laugh at the jokes; I have the ability to dominate a conversation by my presence alone, and I am not ignorant of that fact. Again, full of privilege. But I acknowledge it and don’t wave it in people’s faces.

What I do is I speak against the privilege when it becomes a problem for others, and when it isn’t a problem I still bemoan it, just not loudly.

What I don’t do is start to tell a woman why she shouldn’t make jokes about feminism.

Oh, and the other thing, that I would’ve expected from someone who goes to the effort to tell the world that he has a PhD, is linebreaks. You may check them out. Remarkably they are free on the internet.

