Make The Hard Choices

Jeannette Vander Putten
2 min readSep 1, 2022


WAKE UP!! Are you listening to me? Stop crying. Stop feeling hopeless. Stop feeding your emotions with self doubt and self hate. You are not going to die. You are not going to crawl into a hole and stay forever. Your life is not over. So you have a few hard choices to make. So what. We all have hard choices to make in life. Thats life! Remember when you parents told you life was not easy? That it was hard as hell and you were going to have to work at it. One of those things we have work at are making the hard choices. Yep your parents were right. As hard as that is for you to admit. It’s true. They may not have been right about everything. However they hit the damn nail on the head with this one. I have news for you. Hard choices will always be there. They will always be lerking around the corner. Just waiting to jump out at us and hit us on the head. SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?

Your going to make the hard choice! Then you are going except whatever the choice is you made and move the heck move on. It’s up to you. Your in control of it’s outcome. No one else just you. Embrace the journey of the choice. Stop looking at it as an enemy. Make it your friend. When you do this your fear will cease to exist. You will be able to make the hard choices with ease. No more feelings of hopelessness and fear. No more crying and feeling sorry for yourself. MAKE THE CHOICE!! YOU GOT THIS!! IT’S YOUR CHOICE!!




Jeannette Vander Putten

Life has many interesting observations. We must share these to help others. My hope is that my writing can inspire others to use their life to do the same.