BLI.Global Notes


The Blockchain Legal Institute is excited to announce a special Happy Birthday edition of our newsletter! In this milestone issue, we celebrate the journey of our institute and the groundbreaking strides we’ve made in the realm of blockchain law. As we reflect on our growth and accomplishments, we are thrilled to share that the idea of a centralized library dedicated to blockchain legal resources was conceived at the prestigious Bitcoin 2023 conference in Miami.

Join us in commemorating this significant moment and stay tuned for insightful articles, updates, and features in our anniversary edition.

While I was at the Bitcoin Cinderella booth during the Bitcoin Conference 2023 in Miami in May 2023, a young lawyer approached the booth seeking resources to kickstart her journey in the blockchain and Bitcoin legal field. Eager to assist, I promptly offered her the necessary information. However, as she walked away, it struck me how challenging her path might be without a centralized library to access essential knowledge within our decentralized community. This realization prompted the birth of the Blockchain Legal Institute, aimed at supporting and guiding those venturing into this area by offering services, a platform for referrals, a directory, and educational resources covering a range of topics. I turned to my associate (now Co-Founder) and together we sat down and outlined on a napkin the vision for the Blockchain Legal Institute. A special thank you to CleanSpark for the sponsorship of the Bitcoin Cinderella & The 7 Dwarves so we could give away Samantha’s story to over 1000 families.

Our Origin Story

Our First Hackathon

Between May and July 2023, Matt Rogers (also, BLI’s CTO) and I dedicated our efforts to crafting the design of the library, culminating in the launch of on July 23, 2023. In a significant milestone, we also hosted our inaugural Blockchain Legal Institute Talk Show in collaboration with my role as the Talk Show Host at the Government Blockchain Association. The episode featured a compelling interview with Dino Cataldo Dell’Accio from the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund and Gerard Dache, the Founder of the Government Blockchain Association. Together, we delved into discussions about the United Nations’ incorporation of blockchain technology into their pension fund and the introduction of the Blockchain Maturity Model within the GBA, aimed at fostering growth and advancement in the realm of blockchain businesses.

Growth of Partnerships

Over the past 10 months, the Blockchain Legal Institute has been bolstered by numerous remarkable partnerships, all dedicated to advancing our mission and vision. These partners span the globe, from India to Bermuda, Europe to Africa.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all our partners for their invaluable support during our inaugural charter year.

Anti-Human Trafficking Intelligence Initiative


Fouways Inn & Restaurant

Nagel Warren Mansion

777 Exotic Cars

A & I Partners


Project Pi

Larry Cameron

University of Wyoming Center for Blockchain Center & Digital Innovation


Special Thanks To Our Association Supporters For Their Continual Global Contributions:

Global Business Blockchain Council

Government Blockchain Association


Nordic Blockchain Association


Atlantic Blockchain Center

Special Thanks & Recognition of the continued support of:

The Bermuda Business Community & Government staff (to include the Premier of Bermuda)

Catawba Digital Economic Zone

Special Thanks To The BLI Interns & Contributors!

Our team of support includes college interns and professionals supporting our efforts to grow the library and provide resources to our decentralized community. We have welcomed interns from around the globe from Canada to the United States to Bermuda to India to Africa to Europe to Asia. Special thanks to Austin, Emilee, Isra, Michelle, Mai, Josie, Michelle, Oge, Michael, Vandale, Patrina, Chris, Bourn, Anthony & others who share each week.

Special Thanks To All of the Members of the Blockchain Legal Institute!

To just highlight a few, enjoy watching the following Blockchain Member Byte Talk Shows:

Oge Anene

FB Block

North Dakota Blockchain Association

Nordic Blockchain Association

James Gray


Eric Guthrie


Catawba Digital Economic Zone

University of Wisconsin Blockchain Center: Professor Lupien

Tatsiana Turgot

Adam Miller: MIDAO

& More In Production…

Special Thanks To All Contributing To The Virtual Global Summits!

Our team hosts two global virtual summits that address critical topics within blockchain, compliance, and real-world events.

Each of these summits feature three hours of interactive conversations with international panelists and can be viewed at

First, a special thanks to the Premier of Bermuda and his office for setting the standard for our KeyNote addresses.

Second, a special thank you to the President of Liberland for being a visionary in creating a country founded on libertarian and blockchain principles.

A special thank you to each person who spoke at our Global Summits in October & March. Each of these individuals are thought leaders following their heart and mentoring others in our community. Be sure to follow them on social media.

A very special thanks to our production team for making these events a success. Without the coordination by Ivan and his remarkable team, we could not have produced these remarkable three plus hour summits with multiple panels and green rooms. Our production team includes: Ivan D., AmericanCrypto Academy, Evan, Ryan, Austin & so many others.

Be sure to register for our next free virtual Global Summit on October 23rd, 2024.

BLI Conference Road Show & Speaking Events:

As part of our efforts to share with those in different communities, we knew we would be attending multiple conferences over the past year.

The Blockchain Legal Institute’s conference road show started at the Bitcoin Conference in May 2023 with our sharing the exciting news about the launch of a centralized library to support our decentralized community. Since July 2023, the BLI team has attended and been asked to speak both in person as well at virtual events to include:

In Person Events:

EthToronto: August 2023

Government Blockchain Association: Washington DC event: September 2023

Bermuda Fintech Conference: October 2023: Luncheon KeyNote address

EthDenver: February 2023: Speaker & Panel Leader: Dying is a B-tch: How To Beat the Grim Reaper With Your Digital Asset Organizer

Government Blockchain Association: Washington DC. event: May 2023

NYCNFT: New York City: April 2023

Bitcoin Energy Summit: Miami: April 2023

Bitcoin Policy Institute Summit: Washington D.C.: April 2023

Consensus: May 2024

EthToronto: August 2024: Speaking (to be announced)

SALT Conference: August 2024: Speaking (to be announced)

& more to be announced.

A Hybrid Conference

The Blockchain Legal Institute’s team will be speaking & producing at a unique Think Tank Summit in November 2024 known as the Crypto.Blockchain.Defi.Conversation Cruise. This in person event will be recorded. A book will also be published to feature the panelists and conversations held at the Summit. The 27 panels with over 30 hours of content will be recorded and streamed after the cruise to 15 million families. If you would like to speak at this Summit, we are only accepting 50 speaking applications, reach out to see if we have any spots left.

Blockchain Legal Institute was featured over the past year on Twitter, Talk Shows, Podcasts, Streaming & other media. Check out the News Room

AdLunam Twitter Space August 2023

The Mirror Protocol 2023

UEthUniversity May 2024

She Nodes Podcast 2024

William Laurent Podcast 2024

Trevor Talley Podcast 2023

Life With Bitcoin Podcast 2024

The Best of You August 2024

HackHERZ Podcast 2024

Goose Magazine 2024

Boom It’s On The Blockchain 2023 & 2024

In addition to providing online resources as a library, the Blockchain Legal Institute is continuing the publishing tradition started by CryptoMom2.

The Blockchain Legal Institute is in the process of publishing two new additions of the Bitcoin Cinderella books (Bitcoin Cinderella & The Pink Sands Treasures of Bermuda, The Bitcoin Cinderella & The True Stories of Women in Bitcoin) as well as resources to support individuals and attorneys on how to organize their digital assets for their will and estate planning

Special thanks to Patrina Pelton-Smith from the Business of Charity for the incorporation and guidance on all steps of this process.

The Blockchain Legal Institute Foundation is a 501(c)3 non profit organization dedicated to shaping the next generation’s knowledge of digital assets and wealth.

The Maryland Blockchain Association is aligned with the U.S. Blockchain Coalition and is dedicated to supporting Maryland as a global leader in the blockchain and DeFi community.

Special thank you to those who are continuing to provide resources to share within the centralized library to help the growth of the BLI vision of being reliable blockchain wikipedia and educational resource for individuals, business and professionals.

Special thanks to our Honorary Advisory Committee for their constant support and feedback as we have been growing: Alejandro Mandujano, Carmen Indalecio (aka Carmen Crypto), Anthony Howell, Nadja Bester, Co-Founder (AdLunam Inc.), Michael Charles Borrelli: AI & Partners Co-Founder, Sean Musch: AI-Partners, Co-Founder of AI & Partners, Michelle St Jane LL.b, MA, PhD, Diego Torres, Founder, JADA-AI, Anurag Yadev, Dr. Chris Smithmyer: Black Wallet, Enrique Anzar, Blockchain Attorney, Entrepreneur, Compliance Officer & ESG Consultant, Radhakrishnan Mahalingam, Blockchain Consultant,(State of Qatar).

Special thanks to both Gerard Dache, Anthony Howell, Bourne Collier, & Dale Chrystie for sharing strategic planning ideas throughout the year. Although we tried to remember all the adventures we had since the start of the Blockchain Legal Institute’s short existence, we are sure there might have been events, people and media not mentioned. If you see that we have not mentioned an adventure with you or your team, let us know and we will include in one of the next BLI.Notes since each of you should have a page within our library so your story can be shared as well as we travel together us on this amazing journey.

As I always share at the end of my talk shows,

Be kind to yourself, Be Kind to others, we are all part of this journey and we are all so interconnected, now more than ever…

Be sure to become a member by visiting!



J. Cooper, JD, Travel & Blockchain Consultant

Talk Show Host & Producer: JCooperTravels/LoveTravelScotland/CryptoMom2 & VirtualCareerDay