Let’s March Into Our Life With A Spring In Our Step…

The Happ-Y-Ness Factor News — 3

A Balance of Light & Dark

Congratulations! We are about to enjoy the beauty of Spring. The Spring Equinox is on March 20th at 5:24 p.m. and we can tap into this energy to bring balance to our life as well.

Spring is about creation, awakenings, and rebirth. How are you helping yourself to regain the joy and balance in your life?

I am finding that ever since I started this journey of blogging for you on my journey of happ-y-ness, the universe has provided many “tests” to see how am I applying the lessons learned. To be truly honest with everyone, I have not been all smiles this past month. There have been some difficult moments from experiencing the loss of a very dear relative who made some very important life decisions to helping a friend with the transition of a long-term relationship. Each one of these personal experiences asked me to dig deep to focus outside of myself to support those who needed to know they were loved and not judged.

This was a month I also asked myself the questions I ask for us all…

How do we love ourselves?

How do we not judge ourselves?

How do we step outside of the expected norms to find within the personal truth we can live with and be happy with?

What are we willing to let go in order to find this happiness?

And, can we accept we might not always see the timing is right but truly everything is really in perfect order…

Let’s chat about our Mind. Since it is Spring, let’s view our mind like a plant. How are we nurturing our mind this month? What food are we feeding it? What thoughts are we sharing with it? How is our self talk?

As we know there are many parts to our mind that impact our happ-y-ness. There is the part of our mind we organize for our business. There is a part of our mind we organize for our family. There is a part of our mind we organize for ourself. I am finding that in order for me to create my own happ-y-ness, I have to create compartments. These little boxes have doors to be opened or closed depending on the time of the day and the people associated with the boxes.

Do you have boxes? Do you compartmentalize your day? Do the activities of the day spill over into other parts of the day? Sometimes to find balance we have to set boundaries and create these compartments. It does not mean that we ignore the boxes. We just have to set them aside (in my opinion) in order to enjoy a different part of the day. It also does not mean we don’t acknowledge the stress or joy of the box. It just means we have the ability to separate ourselves and objectively look at the situations from a different viewpoint.

Does your work day impact your day at home with your family, friends, or private time? Does your work day drain or energize you? Do you know how to re-energize yourself when you get home? Or, vice versa…. Does your family life need mini-boxes so you can enjoy different parts of this day as well. Think about how you want to create your vision board with these parts of your life…

We only have 24 hours in each day. As the saying goes, if you love what you do then you are not working during the day. So the joy you are getting from your work will feed into your family life. Does your family life give you the same joy? If we only have 24 hours in each day, how are we deciding to spend the gift of time given?

Spring is about shifting. The seeds we plant now will push through the dirt and grow flowers, vegetables, fruits, bushes, trees, or weeds. We can create anything. We have the power of our mind. How do we want to use it?

On a personal note, this past month I have been intensely writing my 2nd book in the series of The Bitcoin Cinderella. I am creating a new genre — blockchain fiction — something similar to historical fiction — embedding technical terms needed to understand the blockchain within a fairy tale story. This 2nd book is called, The Bitcoin Cinderella & The 7 Dwarves. Cinderella & Snow White go on this adventure together to discover and learn all about Bitcoin and its mining community.

In creating my vision board for the month, this was one of the seeds I decided I wanted to plant to help me create my balance and joy. Have you created your vision board? Remember, your vision board can be for the hour, day, week, and month. It does have to be intense. It helps guide the mind on the journey you want to take.

Let’s talk sleep. How restful is your sleep? Maybe it is time to take a trip to a mattress store and to try out different styles to see if you are on the right mattress to get the most restful sleep. I recently treated myself to a new platform so my mattress would sit more comfortably and I am grateful for the change. More solid hours of sleep makes you more energized during the day.

Why You Need More Zzzzs

To accomplish your daydreams, you’ll need to dream more at night. Another area to check out before you go to sleep is what your body might need to be restful when you place your head down to rest. As I have mentioned in my earlier blogs, I enjoy different Isagenix products to include Renewal Sleep Support™.

  • How quickly you drift off into dreamland
  • Daily focus and cognitive function
  • A longer, healthier circadian rhythm

Enter Renewal Sleep Support — with natural melatonin working together with valerian root and chamomile.

Seize the Day by Owning the Night

Sometimes the only difference between being stressed and being your best is a good night’s sleep. Think about trying a fast-acting oral melatonin sleep spray, infused with scientifically proven botanicals to help realign the body’s natural sleep cycle.

  • Can support improved sleep quality for a more restful night*
  • Enriched with melatonin, tart cherry, valerian root, chamomile, and L-theanine.†
  • Can help relieve the effects of jet lag.*
  • Refreshing cool spearmint flavor
  • No artificial flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives

Now…Let’s talk travel. Have you ever dreamed about vacationing on a yacht? Or, even owning a yacht?

If you like the idea of cruising, you need to think about booking a yacht for your family or group. The rates can be about the same as if you booked your hotel, excursions and other travel expenses. As a Certified Travel Agent, I have recently started to explore how I can help clients enjoy navigating around the world.

Be sure to subscribe to my JCooperTravels YouTube Channel so you can view the interviews I am hosting within this niche travel area.

Fun facts about Croatia include..Croatia is home of the world’s biggest truffle. Croatia has highest number of UNESCO Intangible Goods of any European country. Zlatni rat beach changes in shape and colour depending on the wind. Croatia has the richest collection of remains of Neanderthal people in the world.

Even if you have not thought about traveling to Croatia, take some time to dream. Find watch this travel video and create a small space in your day to take a visual travel trip and imagine yourself on a beach, reading a book, listening to music or the waves and just resting. We can all take our virtual staycations when we need those moments.

When you are ready to book your trip to Croatia, email me at jcoopertravels@gmail.com.

If you are thinking about owning a boat, take a listen to my second conversation. Each month on my YouTube channel I will be chatting with others from around the world about places to see and how to save to enjoy your dream trips.

Now let’s talk movement since it is important for us to enjoy the body we have. I would record my moves…But….LOL….Have fun… Let’s keep moving… Enjoy this video on Youtube for adult dance moves.

Spring is about plants… Do you have any in your home? If you do, great! Are you planning on repotting the plants? Think about what they need, just like we are thinking about what we need. If you don’t have any plants, think about getting a few just to bring in the beauty of the outside to your inside home. Plants are known to help with our mood.

Top 10 Mood-Boosting Houseplants

  • Aloe vera. The gel from aloe vera can help to soothe acne, burns and dry skin; helping you both physically and mentally. …
  • Lavender. …
  • Snake plant. …
  • Peace lily. …
  • Monstera plant. …
  • English ivy. …
  • Venus fly trap. …
  • Peacock plant.

Plants bring relief in enclosed spaces. If you are stuck in an office or other small space for hours at a time, plants can bring about feelings of escape. In a study conducted during pandemic stay-at-home orders, participants who had indoor plants experienced significantly fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety than those who did not. Being surrounded by houseplants led to feelings of “being away” from social or physical demands.

Let’s talk next steps… Let’s March into our life with a Spring in our step… I know … this might be a bit corny but enjoy the humor…

Steps to take this month:

1) Create Your Vision Board

2) Add a plant to your home or office.

3) Subscribe to JCooperTravels YouTube so you can see the travel, wellness, and other lifestyle videos I have posted or will be sharing.

4) Plan something fun on your calendar each week. Make it different than your normal routine so you can enjoy the energy of the Snow Globe (e.g. shake it up a bit).

5) Add some physical activity to your day to enjoy the gift of the body we have been given.

6) Do something kind for someone else. They don’t need to know.

As always I always share… Be kind to yourself — be kind to others — we are all interconnected and part of one world.

Have a great month! Chat with you soon.

Keep those messages coming!!!


J. Cooper, JD, Travel & Blockchain Consultant

Talk Show Host & Producer: JCooperTravels/LoveTravelScotland/CryptoMom2 & VirtualCareerDay