The Happ-Y-Ness Factor News — 4


Where on Earth Are You? Let’s Meet For Coffee or Tea!

I decided to release the Happ-Y-Ness Factor News on Tax Day when so many might not be feeling happy. Although this day can be stressful, it can also be a reminder to start something new and to plan for what we didn’t do last year….

Did you know that April has many other holidays associated with it both in the United States as well as around the world?

From Earth Day to Be Kind to Spiders Week to the Holy Week to National Public Health Week to National Robotics Week to National Wildlife Week to National Dance Week to National Library Week and so many more…

There is always something to celebrate and a reason to be aware of where we are, who we are, and how we can support each other. This month I would like to ask that you place on your calendar some time for you to have fun to enjoy the moments of being involved with our communities.

This month’s topic is about how we use our calendar to support ourselves. We all have a calendar. Do you use an online calendar? A paper calendar? Our time is our most prescious commodity. We cannot get back the seconds we spend.

I was recently watching a documentary on Amazon Prime called “Heal.” It’s a very interesting documentary outlining how our personal journey can impact our health. Many of the concepts shared in the documentary you might already be aware of.

However, someone spoke about how we often take a shower to wash the dirt off our body but we don’t always think about the “dirt” we allow to penetrate our minds. We need to be equally careful what we place in our minds since that can generate the long term chemicals in our body, combined with daily stress, to create the dis-ease we then experience.

If you are not sure how to meditate to clear your mind let me share a YouTube video that maybe can help you clear your mind and help you.

Once your mind is clear, let’s talk about that calendar again!

What works best for you? I use both. I use a google calendar to send me reminders and a massive list that I like to use to cross off what I have done. I am always rewriting my list. I have a daily list, a monthly list, and a quarterly list. Within these lists, I break down my areas into four categories: Top 3 daily, personal needs, business needs, and professional needs.

During my day I break it down into early morning, main day, and evening. I look at what are the 3 most important activities for me to do and schedule those during the time slots I can accomplish them. However, I also know that sometimes the day doesn’t go as planned so I might have to be flexible. I always look at my deadlines and try to do things well before the required deadline so if a change in the day happens I don’t feel the pressure of time.

I know I am more creative in the morning so I look at doing writing and activities like that early on. I also always schedule my sleep and exercise first. I do this so I know what is left within my day.

Something new I am doing this year is scheduling “time off” — I know if based on my personality I need to put that on my schedule so I get “me” time.

Did you know you can visit Canva and create calendar tools? This link can provide many tips and tools to help you free up your mind and free up your time. I also use calendly to help organize my meetings.

Let’s chat about where we are doing on our travels! Summer is coming. I have just booked a trip to Montreal with my daughter. I am heading to the Bitcoin 2023 event in Miami and will be enjoying beach time in May. I am making my list of travel destinations to include Japan, New Zealand, Scotland, New Orleans, and so many other locations.

Where do you want to go? Even if you cannot get there in the next month, you can virtually take a trip and enjoy while you do the research and planning for your next vacation. Enjoy Virtual tours on this platform, or this platform.

When you do decide to travel, email me at so I can chat with you about travel savings tips I have learned. Be sure to also connect with me about travel insurance for your trips. It is best to have peace of mind when you travel in case the unexpected happens.

Have you thought about doing something wild and crazy? How about booking a yacht for your vacation? It’s not as pricey as you might expect. When you cost out the food, hotels, excursions, etc, you might find that this is a dream vacation that is actually within reach.

The FALCH is a true sports motor yacht that will leave any yacht lover speechless. With this model Azimut managed to get absolute comfort and speed within that guarantees complete comfort and ability to island hop the Adriatic in style. With new upgrades, the yacht will get new water toys, tender, and will have 2 crew members offering a stress free vacation for the guests on board. Yacht offers accommodation in 3 cabins 1 VIP, 1 master and 1 twin or double cabin.

Put this on your vision board! Let’s make your dreams happen!

If you are thinking that you would like to do more than just travel on a yacht… Check out my conversation with Laurie Kiser at the West Palm Beach Boat Show about how you can actually invest in a boat.

As you travel, whether on land or water, look for those who are taking the pledge to help with sustainable travel options. Each one of us can make a difference. The Sustainable Travel Pledge allows for those in the travel world to support future generations by acting now with the future in mind.

April is also about Earth Day!

Sustainable Travel Pledges

For example, the Beach Bay Hvar Hotel, Hvar, in Croatia…

Hvar is a stunning island located in the Adriatic Sea, known for its beautiful beaches, crystal clear waters and vibrant nightlife. In recent years, the island has become a popular destination for tourists from all over the world, leading to concerns about the impact of tourism on the local environment and community.

The Beach Bay Hvar Hotel is not only the island’s first sustainable hotel, but also the first hotel in Croatia to join UNESCO’s newest tourism program, Sustainable Travel Pledge, a program that promotes sustainable tourism practices and encourages hotels to minimize their environmental impact.

One of the standout features of the Beach Bay Hvar Hotel is its internal solar-power system. Hvar is one of the sunniest islands in the Adriatic, with over 2,800 hours of annual sunshine. By utilizing this renewable energy source, the eco-friendly hotel can significantly reduce its carbon footprint and contribute to the island’s overall sustainability efforts.

Giving back to others is like a boomerang. There is always the “law of return.”

If you would like to give back to our Earth — think about doing something on Earth Day and then each day thereafter. You can do so almost anywhere around the world. There are 7 major international celebrations you can travel to enjoy and support.

If you are interested in learning about sustainable careers and organizations helping our next generation grow, check out the conversation I had with The GreenLight Solution.

Think about how you can make a change within your own community by considering adding solar to your home. There is no cost to make the change. In fact, you can save money and earn money. Contact me at so we can set up a 15 minute chat to see if your home or business qualifies for the solar credits and benefits.

Finally, April is also National Stress Awareness Month… the best way to manage stress is to acknowledge that we all have stress and to plan your calendar so you can add more daily joy to bring the smile back to your lips and a feeling of laughter back to your ears. We all deserve to be happy!!!

It’s all about perspective! If the link does not work properly look for the 3D view of giraffe and elephant. It’s amazing…

Let’s talk next steps… Let April be about new beginnings of joy and laughter.

Our planet gives us the gift of stability. This month plan on…

1) Decide how to calendar your time.

2) Take a virtual trip.

3) Subscribe to JCooperTravels YouTube so you can see the travel, wellness, and other lifestyle videos I have posted or will be sharing.

5) Add a few minutes of meditating during your day to wash your mind.

6) Smile at someone you see. Your smile might be what they need to have a better day.

7) Email me to learn more about how solar can bring sunlight to your home and money back into your wallet (

As always I always share… Be kind to yourself — be kind to others — we are all interconnected and part of one world.

Have a great month! Chat with you soon.

Keep those messages coming!!!




J. Cooper, JD, Travel & Blockchain Consultant

Talk Show Host & Producer: JCooperTravels/LoveTravelScotland/CryptoMom2 & VirtualCareerDay