Shape Your Brand

Jocylen Collett
2 min readOct 21, 2019


Shapes tell a story, what do you want to say?

Color, type, shape.

These things make up a graphic, a logo, a design. Often not used intentionally and to its full effectiveness, shape is one-third of the design pie that can convey your brands' message to customers.

Humans perceive shapes constantly but subconsciously. For example, an average house may be perceived as a rectangle with a triangle on the top and the sun is often presented like a circle with lines around it, according to a tubik article, “Knock Design into Shape. Psychology of Shapes”.

As a human breaksdown what they see into basic shapes, the basic shapes carry a meaning. They carry a message, a mood, a symbol.

According to a Fabrik article, “Getting your brand in shape: The psychology of logo shapes”, the human brain is designed to memorize and assign meaning to shapes. For this reason, it is crucial to put thought into shape when designing a logo, symbol, or brand visual.

People will remember the visual.

The visual will mean something to the people.

Consider the meaning of your brand when choosing shapes for your design. Do you want to convey strength? Incorporate circles.

Do you want to be seen as reliable and secure? Use a square or rectangle.

The psychology behind shape doesn’t stop at basic kindergarten shapes. Spirals, natural and organic shapes (leaves, trees, animals, etc), or abstract shapes not easily recognizable also carry meaning.

For example, an abstract shape with only a small inclination of what it actually is will convey elaborateness or uniqueness.

Shapes do not strictly have only a relationship with symbolism and meaning. They can also be tools to organize and guide the viewer's eye.

Why is a text box a box, for example?

It’s easy to read, easy to scan. Putting text in an abstract shape, or triangle even, would be harder to process and understand quickly.

Consider not just color and typography in your design. How are you framing it?

What do the icons speak to the viewer?

Shape your brand. Convey the intended message using all parts of design. Learn all parts of the visual language.

#CollettConludes #KentInfoGr


