Visualization with React

Jérôme Cukier
3 min readJun 29, 2018


I originally wrote that guide 2 years ago on my blog I’m moving this to Medium for convenience. I am presenting the articles as they were written then with remarks when some syntax is no longer the best. Enjoy!

In what seemed a lifetime ago now, I wrote tutorials to help people get started with Protovis as I learned it myself (it is indeed a lifetime away since Protovis is dead and buried for all intents and purposes). And a few years ago, I did the same for d3 as this started to become the most powerful visualization framework and for which documentation was still scarce. I wrote these tutorials to help me learn, but since then I have met many people who found them useful which blew my mind. By documenting my learning, I got noticed by Facebook and travelled 9000 miles to a new life.

At Facebook, I had some loosely-defined data visualization explorer role. While I joined during the infancy of React, I didn’t feel super comfortable using it then — I felt more effective writing one-off d3 applications. Eventually, I moved on and am now working at Uber as a fully-fledged data visualization engineer. I work almost exclusively with dashboards, which have a pretty elaborate UI.

Like in many other companies, at Uber, we use React for our web applications, including our visualizations, dashboards and maps. Increasingly, React is becoming the lingua franca of visualization: more than a tool that allows one to draw data, a mindset that informs how one should think a visualization. React is no longer a young library — the initial public release dates back from May 2013, and its very first application at Facebook was visualization (my first Facebook project, pages insights). There’s already many, many learning resources and tutorials for React. What I’ll try to do here is to show how React can be used for visualization: hopefully, this will be useful both for people who come from d3 and who’ve never worked with a web framework before, and for people who are familiar with React but who don’t know visualization well. That won’t be a complete and exhaustive guide, more a way to get started with references on how to go further.

The articles

I’ve structured this guide in 7 parts, and I’ll publish one per day:

  1. React vs D3, where we’ll explore similarities and differences between these two frameworks.
  2. An ES6 primer. I have written all the examples in good, sensible, modern ES6 javascript, because as of 2016 this is probably the most common syntax. Without going too deep into the details, I’ll explain what parts of the language I used for the examples, and how they differ from ES5.
  3. Gentle introduction to coding with React, where we’ll explore the high-level concepts of the framework and see how we can create visual elements from data. We’ll end on a presentation of JSX, a flavor of Javascript used to write React applications, which I’ll also use for most of the examples for the same reasons as ES6 — because it’s the most widespread way of writing React code today.
  4. React components, the most important concept in React and the building blocks of React applications.
  5. Beyond rendering. We’ll look at the React concept of lifecycle methods, and also how we can use d3 within React components.
  6. Creating a React visualization web app — using what we’ve seen, and two libraries — Facebook’s create-react-app and Uber’s React-vis, we’ll create a small standalone React visualization that can be deployed on its own website.
  7. The big leagues — in that last part, we’ll write together a more complex visualization with live data and several components interacting with one another.

The code

The examples of parts 1–5 can be found on codepen.

